Don't Say the "M" Word!

Don't Say the "M" Word!

April 10, 2018

An Open Letter to Greg Turner, Escalations Investigator for Corporate

Power is like a drug,” wrote Primo Levi a survivor of Auschwitz:

The need for either is unknown who not tried them, but after the initiation… the dependency and need for ever larger doses is born, as are the denial of reality and the return to childish dreams of omnipotence… The syndrome produced by protracted and undisputed power is clearly visible: a distorted view of the world, dogmatic arrogance, the need for adulation, convulsive clinging to the levers of command, and contempt for law.

From ‘The Drowned and the Saved

As to your response of my conversation with Connections on Wednesday April 4, 2018:

This Open Letter is my reply to Mr. Greg Turner and Amazon Connections!

Firstly! Let’s examine why I opened this letter with a quote by Primo Levi a survivor of Auschwitz. Mr. Levi states that power is like a drug; the implication being that it’s continuous until finally broken. Continuing he writes that the dependency and need for ever larger doses is born, as are the denial of reality and the return to childish dreams of omnipotence… which leads me to believe that sees itself to be above and beyond all other things! Many of which might concern the very nature of physical necessities such as a safe working environment! Mr. Levi continues:

           The syndrome produced by protracted and undisputed power is clearly visible: a distorted view of the world, dogmatic arrogance, the need for adulation, convulsive clinging to the levers of command, and contempt for law. sees this very same thing wherein you stated in an email to me:

           Mark, My name is Greg and I work on the team that addresses concerns brought to Jeff Bezos’ attention. I have reviewed the concerns you brought to our attention and do not find any defects by Amazon. Emphasis on ‘by Amazon.’ Respectfully, Greg. Greg Turner / Escalations Investigator / /

Emphasis on ‘by Amazon.’ of which I also wrote in my Open Letter of April 4: But certainly it’s so! is “NOT” at fault! refuses to acknowledge that the possibility exists that it could be wrong! is never wrong! “It’s not our fault!” is the mantra used by this company! No matter the situation that ‘comes what may’ is never to blame! To big to be wrong! Be it the workers, the vendors, guests visiting the facility; an act of Almighty God! is not at fault!


           You show utterly pronounced contempt for law in that if I or any of my co-workers are hurt on the job, which has consistently increased its likelihood of happening due to the unsafe working conditions existing presently in our facility; I suggest this state of things goes back to Levi’s statement that a distorted view of the world, dogmatic arrogance, the need for adulation, convulsive clinging to the levers of command gives you a belief that only what sees as being accurate, truthful if not acceptable is what in reality matters! But here’s what actually happen as witnessed by all in attendance that day: As stated in my Open Letter of April 6, 2018:

Last week I wrote and sent an Open Letter basically stating that an alarm caused the Moreno Valley Fire Department to respond to the facility at 24208 San Michele rd, Moreno Valley, ca 92551. They were denied entrance into the parking lot! And why you might ask?

           Our facility’s fenced in and gated! Security was nowhere to be found! There were no open gates or so it seemed! If there had been an actually emergency, said fire trucks would not have been able to get into the parking lot and thus unable to enter the building!

           But after considerable effort, the fire trucks managed to find a gate open. Imagine what might have happened in a real emergency what with all the extra time in attempting to get into the parking lot? Lives could have been lost!

Anyway, finally finding themselves on the property, the fire trucks were immediately (within five to ten minutes) sent packing (by the Safety Manager no less) even though there are State and Federal regulations (think back to: childish dreams of omnipotence which gives a syndrome produced by protracted and undisputed power is clearly visible: a distorted view of the world, dogmatic arrogance, the need for adulation, convulsive clinging to the levers of command, and contempt for law) mandating that the Fire Department, in responding to an alarm (false or otherwise), necessitates that the Fire Department’s “required by regulation” to check out, wall to wall, all four corners of the building insuring that its safe for reentry! This did not happen! Continuing I wrote this:

It was about two weeks after this incident where there was a water pipe repair ongoing in the parking lot or out on the street wherein the building’s water pressure was so low as to be unable for the first floor restroom toilets to be flushed! The question must be asked! What about the fire sprinkler system being able to operate should a fire break out? We should have been evacuated! We were not! A good question no matter who might ask it!

           And for that matter, I’m asking! What would have become of us had a fire broken out? Our facility contains so much paper! A fire, without an operating sprinkler system functional, would spread like, forgive the pun, wild-fire! We’re talking about people trapped in a facility with fire raging all around them! We’d have: “Burn-Baby-Burn” to the max!

           Sir, what investigation took place? Little I can see in the fact that I spoke with Connections on April 4, 2018 and by April 6, 2018 may as well have said ‘All’s clear!’ instead of concerns you brought to our attention and do not find any defects by Amazon. This is a farce! It could also lead to injury if not death! I cannot and will not allow this to happen. This matter is not closed! You may consider this matter to be concluded (as in fact you do by stating matter-of-factly: do not find any defects by Amazon) but I don’t! And neither do the other facility workers who toil away in the Fulfillment Centers! What many of us call the ‘Plantation’!

           Mr. Greg Turner! I do not accept that this’ over! If I might be verbose if not as usual, long-winded and certainly wordy! In the words of Captain John Paul Jones to a request to surrender as he and his crew engaged in a desperate battle with a British frigate off the northern coast of England during the American Revolution, which I might add; America won: ‘I have not yet begun to fight!’ Again, this’ not over!

           One last thing! You’d better hope that there’s never an accident of this nature (an alarm not being taken seriously and leading to tragedy in an Fulfillment Center) what with your name being on that reasonable complaint! will make you their scapegoat. And please remember what I wrote in that Open Letter: But certainly it’s so! is “NOT” at fault! refuses to acknowledge that the possibility exists that it might be wrong! is never wrong! “It’s not our fault!” is the mantra repeated by this company! No matter the situation that ‘comes what may’ is never to blame! To big to be wrong! Be it the workers, the vendors, guests visiting the facility; an act of Almighty God! is not at fault!

           It was stated in the Gospel of St. Mark (just had to add this): For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? But hey, as Primo Levi states: The syndrome produced by protracted and undisputed power is clearly visible: a distorted view of the world, dogmatic arrogance, the need for adulation, convulsive clinging to the levers of command, and contempt for law. My contempt for the “so-called” leadership of grows weary!


Mark Oglesby (login: moglesby)

PS: Please pass this Open Letter on via email or whatever social media you might use! Thank you! Help those who work the distribution centers of Truly, they aren’t safe and so I and others believe!


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