Don't Say the "M" Word!

Don't Say the "M" Word!

Whoever enters here honors me; whoever doesn’t- pleases me.

-Friedrich Nietzsche


   Live Yet Pre-recorded- Episode XXXXIII of:

 Don’t Say the “M” Word!


         A Silent Radio Hour: Live Yet Pre-Recorded

J: Hey! Good day and hopefully good news!

         SPW: And let’s keep it going “good” by getting right to it! “Mr.” SASMO please!

         Mr.SASMO: A quote! My kingdom for a quote!

         SPW: Enough of that Shakespeare Crap or C from ‘Richard the III’! Just get on with it!

         Mr.SASMO: A quote from Peter Enz’s ‘Der Keim der Revolte. Militante Solidaritat and Religiose Mission bei Ibn Khaldun

         J: And Thus Spoke Zarathustra! Sorry! I mean, thus speaketh the SASMO!

         Mr.SASMO: That’s “Mr.” SASMO to you Jonathan!

         MSC: Getting a little high-brow here aren’t we?

         D: What?

         J: A book Drew! It’s the title of a book by that Friedrich Nietzsche fellow!

         D: Oh yeah! That English chap whose quote we start every Episode or E with!

         MSC: Chap?

         D: An English term for “fellow”!

         SMC: But Nietzsche’s German! Freunde should be used!

         SPW: Who cares! Can we please just get on with it? Could we just finish “our” historically long Tell Of Tales or TOT concerning the Assemblage of Youthful Passion or AYP, Mary Jane from Indiana or MJI, the Really Weird Dude and Babe high atop the Seattle Space Needle

 or SSN, please?

         D: You mean we’ve made “History” Warren?

         SPW: Don’t do it Drew! I’m warning you!

         J&D&MSC&W: Work Hard! Have Fun! Make History!

         SPW: That’s you morons! does the Work Hard! Have Fun! Make History! Hurrah!

         J: Maybe we should do a Tell Of Tales or TOT about Work Hard! Have Fun! Make History! Verses Work Hard! Have Fun! Make History! Hurrah!

         SPW: Maybe we should all have “our” heads examined?

         Mr.SASMO: It has to be important! Just “examine” how the word “Hurrah” is “not” blackened! Important I tell you!

         SPW: Just give us the God damned Peter Enz quote if you please! “Mr.” SASMO!

         J: You never wanna “Have Fun!” Warren!

         J&D&MSC&Mr.SASMO&W: Work Hard! Have Fun! Make History! or Work Hard! Have Fun! Make History! Hurrah!

         SPW: Who cares! The quote please! “Mr.” SASMO!

         W: How about some Good Ole Fashioned Chinese Green Tea or GOFCGT sold by Mother Eu-funh or Playful Phoenix, a Mom and Pop Corner Tea Store in Hong Kong, China or MEPPMPCTSHKC and popcorn hons?

         J&D&SPW&MSC&Mr.SASMO: Yes please!

         W: Get right to it my darlings!

         SPW: And how about getting right to the Enz quote “Mr.” SASMO my darling?

         J: In which case! SASMO would be: Working Hard! Having Fun! Making History! Verses Working Hard! Having Fun! Making History! Hurrah!

         J&D&MSC&Mr.SASMO&W: Work Hard! Have Fun! Make History! Verses Work Hard! Have Fun! Make History! Hurrah!

         Mr.SASMO: And that’s “Mr.” SASMO to you Jonathan!

         SPW: Indeed! When did I lose control of the show?

         J: Very first Episode or E of “our” ‘A Silent Radio Hour’ Live yet pre-recorded here at The Spank the Monkey Café in the heart of downtown Seattle, Washington of the United States of We Never Ever Use the “MWord Here or USWNEUMWH in: America! The very first Episode or E Warren!

         D: Hurrah!

         MSC: Should have stayed with’s Live Streaming Service or CCLSS Warren! But you didn’t “LISTENED”!

         J&D: Too bad! And much too late! But we’ll throw Show Produce Warren or SPW a bone! The quote please! “Mr.” SASMO!

The first generation is characterized by its wild, strong nature and remains under the influence of the original asabiya. The second generation lives as sovereigns in luxury and makes umran [civilization, culture] blossom. The luxury reaches its high point in the third generation, but at the same time asabiya is lost and an all-encompassing degeneration sets in.

J: Asabiya?

Mr.SASMO: Asabiya describes the group solidarity that holds people together whereas without such collective camaraderie, a shared goal cannot be realized.

         SPW: Fabulous! Great quote among so many great quotes! Now about these Five Families or FFs? “Mr.” SASMO please!

         Mr.SASMO: The Five Families or FFs or as they’re better known: The Prophets of Commerce or TPC!

The Prophets of Commerce:

Mr.SASMO: The meeting of The Five Families or FFs was now complete as orders had been delivered, results demanded! The Dance of the Ancients would be broken as any means necessary would become the mantra established so that the predominance of Commerce would be maintained in the daily lives of all us billions of peoples existing here on planet blue!

         SPW: And how might that be possible?

Mr.SASMO: In order that discipline be managed if not sustained as there would be resistance…

D: Resistance?

Mr.SASMO: Every Family was given certain tasks that would keep the pressure on those unwilling to continually if not whole-heartedly agree to consuming Stupid Ass Scratching Stuff or SASS!

MSC: But SASS or Stupid Ass Scratching Stuff is the backbone of the United States of I Can Only Be Happy When I’m Consuming Stupid Ass Scratching Stuff Here or USICOBHWICSASSH in: America! We want people to be happy don’t we?

D: While Working Hard!

SPW: Don’t do it Drew!

J&D&MSC&Mr.SASMO&W: Work Hard! Have Fun! Make History! Verses Work Hard! Have Fun! Make History! Hurrah!

SPW: Oh balls!

MSC: That’s a C or Censure Show Producer Warren or SPW! It’s also a “TimeOut” or TO! In which case! Continue please “Mr.” SASMO!

         Mr.SASMO: TheDisney would be responsible for the making and distribution of Family Films or FFs whose subject matter was Over-Consumption or OC where its Cute Bubbly Characters or CBCs…

         D: Hey! TheDisney’s on ABC not CBS! What’s up?

         MSC: That was CBC not CBS Drew! Continuing please! “Mr.” SASMO!

Mr.SASMO: Both live and animated characters Demonstrating Joyous Living or DJL while Sucking Up Vast amounts of Planet Resources or SUVPR all the while Laughing and Singing and Dancing or LSD as was the normal course of all Disney films to date.

         MSC: So what’s so different as to make these Propaganda Films or PFs worthy of getting the job done?

Mr.SASMO: This! They’d be Free of Charge or FC as all consumers of the Fair-Deluxe or FD would be given massive doses of Sugary Treats or STs while indulging in the Awesome Disney Delight or ADD brought on by the before mentioned LSD or Laughing and Singing and Dancing!

J: Just gotta love that LSD or Laughing and Singing and Dancing!

D: I enjoy Sugary Treats or STs while Delighting myself in TheDisney! But I’m not gonna use the “M” word!

W: No Sugary Treats or STs while Delighting Oneself or DO in TheDisney only Good Ole Fashioned Chinese Green Tea sold by Mother Eu-funh or Playful Phoenix, a Mom and Pop Corner Tea Store in Hong Kong, China and Popcorn here at The Spank the Monkey Café in DownTown Seattle, Washington of the United States of There’s Just Too Many Sugary Treats or STs While Delighting Oneself In TheDisney or

GOFCGTMEPPMPCTSHKCPTSMCDTSWUSTJTMSTWDOITD in: America! And I’m not gonna use the “M” word either!

D: God damn TheDisney!

J: You mean! May TheJefferys “fry” TheMouse!

D: What he said!

J: (A Egg Frying In A Frying Ban)Your brain on TheDisney!

MSC: Continuing! “Mr.” SASMO please!

Mr.SASMO: The effects of which would most certainly engender the participants into a Drug Endued State or DES of Addiction or A whereas TheDisney would certainly apply the coup d'état! What’s known as the blow or hit of state! Literally translated! It’s the stroke of the state as in, let’s once again Pull Out the Plastic or POP and Openly Mastur…

J&D&MSC: SASMO! Don’t say the “M” word!

         Mr.SASMO: Or OM! Wouldn’t think of it! And by the way!

         J&D&MSC: Yes?

         Mr.SASMO: That’s “Mr.SASMO to the bunch of you!

         SPW: May I come back from my “TimeOut” or TO, please?

         MSC: Promise to be good?

         SPW: Never!

         MSC: Like that Enthusiasm or E Warren! Okay! Come out and play!

         SPW: Continuing please! “Mr.” SASMO!

Mr.SASMO: Again! The force of nature known as “FREE” or F would Procure or P the Enticement or E to come-in, take-a-seat, relax-and-enjoy the Bubbly Delight or BD of the soda running river like throughout the Theater-of-Delight or TD which in-point-of-fact would become the Ultimate Utility-of-Doom or UUD as the now Re-Addicted Contestants or RACs of Industrial Degradation or ID slump back in their Sugary-Coated Slumber or SCS of Smiley Self-Indulgence or SSI: A job well done!

J&D&MSC: Bless TheJefferys! All praise to TheJefferys!

SPW: Shouldn’t that be all praise to TheDisney? Bless TheMouse?

J&D&MSC: Heresy or H! Burn the Heretic or BH!

D: Shouldn’t that be Click the Mouse or CM? This is OnLine Retail or OLR after all! And I’m still not gonna use the “M” word!

SPW: Whatever! Moving forward! “Mr.” SASMO please!

         Mr.SASMO:’s assignment…

         D: See! OnLine Retail or OLR! But still no “M” word here!

Mr.SASMO:’s assignment would entail the Electronic Propaganda or EP of Virtual Reality or VR as envisioned by the tech group The Garbage Eaters whose work in the area of Virtual Merchandise or VM such as Virtual Candy or VC would be expanded to include all things under the sun as all stops must be released as to entice people back indoors while reengaging in online retail! But certainly not in reengaging in the “M” word!

D: I love candy!

W: No Sugary Treats only Good Ole Fashioned Chinese Green Tea sold by Mother Eu-funh or Playful Phoenix, a Mom and Pop Corner Tea Store in Hong Kong, China and Popcorn here at The Spank the Monkey Café in DownTown Seattle, Washington of the United States of There’s Just Too Many Sugary Treats Here or


D: God damn you Garbage Eaters!

J: Garbage Eaters?

SPW: Don’t do it Jonathan! Please don’t do it!

J: Say Pretty Please with Sugary Treats on Top or PPSTT!

SPW: Come on people! Let’s get done with at least the Five Families or FFs before moving onto The Garbage Eaters!

Mr.SASMO: You mean the entire Technology Department or CcTD, Warren?

SPW: Oh balls!

MSC: That’s another C or Censure Show Producer Warren or SPW! It’s also another “TimeOut” or TO! “Mr.” SASMO please!

Mr.SASMO: The Snyder Mercantile Group would ‘Bust the Bank’ or BB as they dropped prices everywhere in the Brick and Mortar Retail or BMR universe. Tour busses would bring in large groups of people to enjoy: ‘A day at the mall!’ Sugar and Spice and Everything Nice or SSEN would be provided for all those entering and participating in the Illusion of a Profitable Life or IPL!

D: My life is not an Illusion of a Profitable Life or IPL!

SPW: (From Off In The Distance) Yes it is!

D: How so?

SPW: (From Off In The Distance) Jonathan and Drew who are most definitely not the Property Brothers!

D: Oh that!

SPW: (From Off In The Distance) Yeah that!

MSC: Continuing! “Mr.” SASMO please!

         Mr.SASMO: Also included in their quest to conquer, Brick and Mortar Retail Outlets or BMROs, which had been abandoned by the public due to use of Modern-Day OnLine Shopping or MDOLS; all those neglected, discarded buildings laying about Urban and Suburban America or USA! USA! USA! Well, they would now become Sparklingly Clean, Beautifully Maintained Private Debtors Prisons or SCBMPDPs where all those who were Dancing or D instead of paying off their now Abandoned or ADEBTS” could be sent for Reintroduction Into Profitable Society or RIPS!

         D: Damn those RIPS!

         J: Yeah! Let’s rip the RIPS!

         MSC: Continuing! “Mr.” SASMO please!

         Mr.SASMO: Just think about of it! No longer would people suffer the indignity of the “past due” notice as all accounts would be settled “in-full” as people would be allowed to actually “work off” those “outstanding” balances. And what a Perfect Culture or PC it would be as all unnecessary barriers concerning “class” antagonisms would disappear as a truly “justSocial Structure or JSS would become a certainty!

         J&D: Let’s help those misguided RIPS!

         Mr.SASMO: And who would pay for all of this?

         J&D: Who will pay for all of this?

         Mr.SASMO: Come on sillies! The Stupid Ass Scratching Tax Paying Public or SASTPP

         MSC: As they should!

Mr.SASMO:  The Stupid Ass Scratching Tax Paying Public or SASTPP who’ve caused all this massive debt which they forced upon the Community of Commerce…

MSC: The Poor Ole Community of Commerce or POCC!

Mr.SASMO: Yes! The Poor Ole Community of Commerce or POCC who would by the way operate all those Sparklingly Clean, Beautifully Maintained Private Debtors Prisons or SCBMPDPs which exist out there on the American Landscape or AL?

MSC: And next is? “Mr.” SASMO please!

         Mr.SASMO: The Mayfield Conglomerate (?) was to be in charge of creating massive Hygienic Laws or HLs which our Bought and Paid for United States Congress or BPUSC would pass forcing people to consume processed foods instead of good wholesome if not totally healthy fruits and vegetables, legumes, 21 grain whole-wheat breads and various nuts: Damn, if those dancing in the spirit hadn’t given up sugar, salt and fat, our modern day narcotics, in their quest for awakening! It had to stop, now!

         J&D: Damn all that sugar, salt and fat which’s our modern day narcotics!

         Mr.SASMO: Also included in these new Hygienic Laws or HLs which had been passed by the once again, before mentioned Bought and Paid for United States Congress or BPUSC, citizens would be required to register for inoculation as to immunize everyone in the country against the advance of dangerous microbes. Here’s the thing!

         J&D: What’s the thing here SASMO?

         Mr.SASMO: “Mr.” SASMO thank you two! People were actually becoming healthier as they danced, sang, stressed-out less and basically ate and sleep better than they had in generations. To TheJefferys! People were advancing back to their Hunter-Gatherer Nomadic Selves or HGMS as the Quest for Authentic Existence or QAE become paramount at this time! People were becoming social, friendly, trusting if not reaching that all-elusive state known as being Happy or H!

         D: Good Ole H or GOH!

Mr.SASMO: How could this be? Who let this happen?

         J&D: Who let it happen?

         SPW: (From Off In The Distance) Jonathan and Drew who are most definitely not the Property Brothers!

         Mr.SASMO: Hell! People just seemed to stop doing what Jackson Browne identified, possibly christened in that state of being known as: ‘I’m gonna be a happy idiot struggling for the legal tender!’ Holy Hell or HH!

         J&D: Agreed! Holy Hell or HH! Give ‘em Holy Hell or HH Harry!

Mr.SASMO: How’s a society going to function properly when people are just so liberated and content while walking free on the earth as Genuinely Bona Fide Human Beings or GBFHBs? It had to be stopped! Again, now!

J&D: Agreed! Holy Hell or HH! Give ‘em Holy Hell or HH Harry!

         Mr.SASMO: More to this! The microbes are mentioned here as to the Nature of Simple Existence or NSE played out in a world full of Polluted Synthetics or PSs where Chemical Compounds or CCs simply if not surely are destroying the before mentioned natural microbes which protect our bodies against all those things leading to death and destruction whereas the modern day “Health” System or HS moves in for the kill!

         J&D: Agreed! Holy Hell or HH! Give ‘em more Holy Hell or HH Harry!

         Mr.SASMO: Listen! Who’s going to pay massive amounts of hard earned cash to ‘fix what ain’t broken?’ Only stupid people!

J&D: Ass Scratchingly Stupid or ASS people!

Mr.SASMO: Indeed, all those dumb-asses who’ve bought into the Modern Healthcare System or MHS!

J&D: We’re all a bunch of dumb-asses!

SPW: (From Off In The Distance) Especially Jonathan and Drew who are most definitely not the Property Brothers!

Mr.SASMO: Planet blue was becoming clean once more! And for the record of this Stupid Ass Scratching Chronicle: Commerce or C could not, would not allow this as laws were written in order to stop the dance!

MSC: About time!

SPW: (From Off In The Distance) About time to finish this Episode or E I’d rather think!

MSC: The conclusion of the Five Families of FFs! “Mr.” SASMO please!

         Mr.SASMO: And in this direction we have The Thothneter Pharmaceutical Company (?) whose main objective would be creating Psych Laws or PLs which would be under-written by our once again before mentioned Bought and Paid for United States Congress or BPUSC mandating the formation of Hysterical Courts or HCs whose basic function was to declare participants of the dance: Insane! If not in need of Psychiatric Pharmaceuticals or PPs to straighten out those deluded by the dance.

         Mr.SASMO: To close!

         SPW: (From Off In The Distance) Thank TheJefferys!

Mr.SASMO: In Point of Fact or IPF as spoken by Corporate America or CA: ‘Stay indoors online where picking up some Social Disease or SD can’t happen!’ Hey! ‘Bask in the Translucent Veracity of Virtual-Reality or BTVVR!’ Listen! ‘Danger awaits those who dance in public!’ Why not! ‘Stay home and video-dance alone without the clumsy annoyance of the all left-footed, haphazard, embarrassing moments captured out there on the public dance floor!’

         MSC: I can see that!

Mr.SASMO: The Heads of the Five Families or HFFs had under-written government for ages and now was the time to call in all those favors flowing out there in the Congressional Atmosphere or CA. The Dictator’s Delight or DD was now all important if Commerce was going to survive. All Out War or AOW had been declared as the ‘War-on-the-Dance’ was now A State of Emergency or ASE existing in these here United States of Barely Resembling or USBR: America!

J: Hey! Come back next time as we begin “our” examination of and its Department of Technology or DT!

J&D: Bye now!

SPW: (From Off In The Distance) Oh balls once again!

                                              *        *         *

To our cherished listeners out there hopefully if not finally glad to “not” be “VIEWING” “their”’s Live Streaming Service or CCLSS! But instead listening to our ‘A Live Silent Radio Hour’ which’s live yet pre-recorded here at The Spank the Monkey Café in the heart of downtown Seattle, Washington of the United States of Go Canadian Hockey or GCH: America!! I’m Jonathan and many thanks once again to “our” cherished listeners who are finally delighted that ‘A Live Silent Radio Hour’ which’s live yet pre-recorded has returned! We’re so sorry you had to live through that nasty “VIEWING” pardon the language, Crap or C! I mean to say! Really SORRY! But I wish to thank all of you for tuning in once more while again leaving any semblance of rational thought at the door as for the sake of TheJefferys: How in the hell can you listen to silent radio? Never understood that one but hey folks! We’re back! (Inspirational Pause!) And please cherished “LISTENERS”, come back next time to hopefully Find-Out-the-Facts or FOFs concerning the nature and cause of our Collective Delusion or CD involving the Assemblage of Youthful Passion or AYP, Mary Jane from Indiana or MJI, the Really Weird Dude and Babe high atop the Seattle Space Needle or SSN! Please stay safe and always watch out for those Frenzied, Extremely Agitated Regrettables or FEARs who see their own reflection in the Mirrored Sunglasses or MSs of those who would Un-Naturally or UN ridicule our Blessed Way of Life here on Silent Radio or SR! And please! Make sure to thank TheJefferys! And so I’m pretty certain! And Good Night Irene!

                                              *        *         *

D: Jonathan?

         J: Yes Drew?

         D: Don’t you just hate ‘Staying indoors online being afraid of picking up some Social Disease or SD?’ While! ‘Basking in the Translucent Veracity of Virtual-Reality or BTVVR!’ Listening to! ‘Danger awaiting those who dance in public’ While! ‘Staying home and video-dancing alone even if you are a clumsy annoyance of an all left-footed, haphazard, embarrassing moment captured out there on the public dance floor?’

         J: Hate it to my core!

         D: Me too! Me too!

         MSC: Not me!

         SPW: (From Off In The Distance) Shut the hell up Ms. Show Censure or MSC!


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