Don't Say the "M" Word!
Whoever enters here honors me; whoever doesn’t- pleases me.
-Friedrich Nietzsche
Live Yet Pre-recorded- Episode XXXIX of:
Don’t Say the “M” Word!
A Silent Radio Hour: Live Yet Pre-Recorded
J&D: Truly cherished listeners! What a Time To Be Alive or TTBA!
D: Agreed! But Jonathan?
J: Yes Drew?
D: Why the Kurt Vonnegut quote, SASMO’s personal hero by the way, from his Book of Short Stories or BSS: ‘Welcome to the Monkey House’?
J: What?
D: Look below!
“So we went to the monkey house together, and what do you think we saw?” “I can’t imagine.” Somebody had answered the phone. “We saw a monkey playing with his private parts!” “No!” “Yes! And J. Edgar Nation was so upset he went straight home and he started developing a pill that would make monkeys in the springtime fit things for a Christian family to see.”
J: I’m sure it has something to do with SASMO!
Mr.SASMO: That’s Mr. SASMO to you Jonathan!
J: Whatever!
SPW: Can we just get on with it! This’ taking forever!
MSC: Good story though! Love that Mary Jane from Indiana or MJI!
J&D&SPW: Me too! Me too! Love that Mary Jane from Indiana or MJI!
Mr.SASMO: Moving forward once again! The Assemblage of Youthful Passion or AYP, Mary Jane from Indiana or MJI, the Really Weird Dude or RWD from Arizona and Babe rolled into Downtown Seattle, Washington of the United States of We Don’t Use the “M” Word Here In or DTSWUSWDUMWHI: America! They immediately began preparations for their assault on TheMightyMastur…
J&D&SPW&MSC&W: Don’t Say the “M” Word SASMO!
Mr.SASMO: That’s Mr.SASMO too all of you!
J&D&SPW&MSC&W: Whatever!
Mr.SASMO: That’s TheMightyM or TMM, or TMMCc! But since it was still early in the day and there being little activity at Corporate Headquarters or CcCH, they all decided to picnic in Denny park; a big mistake on their part as the crackdown on The Dance of the Ancients would begin later that very same day.
J: Hate to say this! But you’re gonna have to do some splaining on this one!
SPW: To TheJefferys! This’ gonna take forever!
D: Warren! We need that background information to really understand the story of the Assemblage of Youthful Passion or AYP, Mary Jane from Indiana or MJI, the Really Weird Dude or RWD from Arizona and Babe and how all of this has to do with me and Jonathan and how we escaped from Grande Prairie, Alberta, Get Us Back Across the Border Now or GPAGUBABN: Canada!
SPW: Then get to it so we can get done!
J&D: SASMO please!
Mr.SASMO: That’s Mr.SASMO to you two! Going forward! And it was also an extremely unfortunate happenstance, sent from the Universe no doubt, that they all crossed paths with Disgraced Former Phoenix Police Sergeant Russell Wade or DFPPSRW!
J&D&SPW&MSC&W: What happened?
Mr.SASMO: Everyone by this time was rushing away from the Tear Gas, Flash Grenades and that awful Noise Cannon or TGFGNC; to say the least, it was quite the moment! ‘You people!’ as Disgraced Former Phoenix Police Sergeant Russell Wade or DFPPSRW pulled out his firearm while aiming for the very heart of Mary Jane from Indiana or MJI: ‘You faithless bitch!’ His eyes most assuredly giving away the nature in the gravity of the situation when all of a sudden: BANG! But Oh My God or OMG!
J&D&SPW&MSC&W: What happened?
Mr.SASMO: Hah! Hah! More of this later!
J&D&SPW&MSC&W: What a Stupid Ass Scratching Mark Oglesby or SASMO you are!
Mr.SASMO: That and more! And people?
J&D&SPW&MSC&W: What?
Mr.SASMO: That’s a Stupid Ass Scratching Mark Oglesby or Mr.SASMO to all of you!
SPW: What now?
Mr.SASMO: The Dance of the Ancients! An explanation’s needed! From Jack D. Forbes’ ‘Columbus and other Cannibals’
“Animism” is the somewhat derogatory term that European scholars have used for decades to refer to native, folk religious beliefs of Africa, Asia, and the Americas. Animism is a nice way of saying “heathen,” “pagan,” or “primitive.” But maybe, after all, animism is not such a bad word, for it has to do with life; it means “life-ism…”
But animism is not a religion, or a church or a sect or a movement. It is a direction, a tendency, a pointing towards, a feeling- and that is good because by the time a religion has a name and a structure and a fixed creed it is probably no longer religion at all.
Mr. SASMO: We begin our tale of The Dance of the Ancients at the Warn Springs Indian Reservation along the John Day River in the State of Oregon, United States of We Don’t Need No Stinking Pagans Dancing Here In or USWDNNSPDHI: America! For its here where three tribes; the Wasco, Tenino and Paiute, have been unified as the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs ever since 1938.
SPW: This’ fascinating SASMO but what does it have to do with the Assemblage of Youthful Passion or AYP, Mary Jane from Indiana or MJI, the Really Weird Dude or RWD from Arizona and Babe and how all of this has to do with Jonathan and Drew and how they escaped from Grande Prairie, Alberta, Get Us Back Across the Border Now or GPAGUBABN: Canada?
Mr. SASMO: This Tale of The Dance of the Ancients explains how the Assemblage of Youthful Passion or AYP, Mary Jane from Indiana or MJI, the Really Weird Dude or RWD from Arizona and Babe ended up on the observation tower of the Seattle Space Needle or SSN! Kind of important don’t you think? And Warren?
Mr.SASMO: That’s Mr. SASMO to you!
SPW: Whatever!
J: Continuing please!
MSC: Now wait just a minute!
D: Why?
MSC: I, as a Good Evangelical Christian Woman or GECW, have to object to this entry into paganism and all it stands for! Sorry Mr.SAMO but that’s a C or Censure on your Pagan Tale or PT!
SPW: Just get on with it “Mr.” SASMO!
Mr.SASMO: So it’s here that an enormous gathering of Native Americans or NAs had been dancing for weeks on end as the sound of the Ancients could once again be heard in this joyous song which oddly enough could only be perceived by those actually Dancing In the Spirit or DIS!
MSC: That’s a C or Censure!
Mr.SASMO: More to this, it was halfway round the world in Konya, Turkey that dancing had broken out in the vicinity of the shrine of Rumi well known for the Sufi brotherhood established there with its distinctive whirling and circling dance known as Sema and practiced by the Dervishes. The Sema ceremony, in seven parts, represents a Mystical Journey or MJ of an individual through Mind and Love to Union with the Divine or MLUD!
MSC: And now we have those disgusting Islamics or Is plotting their Acts of Terror or AT! Sorry! But once again! I, as a Good Evangelical Christian Woman or GECW, have to object to this entry into the Muslim World or MW! That’s a C or Censure!
SPW: Just get on with it “Mr.” SASMO!
Mr.SASMO: Mirroring the revolving nature of existence and all living things, the Sufi dervish turns toward truth, grows through love, abandons ego and embraces perfection. Then he returns from this spiritual passage as one who has reached perfection in order to be of love and service to the entire community of creation.
J: And what’s so wrong with wanting to be of love and service to the entire community of creation?
D: Yeah! What’s up Ms. Show Censure or MSC?
MSC: This! Here in the United States of Only Good Ole Fashioned Christian Evangelicalism Must be Allowed Here or USOGOFCEMAH in: America!
J&D&W: What the?
W: Maybe we could all use some Good Ole Fashioned Chinese Green Tea or GOFCGT sold by Mother Eu-funh or Playful Phoenix, a Mom and Pop Corner Tea Store in Hong Kong, China or MEPPMPCTSHKC and popcorn!
J&D&SPW&MSC&Mr.SASMO: Yes please!
W: Get right to it my darlings!
SPW: Just maybe we could all use some Good Ole Fashioned Restraint or GOFR! Please!
D: I’d prefer the Good Ole Fashioned Chinese Green Tea or GOFCGT sold by Mother Eu-funh or Playful Phoenix, a Mom and Pop Corner Tea Store in Hong Kong, China or MEPPMPCTSHKC and popcorn, please!
W: Here you go! What a sweet boy you are!
D: Thank you!
SPW: Moving forward! “Mr.” SASMO, please!
Mr.SASMO: Dressed in long white gowns symbolizing the ego’s burial shroud and wearing high cone-shaped hats known as the ego’s tombstone, the dervish dance for hours at a time. And with arms held high, the right hand lifted upward to receive blessings and energy from the heavens, the left hand turned downward to bestow these blessing onto the earth, and the body spinning from right to left; the dervish revolves around the heart and embraces all of creation with love.
D: They certainly sound colorful! If not amazing!
Mr.SASMO: The dervishes form a circle, each turning in harmony with the rhythm of the accompanying music as the circle itself moves around, slowly picking up speed and intensity until all collapse exhausted in a sort of Spiritual Exaltation or SE!
SPW: Nice job “Mr.” SASMO! Thank you! Now getting back to the Assemblage of Youthful Passion or AYP, Mary Jane from Indiana or MJI, the Really Weird Dude or RWD from Arizona and Babe, please!
MSC: Yes! Let’s get back to that Mary Jane from Indiana or MJI! She’s kinda fun! Don’t yah think?
J&D&SPW: A Good Evangelical Christian Woman or GECW indeed!
Mr.SASMO: There’s more!
SPW: Great! (Exasperated laughter)
Mr.SASMO: Meanwhile in Brisbane, Australia at King George Square, the Nunukul Yuggera Aboriginal people dance a unique ceremony which had been learned and passed down from one generation to the next for thousands of years!
MSC: Great! More Pagan Peoples or PPs!
SPW: Just please get on with it! “Mr.” SASMO! If you would, please!
Mr.SASMO: To dance is to acknowledge the stories of your ancestral heroes. It allows large groups of people to demonstrate their clan rights in front of an audience. Dance is also seen as an occasion to entertain and to be entertained, and through the work of dance, to show their love for family and community. Still more…
SPW: Still more? Great! Kind of, a blessing!
MSC: Not for me!
Mr.SASMO: On the Maasai Mara Reserve in Kenya, Maasai music’s being provided by a chorus of vocalists singing harmonies while a song leader, or olaranyani, sings the melody. The olaranyani’s usually the singer who can best sing the song, although several individuals may lead a song. The olaranyani begins by singing a line or title namba of a song. The group will respond with one unanimous call in acknowledgment as the olaranyani sings a verse over the group’s rhythmic throat singing. Each song has its specific namba structure based on a call and response.
D: I’ve seen them on the National Geographic Channel or NGC! They’re amazing!
SPW: Wonderful! (Sarcasm Deluxe) “Mr.” SASMO, please!
Mr.SASMO: Common rhythms are variations of 5/4, 6/4 and 3/4 time signatures as lyrics follow a typical theme and are often repeated verbatim over time whereas neck movements accompany the singing. When breathing out the head is leaned forward but suddenly the head is tilted back for an inward breath. Overall the effect is one of polyphonic syncopation. Unlike most other African tribes, Maasai widely use drone polyphony. And finally…
SPW: Thank TheJefferys!
MSC: And some more Paganism or P?
SPW: So you’re saying that Capitalism or C’s actually Pagan or P? Is this correct, Ms. Show Censure or MSC?
MSC: Well I was just trying…
SPW: Wonderful! (More Delightful Sarcasm Deluxe) “Mr.” SASMO, please finish if you might!
Mr.SASMO: In Netzahualcoyotl of Mexico City, Mexico, one of the poorest slums in the country; a group of peasant children dressed as ancient Aztec warriors begin to dance in one concentration of motion. It’s as if the entire group was at one in meditation with movement as the dancers concentrate on the movement and steps while channeling their offering to the gods as well as focusing their goals on prayer.
MSC: And there you go again! More Pagan Peoples or PPs!
J&D: Thank you Ronald Reagan or RR!
SPW: Please just finish! “Mr.” SASMO, please!
Mr.SASMO: In this ritual dance known as Macehualiztli, which translates to deserving, the dance represents the eternal search of humanity’s cosmic harmony and integration of body and spirit. And while it was considered a form of prayer, it was also a complete way of life as well as communication with what was most important to these people; their gods!
MSC: Sorry! Just gotta C or Censure that one! gods? As in little “g” not a Big “G” or BG for the Good Ole Fashioned Christian Evangelical God or GOFCEG!
SPW: Can we just finish, please! (Total Exasperation) “Mr.” SASMO!
Mr.SASMO: Indeed, all across the Global Community of Existence or GCE, groups of people had broken into dance as the celebration of existence continued as the song of Elsa the Blind could be heard anywhere that dancing in the spirit spring forth as a manner of Authentic Certainty or AC! In short, a worldwide demonstration of hope would not be stopped!
J&D: Now about this Elsa the Blind of EB? SASMO?
SPW: May the little “gs” help us!
J&D: Good bye everybody!
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To our cherished “LISTENERS” out there hopefully if not finally glad to “not” be “VIEWING” “their”’s Live Streaming Service or CCLSS! But instead “LISTENING” to our ‘A Live Silent Radio Hour’ which’s live yet pre-recorded here at The Spank the Monkey Café in the heart of downtown Seattle, Washington of the United States of Go Canadian Hockey or GCH: America!! I’m Jonathan and many thanks once again to “our” cherished “LISTENERS” who are finally delighted that ‘A Live Silent Radio Hour’ which’s live yet pre-recorded has returned! We’re so sorry you had to live through that nasty “VIEWING” pardon the language, Crap or C! I mean to say! Really SORRY! But I wish to thank all of you for tuning in once more while again leaving any semblance of rational thought at the door as for the sake of TheJefferys: How in the hell can you listen to silent radio? Never understood that one but hey folks! We’re back! (Inspirational Pause!) And please cherished “LISTENERS”, come back next time to hopefully Find-Out-the-Facts or FOFs concerning the nature and cause of our Collective Delusion or CD as we Tell “Our” Tale or TOT of what happened with those mischievous boys from Colorado City, Arizona or CCA and that divinely exquisite Mary Jane from Indiana or MJI! And who in the name of TheJefferys is Elsa the Blind or EB? Please stay safe and always watch out for those Frenzied, Extremely Agitated Regrettables or FEARs who see their own reflection in the Mirrored Sunglasses or MSs of those who would Un-Naturally or UN ridicule our Blessed Way of Life here on Silent Radio or SR! And please! Make sure to thank TheJefferys! And so I’m pretty certain! And Good Night Irene!
* * *
D: Jonathan?
J: Yes Drew?
D: Will Mary Jane from Indiana or MJI be coming back in the story?
J: We can never be certain on a show like this!
SPW: What he said!