Don't Say the "M" Word!
The Tax Cuts Might Not Stimulate The Economy At All!
Whoever enters here honors me; whoever doesn’t- pleases me.
-Friedrich Nietzsche
Live Yet Pre-recorded- Episode LXXXIII! of:
Don’t Say the “M” Word!
A Silent Radio Hour: Live Yet Pre-Recorded:
“I understand people believe I'm just a statistic
I say to them I'm different”
10th grader, Antwon Rose
POW: Once again we return to the Scene Of The Crime or SOTC!
J: And what Scene Of The Crime or SOTC is it today Producer Only Warren or POW?
POW: That’s Prisoner Of Weirdness or POW to you Jonathan!
J: Whatever Warren! Let’s get right into today’s show!
POW: Oh let’s do!
J: Agreed!
POW: Now on “our” last Episode or E, I asked SASMO: ‘Can they win SASMO?’ And he replied: ‘They already have!’ To which I stated: ‘Gonna have to explain that one! But not today!’ And this’ where we need to begin! What the hell are you suggesting? “Mr.” SASMO, please!
Mr.SASMO: I’m suggesting Warren that’s sown the seeds to their own destruction!
J: Oh I wanna hear this one!
D: As do I dear brother! As do I!
Mr.SASMO: TheAmazon has pushed people to the brink and those people are ready to push back!
J: Say what?
Mr.SASMO: Low Amazon Pay or LAP!
TheRejects: LAP! LAP! LAP! The LAP is back!
Mr.SASMO: TheAmazon’s instilled a sense of terror in all their employees!
POW: In what way?
Mr.SASMO: Amazon’s employees are constantly afraid of losing their jobs and thus their ability to provide for themselves and their loved ones! Many wake-up in the night fearful of what might happen the next day! The next week! The next month! If there is one?
J: And?
Mr.SASMO: Fear turns to rage whereas a tiny spark can become a raging inferno that can’t be extinguished! A blaze I might add that will alter the course of Amazon completely! For the good or for the bad! Its Amazon’s choice to make! But it will happen! And I believe very soon!
Mr.SASMO: Because Drew! People can and will only tolerate so much! And here’s something I’ve heard through the grapevine!
J: What a set-up SASMO! I mean to say! We just gotta do this one! Everybody sing!
D: Marvin Gaye or Credence version?
J: Just sing out load everybody!
J&D&POW&Mr.SASMO&TheRejects: ‘Ooh, I bet you’re wond’rin’ how I knew ‘bout your plans to make me blue With some other guy you knew before Between the two of us guys you know I love you more It took me by surprise I must say When I found out yesterday Don’tcha know that I Heard it through the grapevine Not much longer would you be mine Oh I heard it through the grapevine Oh I’m just about to lose my mind Honey, honey yeah (Heard it through the grapevine) (Not much longer would you be my baby, ooh, ooh, ooh) I know a man ain't supposed to cry But these tears I can't hold inside Losin’ you would end my life you see ‘cause you mean that much to me You could have told me yourself That you love someone else Instead I Heard it through the grapevine Not much longer would you be mine Oh I heard it through the grapevine And I’m just about to lose my mind Honey, honey yeah (Heard it through the grapevine) (Not much longer would you be my baby, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh) People say believe half of what you see Son, and none of what you hear But I can’t help bein' confused If it’s true please tell me dear Do you plan to let me go For the other guy you loved before? Don’tcha know I Heard it through the grapevine Not much longer would you be mine Baby I heard it through the grapevine Ooh I’m just about to lose my mind Honey, honey yeah (Heard it through the grapevine) (Not much longer would you be my baby, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah) Honey, honey, I know That you're lettin' me go Said I heard it through the grapevine!’
POW: And what was it that “you” heard SASMO?
Mr.SASMO: That an Worker’s Walk-Out or General Strike or AcWWOGS was being planned and that it could go globally!
D: By who SASMO?
Mr.SASMO: By me Drew! By me! In fact, here’s my Open Letter or OL to the Powers That Be or PTB over at TheAmazon!
TheRejects: OL! OL! OL! Gotta get OL! Get the Powers That Be or PTB over at TheAmazon!
An Open Letter To!
This is an open letter from an tier 1 Associate who works at the Ontario 6 Fulfillment Center in Moreno Valley, California. My name is Mark Oglesby (login: moglesby) and I am demands respect from my employer which will happen sooner or later and so I believe that we cannot, will not be stopped! And it is concerning this subject that I would like to address my fellow Associates, Process Assistants, Area Managers, Operations managers, Senior Operations Managers, General Manager and all other operatives around the globe: For your approval or not!
Also, I wish to address anyone who believes or wishes to believe that people have a fundamental right to happiness even in the workplace! Furthermore, it is my utmost belief that a person cannot, will not experience happiness if they are cold or hungry, in need of shelter or clothing, desiring company, love and companionship; in need of those basic requirements to sustain a healthy if not happy existence.
In which case, it will become necessary that people form a common front in order to gain those things which make life happy, healthy and wise; reasonable to suggest that not matter our background, place of birth, nationality, color of ones skin, religion, creed, sexual preference or any other thing which might cause one to mistrust another must be stricken from our hearts and minds! We stand together to make our demands! Not our requests! But our demands!
Here there is a world apart, unlike everything else, with laws of its own, its own dress, its own manners and customs, and here is the house of the living dead- life as elsewhere and a people apart.
–Fyodor Dostoyevsky
We cannot be a people apart or we will be condemned to an existence of the living dead (where) life as elsewhere and a people apart! We cannot be separated away from each other or we will be subject to laws, rules, regulations and all those clothing’s, manners and customs which separate us from one another; which tear at the very fabric of our natures which shout for unity; cry for justice! Life is not elsewhere as it is here in our need to share with one another!
And share with one another we must as we fight; as we struggle to maintain our hope in a better world, a brighter tomorrow that is not divided by those who would isolate one from the other as more easily to control the individual alienated from the collective. We stand together demanding our right to life, liberty and happiness! We rally one another to a cause whereas we believe that all are entitled to the wondrous elements of life in the here and now! Therefore I shout:
We shall awaken from the darkness of ignorance as the call for action goes forth! Please, be ready for confrontation as those who are awaken seek greater advancement if not development in what happens to them in all facets of this life: The workplace, government, civil if not human rights, our own communities; those places when and wherever we gather together as individuals yet communally committed to one another in hope and its aspirations.
In the scales of justice, we seek a greater voice in all things which transpire in our lives, once again; in the workplace, government, civil if not human rights; our own communities where we share with everyone the desire to be free while having a voice to cry out in unison: Awaken!
In our life as workers, we are bound in a jail of hard tedious labor for little pay and more so, modest respect in merely having a say in the terms of our employment! We are therefore no different than you in your struggle for respect because of the color of your skin! The way in which you communicate! Your belief or non-belief in God! All those things which you hold dearest in this world! We are so very similar as we fight for our right to be who we are while holding true to those things in which we believe! Truly, there’s no cage that might contain a heart which seeks freedom and its justice! No chains ever forged that might keep a people from their goals or inspiration. Be it a government or a multi-national corporation; an online retailer headquartered in Seattle, Washington! There’s neither room nor reason for fear as we are together in this drive to justice!
Whenever I am downcast as to my situation in this life of want and need; whenever I am in pain and have no consolation or any other thing to hold onto; I am united with those whose feelings are just the same! I am able to hear the cry of the other who wants, desperately needs, solace which I can give even in my state of sorrow and anguish. We are therefore, in spite of our differences, the same!
Out there in the great big beautiful world, we march together while singing our fight song keeping our eyes on the prize, holding on! I fight today for better pay, benefits, respect in the workplace! You fight for the right to live in this land! Another fights merely to walk down the street in their own neighborhood unmolested by the civil authorities! Some fight here while others fight there! Wherever we are we are together! None of us is alone because we are one! We are many!
“We hold these truths to be self-evident…” was shouted from the mountain tops! Scream now and yell load! I am a human being and I will be respected! Be it on the street! In my home! At my job site working for! Anywhere that I am, I will always be: I am! No one can take that from another person! No one has the right to degrade another human being! We are one! We are many!
My prize today is a vote for unity! A vote for the unity here at! Your prize is the dignity to walk freely in your own neighborhood! Some others dignity is to be free to worship as they please! To be different yet secure in their person! To be fed! To have a home and family! To be able to provide for one another! To be: I am! I have dignity for I am a human being!
Hold my hand while I hold yours! Grasp my belief in the dignity and freedom afforded those willing to claim their inheritance! Take your stand and hold tightly to those aligned with you in this struggle for respect! For a life worth living in the here and now!
Wherever you are I am also there! We are never alone as we are tied together by our struggle to be human beings! For assurance, carry the love from town to town as every struggle to be free is the same struggle that is waged wherever people realize themselves while demanding their potential!
My prize is the contentment on the faces of those who have appreciated if not understood the need to be free! The need to fight for what is right! The desire to have what my family and I require to be happy if not healthy in this world. We have a right to be this way! Free in our person and that of those we care for as I will never give up in this struggle called life!
May I never lose my way to the prize! Hold on! May the wilderness of fear be stricken from my mind! Hold on! May the error of timidity be lost and never returned as I stand-up for what I believe! Hold on! May I always be free to ask for help when I am lost! Hold on! May you come to me asking what I might do for you!
In my heart I hold all human persons to be sacred! In my mind I desire no tension with another human being! In my life I am at peace with all those I encounter. In practice I reserve the right to stand up and fight for those things I and my family requires to be, once again; healthy, happy and wise! FURTHERMORE! I demand my due in this world and will battle to the end in order that justice prevails! In order that I and my fellow citizens of this world know peace and harmony! Know that we need not turn against one another but that our fight is with those who would deny us our right to life! Our right to what we need to live in the here and now!
My prize is to love and adore my family and friends in our world community of live and let live in the here and now!
Ain't been to heaven but I been told
Streets up there are paved with gold
The ending lines from a song often played during the Civil Rights Movement in the United States where the legendary American folk singer, civil rights activist, environmental warrior, Union agitator Pete Seeger cried out for freedom from oppression for all peoples everywhere: Now! And as to the proposition whether or not there is a heaven or a hell, I consider the question pointless! My heaven is my family as my hell is the inability to provide for them and what they need to thrive not just survive in the here and now!
This is a battle-cry to an and all workers who desire a better working environment as to benefit them and their families as to wages, benefits, a right to a say in their place of employment; a guarantee to be free from the threat of the lose of employment: RESPECT! Without which we can never consider ourselves human beings! More-to-this! We would be nothing but cattle in the marketplace! Data in the stream which’s online retail!
I am calling for a global walkout of all worksites; a general strike if you will! United we will never be defeated! The “so-called” leadership of truly believers that IT, TheAmazon, is too big to be wrong! They are not! And it is this very belief that we must shatter as to better our condition as workers in this world; workers at TheAmazon! More to come later! To be certain: We will prevail and will be changed for the better!
Mark Oglesby (login: moglesby)
POW: They’ll Fry-Your-Bacon or FYB for this one SASMO!
Mr.SASMO: Good luck to ‘em! God’s been trying to fryin’ my Bacon for along time now! But my “bacon’s” my own! Not God’s! Not TheAmazon’s!
POW: Good to know! But hey! As usual! We’re all out time! The Chamber Brothers not withstanding!
J: And we gotta sing!
J&D&POW&Mr.SASMO&TheRejects: Time has come today (AMAZON)! Young hearts can go their way (AMAZON)! Can’t put it off another day (AMAZON)! I don’t care what others say (AMAZON)! They say we don't listen anyway (AMAZON)! Time has come today Hey! (AMAZON)! Oh The rules have changed today Hey! (AMAZON)! I have no place to stay Hey! (AMAZON)! I’m thinking about the subway Hey! (AMAZON)! My love has flown away Hey! (AMAZON)! My tears have come and gone Hey! (AMAZON)! Oh my Lord, I have to roam Hey! (AMAZON)! I have no home Hey! (AMAZON)! I have no home Hey! (AMAZON)! Now the time has come Time! (AMAZON)! There’s no place to run Time! (AMAZON)! I might get burned up by the sun Time! (AMAZON)! But I had my fun Time! (AMAZON)! I’ve been loved and put aside Time (AMAZON)! I’ve been crushed by the tumbling tide Time (AMAZON)! And my soul has been psychedelicized Time (AMAZON)! Time (AMAZON)! Now the time has come Time (AMAZON)! There are things to realize Time (AMAZON)! Time has come today Time Time (AMAZON)! has come today Time Time (AMAZON)! Oh Now the time has come Time (AMAZON)! There’s no place to run Time (AMAZON)! I might get burned up by the sun Time (AMAZON)! But I had my fun Time (AMAZON)! I’ve been loved and put aside Time (AMAZON)! I’ve been crushed by tumbling tide Time (AMAZON)! And my soul has been psychedelicized Time Time! (AMAZON)! Now the time has come (Time) (AMAZON)! There are things to realize Time Time (AMAZON)! has come today Time Time (AMAZON)! has come today Time Time (AMAZON)! Yeah!
J&D: Can you dig it?
POW: Probably not!
J&D: Much too bad Warren! Much too bad!
* * *
To our cherished listeners out there hopefully believing that “our” ‘A Live Silent Radio Hour’ which’s live yet pre-recorded formerly at The Spank the Monkey Café in the heart of downtown Seattle, Washington of the United States of Here’s Still Hoping for the Fifth Aeon to Finally Come and Save Us All Here or USHSHFAFCSUAH in: America which’s quickly Slipping Into Darkness or SID! Hopefully, we’ll be back next time! Who knows? I’m Producer Only Warren or POW or Prisoner Of Weirdness here in what’s known as “Reject Square” where we’re now broadcasting live yet pre-recorded and so many thanks once again to “our” cherished listeners who are anticipating another Episode or E of ‘A Live Silent Radio Hour’! We’re so sorry that you have to live through these nasty “happenings” taking place daily here in America! I mean to say! Really SORRY! But I wish to thank all of you for tuning in once more while again leaving Any Semblance of Rational Thought or ASRT at the door as for the sake of TheJefferys: How in the hell can you listen to silent radio? Never understood that one but hey folks! We’re back! (Inspirational Pause!) And please cherished “LISTENERS”, again return next time to hopefully Find-Out-the-Facts or FOFs concerning the nature and cause of our Collective Delusion or CD as we Tell Our Tale or TOT of Misery or M here in a land known as America! Please stay safe and always watch out for those Frenzied, Extremely Agitated Regrettables or FEAR who see their own reflection in the Mirrored Sunglasses or MSs of those who would Un-Naturally or UN ridicule our Blessed Way of Life here on Silent Radio or SR! And please! Make sure to thank TheJefferys! And so I’m pretty certain! And Good Night Irene!
* * *
D: Jonathan?
J: Yes Drew?
D: Still thinking about that film I saw a couple of months ago!
J: Really?
D: Yeah! The Night of the Living Polo Shirts or NLPS really scares the hell outta me Jonathan!
J: As it should Drew! As it should!
D: Indeed! By the way?
J: Yes Drew?
D: We didn’t get to ‘The Tax Cuts Might Not Stimulate The Economy At All!’
J: We’ll get there Drew! Sooner or later! We’ll get there!
D: See you next time! Bye!