Don't Say the "M" Word!

Don't Say the "M" Word!

Whoever enters here honors me; whoever doesn’t- pleases me.

-Friedrich Nietzsche


   Live Yet Pre-recorded- Episode XXXIII of:

 Don’t Say the “M” Word!


         A Silent Radio Hour: Live Yet Pre-Recorded

MJ: Dear cherished listeners! We’re so very sorry for what occurred on our last Episode of ‘A Silent Radio Hour’ live yet prerecorded here at The Spank the Monkey Café in the heart of downtown Seattle, Washington of the United States of continually sinking to new lows in both the Political Arena or PA as well as that which’s taking place within our Corporate Culture or CC: America!

         MD: And what was it that we did on our last Episode Jonathan?

         MJ: To be honest! It was what you did on our last Episode Drew!

         MD: And what did I do dear brother?

         MJ: Let me read the notice just given to me by Warren, our show’s Producer or P!

         MWW: Please Jonathan! No need to mention my name!

         MJ: Why Warren?

         MWW: I said! Don’t mention my name!

         MJ: Why War…?

         MWW: Jonathan! Just read the damn notice, please!

         MJ: Very well Warren!

         MD: Don’t bother Warren! I’ll take care of this! Jonathan?

         MJ: Yes Drew?

         MD: Warren told you not to use his name which by the way’s, Warren!

         MWW: You two just like getting under my skin, don’t you?

         MJ&MD: Indeed we do!

         W: Some tea and popcorn hons?

         MJ&MD&MWW&MSC: Yes please!

         W: And Warren?

         MWW: Yes?

         W: I really like the name Warren!

         MWW: Thank you! (Exasperated Pause). My tea and popcorn please!

         W: Not a problem dear boy! Never a problem!

         MWW: The notice Jonathan! Please read the notice!

         MD: Any of you notice that the loud knocking at one of the cafes’ doors has stopped? Anyone know why?

         W: Why certainly! The Hit Squad or CCHS got hungry and went out for cheeseburgers, fries and beer!

         MJ: How’d you know that?

         W: They told me! ‘We’ll be back later! We’re going out for cheeseburgers, fries and beer! We’re hungry as we’ve been knocking at this door for days and days now! Sorry for the inconvenience! We’ll come back and loudly knock later after we’ve eaten! Alright?’

         W: And I said: ‘What nice young men you two our!’ And they said: ‘Oh Golly or OG!’ What nice young men!

         MWW: There’s just gotta be a better way to make a living!

         MJ: You could become a Producer or P for’s Live Streaming Service or CCLSS, Warren!

         MWW: The name Jonathan! Don’t use the name!

         MJ: Sorry Warren! Won’t happen again!

         MWW: Thank you! (A Sarcastic, Exasperated Pause).

         MJ: Anyway! I hear that’s putting billions into their Live Streaming Service or CCLSS! That they’re hiring anyone in Production who can Produce a Pulse or PPP! That game’s Wide Open or WO!

         MWW: Gotta run guys!

         MD: Where to Warren?

         MWW: Tidy up my resume and I’m crossing the Quad of ‘The Rejects’ or QTRs and over to the Corporate Postquarters or CCCPs and…

         MJ: Isn’t CCCP another acronym for USSR, Warren?

         MWW: The name Jonathan! Don’t use my freaking name, alright!

         MJ: Sorry Warren! Now about this USSR thing?

MWW: Very well! People sometimes ask ‘What’s CCCP mean?’ due to the fact that they’ve seen Russian paraphernalia with the CCCP on it and wonder what it stands for…

MD: So what does it stand for Warren?

MWW: The name God dammit Drew! Don’t use the name!

MD: Sorry Warren! Won’t happen again!

MWW: Thank you Drew! (A Sarcastic, Exasperated Pause) Well, I’m here to say, it’s an alphabet thing! In Russian, there’s what’s called, the “Cyrillic” alphabet where some of the characters look the same but are different. So, CCCP is in fact, SSSR which translates as ‘Soyuz Sovetskikh Sotsialisticheskikh Respublik’ or once again, SSSR! So than, CCCP = SSSR = USSR! A Commie plot no matter how you look sat it!

MD: So than! The online retail giant, or CCCP, Corporate Postquarters, once again, CCCP, headquartered in downtown Seattle, Washington of the United States of slowly becoming Communist: America’s! actually a Commie Plot or CP to monopolize worldwide commerce? Is that what you’re saying Warren?

MWW: The name God dammit Drew! Don’t use the name!

MD: Sorry Warren! Won’t happen again!

MWW: Thank you Drew! (Another Sarcastic, Exasperated Pause) I don’t think I said that fellows! Now, I’ll submit that tidied-up resume with an application and; viola: I’ll Work Hard! Have Fun! And Make History!

         MJ&MD: Bullshit!

         MWW: Whatever! Bye guys!

         MD: Bye Warren! We’ll miss you!

MWW: The name God dammit Drew! Don’t use the name!

MD: Sorry Warren! Won’t happen again!

MWW: Thank you Drew! (Yet Another Sarcastic, Exasperated Pause).

         MD: What’d we do now Jonathan? We have no direction!

         MJ: We never did! How’s it any different now?

         MD: True dat! So than, why not read the notice and we’ll just wing it from there!

         MJ: See! Just as we’ve always done! A Wing and a Prayer or WP!

         MD: To TheJefferys or to TheDonald, Jonathan?

         MJ: Either/Or or EO dear brother! One or the Other or OO as it’s One and the Same or OS! Or together that’s: EOOOOS!

         MD: So EOOOOS it is! To EOOOOS and Beyond or EB! Read the notice please!

         MJ: Very well than! Thought we’d never get there! And now I’m reading the notice! Drum roll please!

         MD: Silent radio Jonathan! Silent radio!

         MJ: Whatever!

         MD: Jonathan?

         MJ: Yes Drew?

         MD: Is the Good Ole USofA or GOUSA really going Commie or C, Jonathan?

         MJ: If you’re asking me if the Good Ole USofA or GOUSA’s really going Commie or C, well Drew, here’s my reply! Has our nation become an Oligarchy or O?

         MD: Oligarchy or O, Jonathan?

MJ: Yes! Oligarchy or O! It comes from the Greek word ?λιγαρχ?α or oligarkhía; from ?λ?γο? or olígos, meaning the “few” and ?ρχω or arkho, meaning to rule by a form of power which’s structured where power rests with a small number of people. And these people are distinguished by nobility, wealth, family ties, education, corporate, religious and/or military control. Such states are often controlled by families who typically pass their influence from one generation to the next!

MD: Wow!

MJ: That’s Woe or W Drew! So than! Are we here in the Good Ole USofA or GOUSA dominated by the Corporate Elite or CE? Are we in fact subjects of these powerful families and groups who some have taken to be or called the “1%”? Has our country actually become an occupied land by the Powerful Forces of International Banking or IB which controls “so-called” Free Trade or FT? Are we in fact the Working Class Slaves or WCS of Corporate Capitalism or CC and their WallStreet Bankers or WSBs who promote Casino Capitalism or CC? Drew? Is this what you’re asking? 

         MD: Yes! It’s what I’m asking!

MJ: Well Don’t! Now onto the “Notice!” ‘This is to inform the ‘A Silent Radio Hour’ show which’s live yet pre-recoded at The Spank the Monkey Café in the heart of downtown Seattle, Washington of the United States of we’ll never give up pounding our MEAT: America! Cease and Desist or CD from those Stupid Ass Scratching and indeed, Sissy Fruits and Vegetables or SASFVs or from any mention of what transpired on your last show! Wherein this occurred!’

         MD: What occurred Jonathan?

         MJ: You told your story about escaping from the Alba Psychiatric Facility or APF!

         MD: Right! So! There’s this guy! You know! Running free and naked, and yes, I was running with him, in the wilderness with some Crazy Gazelles or CGs!

         MJ: Some Crazy Gazelles or CGs?

         MD: Yeah! Some Crazy Gazelles or CGs! Anyway, he’s keeping himself busy by protecting his animal friends from the various hunters trying to, well you know, kill and eat them!

         MWW: Horrible! Simply horrible!

         MD: Got that one! Stay away from the Meat or M! Fruit and Veggies or FVs only! Damn the feedlots and the slaughterhouses! And damn their brutal cruelty!

         MJ&MWW&MSC: You want everyone to stop eating meat, Drew?

         MSC: That’s a Censure or C! FAKE NEWS ALERT!

         MD: Yes!

         MJ: So then?

         MD: The entire story’s about civilizing us all! Where we once ran free, implied by our being naked, can’t buy anything online if you’re running free and naked; now we sit on our Asses or As while Clicking the Mouse, another word for the “M” word by the way, Incessantly Hoping for Instant Gratification or CMIHIG!

         MJ: Are we Gratified or G’d, Drew?

         MD: Hell no!

         MSC: I am!

MJ: Whatever! Anyway! We just keep going back to the mouse and click until we’re raw! And then we do it all over again!

         MJ: And the temple prostitute, Drew?

         MD: Simply our coming together and romancing one another! Can’t do that online!

         MSC: I have!

         MJ: I don’t doubt it Ms. Show Censure or MSC!

         MSC: Whatever!

         MJ: Lesson here Drew?

         MD: Master Milo sent me to a place where our hunter/gatherers way of life ended! A place where the city/state was formed! A place which made Commerce or C in general and OnLine Buying or OLB in particular a guaranteed reality in the life of humankind!

         MJ: But you didn’t learn your lesson, Drew! We both demonstrated that while at the HGTV!

         MD: I know! Sad isn’t it!

         MJ: And truly sad that we’re nearly outta time if not outta our tiny little civilized minds!

MD: Kind of extreme Jonathan! Who’s the notice from anyway?

         MJ: The Meat Packers Coalition of America or MPCA!

         MD: Didn’t they sue some Big Time TV Super-Star or BTTVSS a few years ago who was talking about Health Issues Related to Eating Animal Products or HIEAPs, Jonathan?

         MJ: Indeed! Sued her for billions in damages!

         MD: Who won?

         MJ: There was s settlement which has been sealed! All Hush Hush or HH!

         MD: Big Time or BT stuff…

         MJ: Stupid Ass Scratching Stuff or SASS you mean?

         MD: Yeah! A whole lotta SASS going on these days what with the advance of Casino Capitalism or CC and the rise of the Slut State or SS and its Prostitution Ring or PR made up of the Executive Branch or EB, the Congressional Branch or CB and the Judicial Branch or JB!

         MJ: That’s correct cherished listeners! We’re all just being InterCoursed or ICed! Just a bunch of I’s and no We’s!

         MD: We all need to WeWe or WW! Jonathan?

         MJ: What Drew?

         MD: I really need to WeWe or WW!

         MJ: If you must dear brother! If you must!

         MD: Thank you Jonathan!

         MJ: And while Drew’s out WeWeing or WWing, let me continue to read to our cherished listeners from the transcript provided by the Meat Packers Coalition of America or MPCA: ‘We of the Meat Packers Coalition of America or MPCA implicitly demand that you, Jonathan and Drew, who are most assuredly not the Property Brothers of that very special but notSatanic” and certainly not under the control of the Great Actor or GA, Mr. Robert De Niro or MRDN, HGTV network, of the ‘A Silent Radio Hour’ live yet pre-recorded, whatever the hell that means we do not know nor could we be in the least concerned! Cease and Desist or CD from any mention, and how you can mention anything at all on silent radio we still do not know what crazy assed programming goes on at The Spank the Monkey Café of which we cannot believe that such an entity actually exists here in the United States of we just want our Sacred MEAT or SM: America! Again! Cease and Desist or CD or we’ll be forced to call in our Corporate Attorneys or CAs! In which case, we’re prepared to “SUE” your program ‘A Silent Radio Hour’ which by the ways lasts only ten to fifteen minutes tops and what the hell that’s all about we don’t know nor do we care in the least! Anyway, we still cannot figure out! So then! We’ll demand billions in damages to our industry which by the way’s protected by the Federal Government or FG of the once again United States of we just want our Sacred MEAT or SM: America! To our Lord and God the Smiling Happy Mr. Jesus or LGSHMJ! We’re serious about this matter! Hey! Just ask that TV bitch Oprah if we Mean Business or MB or not! Thank you! And may you have a “blessed” day! Whatever the hell that means we do not know nor do we care in the least!’

         MD: I’m back from my WeWe or WW, Jonathan!

         MJK: I’ll alert the media!

         MD: Thank you Jonathan! You’re a good brother!

         MJ: Good or not? We’re outta here cherished listeners! Good bye!

                                                *        *         *

To our cherished audience out there hopefully still listening to our ‘A Live Silent Radio Hour’ which’s live yet pre-recorded; I’m Jonathan who’s standing in for our Show’s Producer or SP Warren Williams who’s trying to make it in the Big Time or BT over at the Corporate Postquarters or CCCPs where he hopes to Work Hard or WH! Have Fun or HF! And Make History or MH! But I still say: Bullshit! Anyway! I wish to thank all of you for tuning in once more while once again leaving any semblance of rational thought at the door as for the sake of TheJefferys or TheDonald: How in the hell can you listen to silent radio? I’m still here live yet pre-recorded and I simply don’t understand any of this! (Inspirational Pause!) And please cherished audience, come back next time to hopefully Find-Out-the-Facts or FOFs concerning the nature and cause of our Collective Delusion or CD! Please cherished audience! Stay safe and always watch out for the CCCP! And please! Make sure to thank TheJefferys or TheDonald for your prosperity! Or so I’m told! And Good Night Irene!

                                                *        *         *

MD: Jonathan?

         MJ: Yes Drew?

         MD: This confuses me to the max! I’ve a headache!

         MJ: We all do Drew! And so here’s to the headache that we call the United States of falling asleep at the wheel: America! Again! Good night!


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