Don't Say the "M" Word!

Don't Say the "M" Word!

Whoever enters here honors me; whoever doesn’t- pleases me.

-Friedrich Nietzsche


     Live Yet Pre-recorded- Episode XXI of:

Don’t Say the “M” Word!

     A Silent Radio Hour: Live Yet Pre-Recorded

M: Hello cherished listeners! This’ Mark Oglesby or as you might remember me: Stupid Ass Scratching Mark Oglesby or SASMO! Anyway, I’m writing to apologize for any inconvenience that you might be experiencing in that today’s new Episode of: Don’t Say the “M” Word won’t be ready until Monday! And why might you ask?

         Here’s the thing! I’ve been laboring, hard at work, in disguise mind you, hidden in the Belly of the Beast or BB in Moreno Valley, California while employed at at a place entitled: Ont6! A real Hell-Hole or HH with actual Hell Hounds or HHs snapping at My Poor Unfortunate Ass or APUS! May TheJefferys give all of us comfort! Anyway, I’m hiding in plain-sight!

         Now listen! What with it being the Holidays or H! Whatever that means, I haven’t a clue as I ain’t seen no Holidays or Hs around here! To the point! We’re being Slave-Driven or SD to get the Production Numbers or PNs up as our Task Masters or TMs continually shout: ‘The Little Ones or TLOs are waiting for their Holiday Presents or HPs!

         And I shout back: Hey Amazon or HA! When do I get my Holiday Presents or HPs?’ ‘ Whatever!’ they shout back! Anyway! We’re all working very long and hard to bring you, our cherished listeners a Fine Happy Holiday or FHH! Good luck on that one! And for certain! Come back on Monday for a new Episode of Don’t Say the “M” Word! Really Good Stuff or RGS!


Stupid Ass Scratching Mark Oglesby or SASMO! (login:moglesby)


