Don't Say the "M" Word!’s Termination Process!
Whoever enters here honors me; whoever doesn’t- pleases me.
-Friedrich Nietzsche
Live Yet Pre-recorded- Episode LXXII of:
Don’t Say the “M” Word!
A Silent Radio Hour: Live Yet Pre-Recorded
J: We’re back!
POW: And we’re still fading away!
D: And we’re getting pretty scared about it!
J: Perhaps this’ what it means to be live yet pre-recorded?
POW: Here in the heart of downtown Seattle, Washington in the United States of Quickly Fading Away Here or SWUSQFAH in: America!
D: Warren?
POW: Yes Drew?
D: Why’s America fading away?
POW: Glad you asked Drew as this’ the subject of today’s Episode or E!
Poor People’s Campaign Leaders Among Dozens Arrested Nationwide as Moral Movement Persists!
J: But before we begin “our” story about how poverty’s actually crippling “our” national economy and the rippling effects realized throughout “our” country; let’s have SASMO give us an update on what’s taking place at the Fulfillment Center or FC in Moreno Valley, ca! SASMO please!
Mr.SASMO: Thank you Warren! And please! That’s “Mr.” SASMO to you!
POW: Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! On with “your” report, please! “Mr.” SASMO!
Mr.SASMO: Here’s a copy of an email I received from a “former” co-worker…
POW: Former as in? Terminated?
D: Management killed “your” co-worker SASMO?
Mr.SASMO: In a manner of speaking Drew! Yes!
POW: Better amplify SASMO! “Our” cherished listeners, if they haven’t already faded away, might get the wrong impression concerning the management at!
Mr.SASMO: No problem there Warren! Amazon’s management’s Brutal Beyond Belief or BBB! Gotta lookout for those busy Bs!
POW: Little more amplification please? “Mr.” SASMO!
Mr.SASMO: Thank you Warren! When people are tossed to the curb, their income’s taken away! Their ability to provide for themselves and their families’ harmed! And who knows what might happen to these people?
J: Not us!
D: Jonathan and Drew!
J&D: The Anal Brothers!
POW: May TheJefferys show mercy on us all!
J&D: Maybe? Maybe not?
POW: Okay! Onto “your” email! “Mr.” SASMO please!
Mr.SASMO: Actually Warren! Two emails!
POW: Roll ‘em out SASMO:
Let’s face it I was fired for coming to work late.
May 5, 2018, I met with my area manager, Paul Barron, and told him I was taking the California Bar. Consequently, I would be about one hour late for work each Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, for the next 10 weeks. We checked my leave balances and verified that I had enough leave to cover the time off. He approved my late arrival.
May 7, 2018, I started taking an on-line Bar Review Course. The structure of the course made it inconvenient, but not impossible, for me to get to work at 0730. I did, however, have 80 hours UPT, 50 hours PTO, & 20 hours Vacation time. I knew that I would be about one hour late every Wednesday, Thursday, & Friday for the rest of May, all of June, and the first three weeks in July; a total of 33 days. Because of the way UPT use is calculated, I anticipated using a maximum of 66 hours UPT.
I commute to work with my wife, who works on March ARB, and have for most of the days since I started in October, 2016. My wife has never been stopped or prohibited from entering the Amazon parking lot. I worked back half, Wednesday through Saturday. We showed up late, after the gates closed, May 9, 10, or 11, and were not stopped by the brown shirt loss prevention thugs in the guard shack. Rather, we were waived through the gate.
May 16, 2018, we were waived through the gate. Later that morning, I filed an ethics line complaint against HR for attempting to restrict my following up on a previous ethics complaint against the operations manager, Scott Hicks. Later that day HR enquired why I was late for three days the previous week. I told HR that I was studying for the bar and would be late every day for the next 9 to 10 weeks. May 17 we were waived through the gate. May 18, the brown shirt thug denied us access to the parking lot. I demanded to see his supervisor. 12 minutes later, his supervisor came out and waived me through the gate. When I got into the building I was confronted by John Simpson (the Sith Lord of HR, who is transferring to another fulfillment center in suburban Philadelphia) who asked me how I got through the gate. I told him I followed another car through after being waived through by a brown shirt thug supervisor. He conveniently forgot the fact that I had been waived through when reporting that I violated security procedures by bringing an unauthorized person into the parking lot. I filed an ethics hotline complaint about being denied access to the parking lot by the brown shirt thugs.
We were waived through the gate May 23, 24, 25.
May 30, another brown shirt thug denied us access to the parking lot. Eventually, after a delay of 29 minutes, we were let into the parking lot. This time, I filed another ethics hotline complaint. I was scheduled to meet with the General Manager, Tim Lee, and the new HR manager, Lauren. During my meeting, they assured me they would “find a solution to me being stopped at the gate.” May 31, I was not stopped. I was, however, fired at 1719. The solution was the final solution.
June 4, 2018, my appeal was heard by the general manager, Tim Lee. He informed me that I failed to follow security procedures by bringing an unauthorized individual into the Amazon parking lot. This was, itself, a category 1 offense meriting termination. Therefore he upheld my termination.
Like I said. I was terminated because I started showing up to work an hour late each day, despite the fact that I had enough leave to cover the absence and I had prior approval from my area manager.
Hope this is sufficiently clear for your use. If not, you can e-mail me or contact me @951-591-5797. I rarely answer my phone, but am pretty good at returning calls or responding to text messages.
POW: WOW! This guy really got the kibosh!
J: The Big Ka-Boom or BAB! Are these people at Ontario 6 serious!
Mr.SASMO: Yeah! They BABed his ass pretty good!
D: They sound seriously deranged to me!
Mr.SASMO: No! Not deranged! Cold and calculated! Seriously bureaucratic! They’d terminate their own mothers; hell, their grandmothers…
D: They have grannies working there?
Mr.SASMO: Absolutely! And as I was saying! They are to the core Crass Bureaucrats or CBs who’ll be at your feet or at your throats depending on the situation, time of day, seasons in the sun and/or whatever; as it develops!
D: Why do they seem to hate this Thomas fellow?
J: And why are they so obvious in their method of getting rid of him?
POW: And don’t they see that they’ve given him so much ammunition to fight back?
J: Come on SASMO! Give us some answers!
Mr.SASMO: Why do they hate Thomas? Simply stated or quoting from Thomas’ email: Later that morning, I filed an ethics line complaint against HR for attempting to restrict my following up on a previous ethics complaint against the operations manager, Scott Hicks. Later that day HR enquired why I was late for three days the previous week. Furthermore: May 30, another brown shirt thug denied us access to the parking lot. Eventually, after a delay of 29 minutes, we were let into the parking lot. This time, I filed another ethics hotline complaint.
D: He filed complaints with the ethics hotline? And this got him fired?
Mr.SASMO: He was fired for being a, forgive my French! A pain-in-the-ass while making management look like morons! But I choose to use the term idiots! A Greek word, yes Drew! Clever chaps those Greeks! Anyway, ?δι?τη?, idiōtēs in a certain context literally means: ‘One who freely abdicates personal well being to the Public Domain!’ “Our” Public Domain being and its minions! More to the point! When management or our “so-called” leadership blatantly disregards something they know to be wrong but do it anyway; ergo, they are functioning as idiots! Functioning as Crass Bureaucrats or CBs!
POW: And these idiots in charge knew this to be wrong?
Mr.SASMO: Associates, better known around the warehouse as Plebeians, Slaves on ThePlantation, the Incarcerated do it all the time! Their rides drive them right up to the building letting them off at one of the four entrances to the facility and then go about their business when and wherever that might be!
POW: But “our” “Mr.” Thomas who we’ll call MT is, or in the case of Ontario 6 and, “WAS”, a raucous, boisterous if not earsplitting pain-in-the-ass?
Mr.SASMO: Putting it mildly! He was also an ardent UNION supporter who vocally shouted the UNION message! Legally I might add! In my opinion, that’s what got him chopped!
D: Good show that Chopped!
POW: Drew?
J: Come on Warren! Try a little tenderness! And this one’s going out to all the Good Folk or GF in Amazon Management or AM! To all the AMs out there God Bless ‘Em or GBE! Everybody sing!
J&D&POW&Mr.SASMO: How can people be so heartless (Amazon!) How can people be so cruel (Amazon!) Easy to be hard (Amazon!) Easy to be cold (Amazon!) How can people have no feelings (Amazon!) How can they ignore their friends (Amazon!) Easy to be proud (Amazon!) Easy to say no (Amazon!) Especially people who care about strangers Who care about evil and social injustice Do you only care about the bleeding crowd (Amazon!) How about a needy friend I need a friend(Amazon!) How can people be so heartless (Amazon!) You know I'm hung up on you (Amazon!) Easy to be proud (Amazon!) Easy to say no (Amazon!) Especially people who care about strangers Who care about evil and social injustice Do you only care about the bleeding crowd How about a needy friend We all need a friend (Amazon!) How can people be so heartless (Amazon!) How can people be so cruel (Amazon!) Easy to be proud (Amazon!) Easy to say no (Amazon!) Easy to be cold (Amazon!) Easy to say no (Amazon!) Come on, easy to be mean (Amazon!) Easy to say no (Amazon!) Easy to be cold (Amazon!) Easy to say no (Amazon!) Much too easy to say no! (Amazon!)
J&D: Something’s seriously wrong here in: America!
POW: Better believe it! And now onto “your” second email! “Mr.” SASMO, please!
May 30, 2018, I met with the General Manager, Mr. Timothy Lee, regarding Amazon’s brown shirt thugs denying me access to the parking lot when I come to work. Mr. Lee assured me he would find a solution.
His solution was the final solution.
Amazon fired me Thursday 5/31/18 @ 1719 for failing to follow loss prevention procedures when entering the ONT6 parking lot. Molly from HR and Paul Barron both said firing me was difficult for them, but they were just following orders. Molly was smiling like the cat that just ate the canary when she said it.
First they came for the Communists and I did nothing because I am not a Communist;
Then they came for the Gypsies and I did nothing because I am not a Gypsie;
Then they came for the Jews and I did nothing because I am not a Jew;
Then they came for me … Watch your back!
Mr.SASMO: No Guys! That’s Woe or W!
POW: A little dramatic SASMO don’t you think?
Mr.SASMO: Hardly! Management’s coming for any fresh meat they can find!
POW: Little more amplification please? “Mr.” SASMO!
Mr.SASMO: It’s time to PURGE the rolls! “Our” FC, Ontario 6, has too many workers and needs to down-size outta financial necessity! But you see! won’t hold an actual “lay-off” for two basic “Amazon” reasons!
POW: And they are?
Mr.SASMO: Number One! They don’t want to pay unemployment! They’ll fight it in every case! And most actually walk away rather then face the constant Amazon pounding! But if they have a “lay-off” of their excess workers as most companies do, they’ll have to pay! But if they “terminate” you?
POW: A very clean cut SASMO! And Number Two? “Mr.” SASMO please!
Mr.SASMO: If Amazon begins to “lay-off” workers? What does that say to investors and Amazon’s stock valuation?
POW: Could go down the drain!
D: But didn’t TheAmazon boast about hiring 100,000 workers in 2017? It was in all the papers! All over the internet!
Mr.SASMO: What wasn’t in the papers Drew or on the internet was that Amazon hires and fires in the snap of their fingers! In & Out! In & Out! That’s what TheAmazon’s all about!
POW: Trade-mark infringement SASMO!
Mr.SASMO: Go to hell Warren!
POW: I’m never going to TheAmazon no matter how much “they” beg me!
J&D: Good one Warren!
Mr.SASMO: Feel the Force of the Darkside Luke!
POW: Like that ‘Sith Lord’ John Simpson?
Mr.SASMO: Nah! Thomas got that one wrong! Simpson’s the Sith Lord’s willing apprentice! The actually HR ‘Sith Lord’ is that John Castillo Simpson’s former boss! Damn!
D: What SASMO?
Mr.SASMO: Sat in an office with him and Simpson for over an hour! The man talked non-stop for forty-five minutes straight! My brain nearly froze up! Oh My God or OMG! Thought I was going to barf but managed not to!
J: Sounds horrific SASMO!
Mr.SASMO: It was! He was doing Amazonian Talk or AT! They go into this “loop” while repeating the same thing over and over and over again never changing cadence until you lose track of what’s being said! Then? You just kinda walk away thinking to yourself: ‘What the hell happened?’
D: And what did happen SASMO?
Mr.SASMO: Can’t remember! It’s all a blur!
POW: As is “our” “Mr.” Thomas or MT!
Mr.SASMO: Hardly! Amazon’s going to receive the Sound & the Fury from “our” “Mr.” Thomas who’ll not let this go unanswered! And where Ontario 6 has “their” “Kangaroo Court” or KC entitled ‘The Appeal Process’ the next round will be in a “real” court where the rules of Law & Order, Policy, both business and public, apply!
J: So he’s gonna Clean-Their-Clocks or CTC SASMO?
Mr.SASMO: I’d buy a ticket! Front Row Center or FRC!
J: As would I!
POW: Same here!
D: Me too! Me too! I’d buy a ticket! Front Row Center or FRC!
POW: And they all said!
J&D&POW&Mr.SASMO: I’m Spartacus!
POW: And normally that’d lead us straight into “our” feature concerning The Poor People’s Campaign but as usual, we’re outta time! So please come back next time when we look into this movement which’s growing like a Tsunami all across the globe!
J: Surely needed there at!
Mr.SASMO: Whole lotta Poor People or PP working there!
J: Workers being PP’d on!
POW: Dumped on you mean!
Mr.SASMO: To the tenth power and beyond!
* * *
To our cherished listeners out there hopefully believing that “our” ‘A Live Silent Radio Hour’ which’s live yet pre-recorded here at The Spank the Monkey Café in the heart of downtown Seattle, Washington of the United States of Here’s Still Hoping for the Fifth Aeon to Finally Come and Save Us All Here or USHSHFAFCSUAH in: America will be back next time! Who knows? I’m Producer Only Warren or POW and many thanks once again to “our” cherished listeners who are anticipating another Episode or E of ‘A Live Silent Radio Hour’ which’s again live yet pre-recorded! We’re so sorry that you’re having to live through these nasty “happenings” I mean to say! Really SORRY! But I wish to thank all of you for tuning in once more while again leaving any semblance of rational thought at the door as for the sake of TheJefferys: How in the hell can you listen to silent radio? Never understood that one but hey folks! We’re back! (Inspirational Pause!) And please cherished “LISTENERS”, come back next time to hopefully Find-Out-the-Facts or FOFs concerning the nature and cause of our Collective Delusion or CD as we Tell Our Tale or TOT of Misery or M here in a land known as America! Please stay safe and always watch out for those Frenzied, Extremely Agitated Regrettables or FEAR who see their own reflection in the Mirrored Sunglasses or MSs of those who would Un-Naturally or UN ridicule our Blessed Way of Life here on Silent Radio or SR! And please! Make sure to thank TheJefferys! And so I’m pretty certain! And Good Night Irene!
* * *
D: Warren?
J: Yes Drew?
POW: Why’d they have to do that to Poor Ole Thomas or POT?
POW: Because POT got in their way and was pissed on!
J: Come on Warren! Try a little tenderness! And this one’s going out to all the Good Folk or GF in Amazon Management or AM! To all the AMs out there! Everybody sing!
J&D&POW&Mr.SASMO: How can people be so heartless (Amazon!) How can people be so cruel (Amazon!) Easy to be hard (Amazon!) Easy to be cold (Amazon!) How can people have no feelings (Amazon!) How can they ignore their friends (Amazon!) Easy to be proud (Amazon!) Easy to say no (Amazon!) Especially people who care about strangers Who care about evil and social injustice Do you only care about the bleeding crowd (Amazon!) How about a needy friend I need a friend(Amazon!) How can people be so heartless (Amazon!) You know I'm hung up on you (Amazon!) Easy to be proud (Amazon!) Easy to say no (Amazon!) Especially people who care about strangers Who care about evil and social injustice Do you only care about the bleeding crowd How about a needy friend We all need a friend (Amazon!) How can people be so heartless (Amazon!) How can people be so cruel (Amazon!) Easy to be proud (Amazon!) Easy to say no (Amazon!) Easy to be cold (Amazon!) Easy to say no (Amazon!) Come on, easy to be mean (Amazon!) Easy to say no (Amazon!) Easy to be cold (Amazon!) Easy to say no (Amazon!) Much too easy to say no! (Amazon!)
J&D: Something’s seriously wrong here in: America!
POW: Better believe it!