Don't Say the "M" Word!
Why don’t the Big Corporations pay their fair share of Taxes? Read and find out!
Whoever enters here honors me; whoever doesn’t- pleases me.
-Friedrich Nietzsche
Live Yet Pre-recorded- Episode LIX of:
Don’t Say the “M” Word!
A Silent Radio Hour: Live Yet Pre-Recorded
J: Hey we’re back!
D: Live yet pre-recorded!
J: Here on silent radio!
D: We’re Jonathan and Drew!
J: And some have taken to calling us the Anal Brothers!
D: Don’t quite understand that one Jonathan?
J: No need to brother Drew!
POW: Just go with the flow fellows! Oh! Sorry! Constipated once more!
W: Here’s something to help boys!
D: Dare we say?
W: Indeed! Some Good Ole Fashioned Chinese Green Tea or GOFCGIT sold by Mother Eu-funh or Playful Phoenix, a Mom and Pop Corner Tea Store in Hong Kong, China or MEPPMPCTSHKC and popcorn! It’ll clean you two right out!
J&D: Thank you!
W: Very welcome my two darlings!
POW: If we might finally finish “our” Tell Of Tales or TOT concerning The Legend of Walt Ohno and his beaning of Bruce Jefferys of, the mighty online retail giant Head-Quartered or HQ in Seattle, Washington Unites States of Damn! OnLine Retail’s Certainly is Covering the Entire Planet Like a Plague but Won’t Pay It’s Fair Share of Taxes Here or USDCcOLRCCEPLPWPIFSTH in: America!
J: None of the Big Corporations or BCs pay their fair share of taxes!
D: Damn those Corporations or Cs! Pay your fair share AssHoles or AHs!
J&D&POW&NOAC&W: Pay your fair share of taxes you Evil Corporations or ECs!
MSC: You people are missing the point!
J&D&POW&NOAC&W: What’s the point?
MSC: The money they save in not paying their shares of taxes goes back into reinvestment! Goes into the pockets of the workers! It Make America Great Again or MAGA! And now don’t we all wanna be MAGA?
POW: Not at the expense of “our” cites!
J: Yeah! Look at Seattle here where we live! Rents keep escalating and the workers can’t find a decent place to live!
POW: And what happens Jonathan?
J: Homelessness! Poverty! Broken families! Ruined lives!
POW: And what do companies like and do?
J: They keep reaching out their hands for more and more tax breaks so we can Make America Great Again or MAGA!
D: More like MegaDeath or MD!
POW: We all gonna need the MD as people continually decay while incomes rocket to a small percentage of the population who gets and keeps all the wealth!
J: And everybody sing!
J&D&POW&NOAC&MSC&W: ‘Endangered species, caged in fright Shot in cold blood, no chance to fight The stage is set, now pay the price An ego boost, don't think twice Technology, the battle’s unfair You pull the hammer without a care Squeeze the trigger that makes you man Pseudo-safari, the hunt is canned The hunt is canned All are gone, all but one No contest, nowhere to run No more left, only one This is it, this is the countdown to extinction Tell the truth, you wouldn't dare The skin and trophy, oh so rare Silence speaks louder than words Ignore the guilt, and take your turn Liars anagram is “lairs” Man you were never even there Killed a few feet from the cages Point blank, you’re so courageous So courageous All are gone, all but one No contest, nowhere to run No more left, only one This is it, this is the countdown to extinction One hour from now Another species of life form Will disappear off the face of the planet Forever and the rate is accelerating All are gone, all but one No contest, nowhere to run No more left, only one This is it, this is the countdown to extinction!’
D: Love that ‘Countdown to Extinction’ by Mega Death or MD!
MSC: FAKE NEWS ALERT! “Our” Great Corporations or GC will never allow this to happen!
POW: You mean “our” One Vast Corporate Monopoly or OVCM named…
D: I thought it was or what Jonathan calls ‘that up and coming but many say ‘Better look out!’ but Jonathan says: Bullshit company?
Mr.NOAC: Drew?
Drew: Yes NOAC?
Mr.NOAC: The two are the same one!’s the factious company I made up in my whistles-blowers, insiders Tell Of Tales or TOT about life inside!
D: What?
Mr.NOAC: You know! A fun read if there ever was one! ‘Zen & the Art of Mastur…
J&D&POW&MSC&W: Don’t Say the “M” Word NOAC!
Mr.NOAC: Wouldn’t think of it! And that’s “Mr.” NOAC to you! ‘Experience the End of the Aeon at The Spank the Monkey Café, a Farce or Love Story, I’m Not Certain which’ deftly wields tongue-in-cheek humor which’s a lyrically acrobatic read taking aim at the absurdity of working and living in our highly technological, commercialized society! The plot hop scotches across time and space with a cast of characters foolish and farcical, Zen & the Art’s a satire tour de force in the vein of Tom Robbins or Joseph Heller’s Catch-22 as it holds a funhouse mirror up to our modern on-line retail monopoly and our own insatiable hunger for Stupid Ass Scratching Stuff or SASS just one click of the mouse away!
D: Really?
Mr.NOAC: Yes, really! Similar to the works of Kurt Vonnegut, Joseph Heller, Douglas Adams and Tom Robbins; Mark Oglesby, better known to his blog readers from ‘Don’t Say the “M” Word’ on and as SASMO or Stupid Ass Scratching Mark Oglesby, uses satire, farce, dark-humor and ridiculous mockery in order to demonstrate the circus like atmosphere existing in the hyper-driven universe known as! As stated by one of his many readers: ‘I laughed so hard I nearly wet myself! I also cried because I live through this nonsensical nightmare daily!’ By the way! On sale now at, Book-Finder, Google Books and most book dealers around the globe! ISBN: 978-1-4809-4141-0! A fun read if there ever was one!
D: Impressive!
J: Not really!
POW: So then! Where are the rest of us headed?
J&D: Downtown on…
J&D&POW&NOAC&W: Skid Row or SR! ‘Alarm goes off at seven and you start up-town. You put in your ten hours for the powers that have always been. (Sing it child) 'Til it's six-pm... "Then you go..." Amazon! Where the folks are broke. You go Amazon! Where your life's a joke. You go Amazon! Where you buy a token. You go... Home to Skid Row. "Yes you go..." Amazon! Where the cabs don't stop. Amazon! Where the food is slop. Amazon! Where the hop-heads flop in the snow... Down on Skid Row. Amazon! you cater to a billion jerks. Amazon! you're messengers and mailroom clerks. Eating all your lunches at the hot-dog carts. The bosses take your money and they break your hearts. And Amazon! you cater to a billion whores. You disinfect terrazzo on their bathroom floors. The jobs are really menial you make no bread. And then at six-o'clock you head "By subway..." Amazon! Where the guys are drips. Amazon! Where they rip your slips. Amazon! Where relationships are no go. Down on Skid Row. Poor, all my life I've always been poor. I keep askin' God what I'm for. And he tells me, "Gee, I'm not sure." "Sweep that floor, kid!" Oh! I started life as an orphan, A child of the street, here on Skid Row! He took me in gave me shelter A bed, crust of bread and a job. Treats me like dirt and calls me a slob, Which I am... So I live Amazon! That's your home address, you live Amazon! When your life's a mess, you live Amazon! Where depression's just status quo. Down on Skid Row. Someone show me a way to get outta here. 'Cause I constantly pray I'll get outta here. Please won't somebody say I'll get outta here. Someone gimmie my shot, or I'll rot here! (Amazon!) Show me how and I will, I'll get outta here. (There's no rules for us) (Amazon!) I'll start climbin' up hill and get outta here. ('Cause it's dangerous) (Amazon!) Someone tell me I still could get outta here. (Where there rainbow just doesn't show) Someone tell lady luck that I'm stuck here! (When you get...) (Amazon!) Gee it sure would be swell to get outta here. Bid the gutter farewell and get outta here. I'd move heaven and hell to get outta Skid. I'd do I don't know what to get outta Skid. But a hell of a lot to get outta Skid. People tell me there's not a way outta Skid. But believe me I gotta get outta (Amazon!) Skid Row!’
POW: And what happens next?
J&D&POW&NOAC&W: The Hunger Games!
POW: And speaking of games?
J&D&NOAC&W: Yes?
POW: Let’s finish “our” Tell Of Tales or TOT concerning The Legend of Walt Ohno! “Mr.” NOAC, please!
Mr.NOAC: Fortunately for the Seattle Mariners baseball fans the sixth, seventh and eighth inning went like clock-work as the progression of the game had an intensity which matched the single-minded stare in Walt Ohno’s eyes which desired that the all inclusive ninth-inning come into being as he wanted this thing over and done!
J&D: What was that NOAC?
Mr.NOAC: For Walter Ohno it wasn’t the glory of the perfect game! Nor was it for the redemption of his beaning of Bruce Jefferys earlier in the evening! Hell, it wasn’t even for those fans calling his name: ‘Ohno! Ohno! Ohno!’ In short, it was for her and what they’d shared in their life together! Their home! Their children! Their wondrous SEX! Oh the glory of simply being: Human! The vivid luminosity of the moment embraced by this simple state of knowingly becoming an authentic person living in the moment!
Newsflash: In New York City, New York, Pamela Pixy’s once again hearing voices in her head directing her to immediately go to Seattle, Washington where Paula Pixy’s anxiously waiting the voices in her head to give her that anointed cue: “…three, two, one and go!” the voices having done their duty:
‘Here in Seattle, Washington, United States of Do We Really Have a Future Here or USDWRHFH in: America? People are holding their collective breaths in baited anticipation of Walt Ohno and his perfect game here at the start of the 2014 Major League Baseball season. And while the game itself has been long decided, 15 to 0 against the visiting Angels; still, the top of the ninth and two out with two strikes to the final hitter and it’s a done deal! Indeed, the perfect game!’
Mr.NOAC: Here on his tiny island habitation still known as the pitchers mound, Walt Ohno’s power of concentration’s on high alert as the greatness of the moment has captured his heart and soul. One last strike and its ‘Miller-Time’ if not emancipation from the beaning of Bruce Jefferys, founder and CEO of! Speaking of which, no one assembled here in the ballpark could or would actually give a hairy-rats ass insofar as a perfect game’s an extraordinary event to behold if not participate in whereas the life and times of the world’s first trillionire’s simply yesterday’s news: Work Hard! Have Fun! Make History! Hurrah! = Bullshit!
J&D: What he said! Bullshit!
Mr.NOAC: ‘Ohno! Ohno! Ohno!’ The roar of the crowd as they stomp their collective feet which could actually be heard across the Sound! ‘Ohno! Ohno! Ohno!’ The excitement of these baseball fans hitting the stratosphere of communal commitment! ‘Ohno! Ohno! Ohno!’ The wave of adulation cascading throughout the bodies of all assembled here this evening. ‘Ohno! Ohno! Ohno!’ Damn, the brightness of her smile! The passion in her voice! The sincerity of her pride catching the attention of Walt Ohno as he circled the pitcher’s mound one last time in preparation of his final pitch!
J&D: What’s happening NOAC?
Mr.NOAC: This! ‘Becky-Sue?’ couldn’t be heard over the ‘Ohno! Ohno! Ohno!’ even though Walt Ohno had screamed her name as loud as he could! Looking up, the Super-star pitcher felt the intense emotions of love lost yet hopefully found here in the American Cathedral still known as the Major-league Ballpark! For his part, Walt Ohno dropped the ball while turning in the direction of ‘Becky-Sue!’ who could still not hear Walter because of the constant: ‘Ohno! Ohno! Ohno!’ But unhappily for you, my unfortunately spoiled sport tools, more of this later! ?
Conscious retrospection is not the retrieval of images, but the retrieval of what you have been conscious of before, and the reworking of these elements into rational or plausible patterns.
Mr.NOAC: Julian Jaynes from ‘The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind!’ Walt Ohno having dropped the ball in the top of the ninth inning and one strike away from a perfect game began his movement to the seat of Becky-Sue and hopefully reconciliation with the love of his life! Wife and mother of the Ohno family! To hold and kiss her once again! To feel the beat of her heart! To embrace truth and its delight! Oh my, to be whole once again as one plus one equals one when it’s done correctly!
D: I’m starting to tear-up here!
J: Just hold on Drew we’re nearly finished!
POW: And “Mr.” NOAC, please!
Mr.NOAC: But just as the Super-Star pitcher was reaching for the ultimate experience within his existence, this happened: Walt Ohno blacked-out but not just for a moment as had always been the case. No, it was total black-out as he just stood there totally unaware of what was going on all around him. In short, he was in some other dimension which he’d never experienced before or so it seemed.
D: Some more Good Ole Fashioned Chinese Green Tea or GOFCGIT sold by Mother Eu-funh or Playful Phoenix, a Mom and Pop Corner Tea Store in Hong Kong, China or MEPPMPCTSHKC and popcorn please!
W: Never a problem my darling Drew!
Mr.NOAC: For her part, Becky-Sue cried out for help! For their part, the umpires called the game in favor of the Angels due to Ohno’s inability to finish the game (he was still on the field of play). As for the Mariners team officials, they were incensed concerning this procedural call (agreed upon by Major League Baseball officials). And as for the paying public? Shit! They were asked to immediately leave the stadium without any recourse or refund (in the name of public safety). And as for the network news?
Newsflash: In New York City, New York, Pamela Pixy’s once again hearing voices in her head directing her to immediately go back to Seattle, Washington where Paula Pixy’s anxiously waiting for the voices in her head to once more give her that anointed cue: “…three, two, one and go!”
‘Shocking! Just simply shocking what’s happening here at SafeCo Field in Seattle, Washington as we’re just now witnessing the ambulance leaving the ballpark as it heads to Group Health Center Hospital which ironically is the very place where Bruce Jefferys, founder and CEO of still lies at death’s door! Back to you Pamela in New York City, New York!’
J&D&POW&MSC&W: Oh you’ve got to be kidding NOAC?
J&D: What a SASMO!
* * *
To our cherished listeners out there hopefully if not finally glad to “not” be “VIEWING” “their”’s Live Streaming Service or CCLSS! But instead listening to our ‘A Live Silent Radio Hour’ which’s live yet pre-recorded here at The Spank the Monkey Café in the heart of downtown Seattle, Washington of the United States of Go American BaseBall Only Here or USGABBH in: America!! I’m Producer Only Warren or POW and many thanks once again to “our” cherished listeners who are finally delighted that ‘A Live Silent Radio Hour’ which’s live yet pre-recorded has returned! We’re so sorry you had to live through that nasty “VIEWING” pardon the language, Crap or C! I mean to say! Really SORRY! But I wish to thank all of you for tuning in once more while again leaving any semblance of rational thought at the door as for the sake of TheJefferys: How in the hell can you listen to silent radio? Never understood that one but hey folks! We’re back! (Inspirational Pause!) And please cherished “LISTENERS”, come back next time to hopefully Find-Out-the-Facts or FOFs concerning the nature and cause of our Collective Delusion or CD as we Tell Our Tale or TOT of Misery or M here in a land known as America! Please stay safe and always watch out for those Frenzied, Extremely Agitated Regrettables or FEAR who see their own reflection in the Mirrored Sunglasses or MSs of those who would Un-Naturally or UN ridicule our Blessed Way of Life here on Silent Radio or SR! And please! Make sure to thank TheJefferys! And so I’m pretty certain! And Good Night Irene!
* * *
D: Jonathan?
J: Yes Drew?
D: Breaks your heart doesn’t it?
J: What? The Walter/Becky-Sue thing? Or? The ‘Countdown to Extinction’?
D: All of it! I can’t breath!
J: Head between your knees Drew! Head between your knees!
Mr.NOAC: You mean to say! Heads up “our” Asses or As!
POW: What he said!