Don't Say the "M" Word!

Don't Say the "M" Word!

Is Capitalism really a religious phenomenon? Read and find out!

Whoever enters here honors me; whoever doesn’t- pleases me.

-Friedrich Nietzsche


     Live Yet Pre-recorded- Episode LV of:

 Don’t Say the “M” Word!


         A Silent Radio Hour: Live Yet Pre-Recorded

J: Warren?

         OPW: Yes Jonathan?

         J: What happened with the people down the block?

         OPW: You mean The Click the Mouse Café?

         J: The very ones!

         OPW: And their Conservative Talk-Radio Show or CTRS?

         J: Yes! Yes! That’s the one!

         OPW: We had creative differences! Political as well as social!

         J: So you weren’t hired?

         OPW: In a manner of speaking! My interview for the Conservative Talk-Radio Show or CTRS at The Click the Mouse Café was cancelled when I handed my resume to the show’s Executive Producer or EP who smiled, laughed and then became enraged when she saw that I was the Producer of ‘A Silent Radio Hour’ live yet pre-recorded at The Spank the Monkey Café; in her words: ‘Get the hell off my set Asshole!’ She called security that beat me unconscious whereas I woke-up in hospital several days later!

         J: Did she have anything else to say Warren?

         OPW: Indeed! She shouted just before I finally if not mercifully passed out from the beating: ‘My heart belongs to the .com universe! and is the palace of the gods! Now get the hell outta here!’ And then something about ‘I’m at play in the Fields of the Lord!’

         J: Lord of the Flies no doubt!

         OPW: Truly!

NSPS: Fine Jonathan! And we’ll certainly begin an expose on the Conservative Talk-Radio Show or CTRS at The Click the Mouse Café! But we can’t do that until we finish “our” already in progress series concerning The Legend of Walt Ohno! “Mr.” SASMO please!

         Mr.SASMO: Let’s begin with that which had taken place at Group Health Center Hospital just down the street from the Corporate Headquarters or CH of! Rudolf Steiner from Reincarnation and Karma!

In you there lives something that has nothing to do with your ordinary consciousness, that lies deeper than anything you have experienced consciously in this life; there is a cleverer person within you who gladly turns to the eternal, divine-spiritual powers pervading the world. Then it becomes an inner certainty that behind the outer there is an inner, higher individuality.

Mr.SASMO: In a conversation between the Doctor attending Bruce Jefferys and Bruce Jefferys’ Personal-Assistant or PA Steward this’ said:Is he breathing on his own?’ ‘Barely!’ ‘What’s to become of us if he dies?’ ‘Don’t even think that way! I have a family!’ ‘So do I!’

         OPW: And this’ part of “our” story because?

         Mr.SASMO: Because the life and possible death of the CEO and founder of was on the line because of Walt Ohno’s beaning of the before mentioned Bruce Jefferys!

         J&D: Go for it SASMO!

I knew only one thing- which I have learned well by now: Love goes very far beyond the physical person of the beloved. It finds its deepest meaning in his spiritual being, his inner self. Whether or not he is actually present, whether or not he is still alive at all, ceases somehow to be important.

Mr.SASMO: This was written by Viktor E. Frankl in Man’s Search for Meaning!

         OPW: And this’ important because?

         D: Oh! I know! I know!

         OPW: Yes Drew?

         D: You see! Just because someone isn’t physically present, it doesn’t necessarily discount that person’s influence on your life!

         J: Kind of like Babe not being present but oh that “influence” of hers! Get it!

         D: Got it!

         NSPS: Good! “Mr.” SASMO please!

Mr.SASMO: For Walt Ohno the second inning was even better than the first; three pitches totaling a pop-up, a ground out and a soft line-drive to the second baseman delighting the formerly hostile home crowd who began to realize that history just might be in the making.

J&D&NSPS&OPW&MSC&W: Work Hard! Have Fun! Make History! Hurrah!

D: And Jonathan says!

J: Bullshit!

NSPS: Great! “Mr.” SASMO please!

Mr.SASMO: And so what if the “zillionaire” Bruce Jefferys died due to his injury, and so the group think continued in earnest! There’d just be some other Asshole to take his place so what’s the difference anyway?

J&D: What’s the difference SASMO?

         Mr.SASMO: For Walt Ohno, the difference was the ease in his step as he returned to his hunter-gatherers cave dwelling still known as the home dugout. And while quietly sitting for a lengthy inning whereas Seattle’s hitters pounded the Angel’s pitcher for six runs on five hits and three walks, not to mention a bone-headed error by the right fielder who over-threw the cut-off man; Walt Ohno had time for reflection as thoughts of his Father’s devotion to him and his mother sprang eternal as the love for such a man knew no bounds.

         D: Ah! The Frankl quote! Setting us up for this father and son thing!

         J: And everybody sing!

         J&D&NSPS&OPW&MSAC&W: ‘It's not time to make a change, Just relax, take it easy. You're still young, that's your fault, There's so much you have to know. Find a girl, settle down, If you want you can marry. Look at me, I am old, but I'm happy. I was once like you are now, and I know that it's not easy, To be calm when you've found something going on. But take your time, think a lot, Why, think of everything you've got. For you will still be here tomorrow, but your dreams may not. How can I try to explain, when I do he turns away again. It's always been the same, same old story. From the moment I could talk I was ordered to listen. Now there's a way and I know that I have to go away. I know I have to go. It's not time to make a change, Just sit down, take it slowly. You're still young, that's your fault, There's so much you have to go through. Find a girl, settle down, If you want you can marry. Look at me, I am old, but I'm happy. All the times that I cried, keeping all the things I knew inside, It's hard, but it's harder to ignore it. If they were right, I'd agree, but it's them They know not me. Now there's a way and I know that I have to go away. I know I have to go.

         J: That was fun!

         D: And informative! Love that Cat Stevens!

         J: Yusuf Islam Drew! Yusuf Islam!

         D: What?

         J: Changed his name when he converted to Islam!

         D: Why would anyone do such a thing?

         J: What’d mean Drew?! Didn’t think you were an Islamophobe?

         D: I’m not! It’s just that converting to Islam in this day and age is a dangerous thing! Stop and think about it! Why put yourself in harm’s way intentionally?

         Mr.SASMO: I’d might imagine that a person’s faith is worth the risk of humiliation if not physical danger!

         D: I could be wrong?

         OPW: Drew? Wrong?

         J: Shut up Warren!

         NSPS: Okay then! Moving forward toward the Eternal Light or EL! “Mr.” SASMO! Continue please!

         Mr.SASMO: Just to let all of you know! EL in northwest Semitic use was both a generic word for any god and the special name or title of a particular god who was distinguished from other gods as being ‘the god’. EL’s listed at the head of many pantheons. In some Canaanite and Ugaritic sources, EL played a role as father of the gods or of creation!

         NSPS: Staying on topic! And more of the same! “Mr.” SASMO please!

Mr.SASMO: The Semitic root ?lh, Arabic ?ilāh, Aramaic ?Alāh, ?Elāh, Hebrew ?elōah, may be ?l with a parasitic h, and ?l may be an abbreviated form of ?lh. In Ugaritic the plural form meaning ‘gods’ is ?ilhm, equivalent to Hebrew ‘elōh?m "powers’. In the Hebrew texts this word is interpreted as being semantically singular for ‘god’ by religious readers. However the documentary hypothesis developed originally in the 1870s, identifies these that different authors Jahwist, Elohist, Deuteronomit, and the Priestly source were responsible for editing stories from a polytheistic religion into those of a monotheistic religion. Inconsistencies that arise between monotheism and polytheism in the texts are reflective of this hypothesis!

J&D: What?

Mr.SASMO: The Hebrew form (??) appears in Latin letters in Standard Hebrew transcription as EL and in Tiberian Hebrew transcription as ?ēLEL is a generic word for god that could be used for any god, including Hadad, Moloch, or Yahweh. In the Tanakh, ‘elōh?m is the normal word for a god or the great god or gods, given that the ‘im’ suffix makes a word plural in Hebrew. But the form ’EL also appears mostly in poetic passages and in the patriarchal narratives attributed to the Priestly source of the documentary hypothesis. It occurs 217 times in the Masoretic Text: seventy-three times in the Psalms and fifty-five times in the Book of Job, and otherwise mostly in poetic passages or passages written in elevated prose. It also occasionally appears with the definite article as hā’ēL 'the god' (for example in 2 Samuel 22:31,33–48). The theological position of the Tanakh is that the names ēL and ‘?lōh?m when used in the singular to mean the supreme god, referingr to Yahweh, beside whom other gods are supposed to be either nonexistent or insignificant! Now! Whether this was a long-standing belief or a relatively new one has long been the subject of inconclusive scholarly debate about the prehistory of the sources of the Tanakh and about the prehistory of Israelite religion. In the P strand, YHWH says in Exodus 6:2–3: ‘I revealed myself to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob as ēl Shaddāi, but was not known to them by my name, YHVH.’

J&D: What?

Mr.SASMO: Never mind! Remember folks? I am a trained theologian!

D: Always showing off SASMO!

NSPS: That may well be! But be that as it may! “Mr. SASMO, please! Back to Walt Ohno and the beaning of Bruce Jefferys!

Mr.SASMO: Sorry! Before EL’s revelation with the name of Yahweh, it’s said in Genesis 14:18–20 that Abraham accepted the blessing of EL, when Melchizedek, the king of Salem and high priest of its deity EL, Elyon blessed him. One scholarly position is that the identification of Yahweh with ēL is late and that Yahweh was earlier thought of as only one of many gods and not normally identified with ēL! Another is that in much of the Hebrew Bible the name EL is an alternate name for Yahweh but in the Elohist and Priestly traditions it’s conceived as an earlier name than Yahweh. Mark Smith has argued that Yahweh and EL were originally separate, but were considered synonymous from very early on. The name Yahweh is used in the Bible Tanakh in the first book of Genesis 2:4; and Genesis 4:26 says that at that time, people began to ‘call upon the name of the LORD!’

NSPS: How’s that going back to Walt Ohno and the beaning of Bruce Jefferys; CEO and founder of TheMightyCom in what way?

D: Yeah SASMO! How’s that a part of “our” Tell Of Tales or TOT about Walt Ohno and the beaning of Bruce Jefferys; CEO and founder of TheMightyCom?

Mr.SASMO: Think about it!

J: Ah! I get it!

D: Jonathan?

J: All praise to TheJefferys! Remember what SASMO said: ‘…the special name or title of a particular god who was distinguished from other gods as being ‘the god’!

J&D: All praise TheJefferys and his MightyCom!

Mr.SASMO: Such mythological motifs are variously seen as late survivals from a period when Yahweh held a place in theology comparable to that of Hadad at Ugarit; or as late henotheistic/monotheistic applications to Yahweh of deeds more commonly attributed to Hadad; or simply as examples of eclectic application of the same motifs and imagery to various different gods. Similarly, it’s argued inconclusively whether ēL Shaddāi, ēL ‘?lām, ēL ‘Ely?n, and so forth, were originally understood as separate divinities. Albrecht Alt presented his theories on the original differences of such gods in Der Gott der V?ter in 1929. But others have argued that from patriarchal times, these different names were in fact generally understood to refer to the same single great god, ēL. This is the position of Frank Moore Cross. What’s certain is that the form ‘EL does appear in Israelite names from every period including the name Yi?rā’ēl ‘Israel’, meaning EL strives’ or ‘struggled with EL’.

J: Meaning SASMO?

Mr.SASMO: Commerce Is King or CIK! All hail the Gods Of Commerce or GOC!

OPW: So than! Commerce is really a religion; a polytheistic religion and and are merely two of the millions, billions of deities out there vying for dominance in the retail universe?

Mr.SASMO: Point! Set! And match!


Mr.SASMO: False God Alert!

NSPS: Point made! But can we please get back to “our” original Tell Of Tales or TOT? “Mr.” SASMO please!

Mr.SASMO: Very well then! For it was the constant torment of being half American and half Japanese…

         D: See! See! Phobias everywhere you go! Dangerous world we live in!

         NSPS: To the light people! Moving back to the light! “Mr.” SASMO please!

Mr.SASMO: It forced Walt Ohno to toughen up and fight back as day after day saw the continual nature of the school yard taunts: ‘Your American mother’s nothing but a whore!’ ( 娼婦) And the fights began as would the suspension of young Ohno but not the other boys as ‘Walter was obviously the aggressor who threw the first punch.’

         J: Poor form!

         D: Not fair!

         OPW: And see! Everybody’s got Phobia Fever or PF! Black! Brown! Red! White! And Blue!

         J: And everybody sing!

         J&D&NSPS&OPW&MSC&W: ‘God bless America, land that I love, Stand beside her and guide her Through the night with a light from above. From the mountains, to the prairies, To the oceans white with foam, God bless America, My home sweet home. While the storm clouds gather far across the sea, Let us swear allegiance to a land that's free. Let us all be grateful for a land so fair, As we raise our voices in a solemn prayer God bless America, land that I love, Stand beside her and guide her Through the night with a light from above. From the mountains, to the prairies, To the oceans white with foam, God bless America, My home sweet home. God bless America, My home sweet home!’

         MSC: That was beautiful however sung in thick protruding sarcasm! Finally something every “real” true blooded American can be proud of! Nothing synthetic here! Make America Great Again or MAGA!

         OPW: MAGA?

         J: I think that hair of his’ really synthetic!

         D: And that “fake” sun tan!

         J: God it’s awful!

         J&D: FAKE HAIR and TAN! FAKE HAIR and TAN! FAKE HAIR and TAN!

         MSC: What’s awful is that ungodly, inexcusable socialism! Or is it communism? I get them mixed up all the time!

         J&D&OPW: So do we!

         Mr.SASMO: I don’t!

         MSC: Capitalism or C people! God Fearing Capitalism or GFC!

         J&D: Bring back the Unions! Bring back the Unions!


         NSPS: And we’re continually straying from “our” show’s basic topic! And because of this, we’re once again outta time! Say good night Gracie!

         J&D: Good night Gracie!

         NSPS: See you next time here on “our” ‘A Silent Radio Hour’ live yet pre-recorded at The Spank the Monkey Café in the heart of beautiful downtown Seattle, Washington of the United States of Hey You People Out There! Never Become a Muslim While On My Watch Here or USHYPOTNBMWOMWH in: America!

                                              *        *         *

To our cherished listeners out there hopefully if not finally glad to “not” be “VIEWING” “their”’s Live Streaming Service or CCLSS! But instead listening to our ‘A Live Silent Radio Hour’ which’s live yet pre-recorded here at The Spank the Monkey Café in the heart of downtown Seattle, Washington of the United States of Go Canadian Hockey or GCH: America!! I’m the New Show Producer SASMO or NSPS and many thanks once again to “our” cherished listeners who are finally delighted that ‘A Live Silent Radio Hour’ which’s live yet pre-recorded has returned! We’re so sorry you had to live through that nasty “VIEWING” pardon the language, Crap or C! I mean to say! Really SORRY! But I wish to thank all of you for tuning in once more while again leaving any semblance of rational thought at the door as for the sake of TheJefferys: How in the hell can you listen to silent radio? Never understood that one but hey folks! We’re back! (Inspirational Pause!) And please cherished “LISTENERS”, come back next time to hopefully Find-Out-the-Facts or FOFs concerning the nature and cause of our Collective Delusion or CD as we Tell Our Tale or TOT of Misery or M here in a land known as America! Please stay safe and always watch out for those Frenzied, Extremely Agitated Regrettables or FEAR who see their own reflection in the Mirrored Sunglasses or MSs of those who would Un-Naturally or UN ridicule our Blessed Way of Life here on Silent Radio or SR! And please! Make sure to thank TheJefferys! And so I’m pretty certain! And Good Night Irene!

                                              *        *         *

D: Jonathan?

         J: Yes Drew?

         D: A little too much religion I think!

         J: Always a little too much religion on ‘our” plates here in: America!

         MSC: But once more please!

         J&D&NSPS&OPW&MSC&W: ‘God bless America, land that I love, Stand beside her and guide her Through the night with a light from above. From the mountains, to the prairies, To the oceans white with foam, God bless America, My home sweet home. While the storm clouds gather far across the sea, Let us swear allegiance to a land that's free. Let us all be grateful for a land so fair, As we raise our voices in a solemn prayer God bless America, land that I love, Stand beside her and guide her Through the night with a light from above. From the mountains, to the prairies, To the oceans white with foam, God bless America, My home sweet home. God bless America, My home sweet home!’

         D: See what I mean!

         J: Indeed I do!


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