Don't Sabotage Yourself! Instead Master the Art of Creative Destruction.

Don't Sabotage Yourself! Instead Master the Art of Creative Destruction.

"The RAS is the part of your brain that serves as a filter between your conscious mind and your subconscious mind. The RAS, which is located in the core of your brain stem, takes instructions from your conscious mind, and passes them on to your subconscious mind."

Some say you can say a lot in a text message. I strongly disagree. Hearing can easily result in ex-post conflicts without comprehension of conversations. The wondering eyes can deceive you. Peace is followed by conflict, conflict follows peace, and so on and so forthcoming as history repeats itself. Whatever, the case, there is significant difference between hearing someone and listening to them. What is fact is not always obvious to us. A higher percentage of humans than we can truly imagine believe in assumptions. Mental processes of humans are so complex that the majority of us have been left in the cold with vague false assumptions and no mutual understanding about our own personal conflicts and what caused them. But these pitfalls of human mental processes are just part of our human fabric and unfortunately they cannot be eliminated (Psychology of Intelligence). So, how can we can come to any real time conclusions or resolutions, if we stop short ourselves, and do not learn the skills of listening and the value of face-to-face conversations.

In fact, a person should never use texting as a form of communication or email for that matter for any important communication that may be otherwise misinterpreted. Texting is great for very short, quick messages. It has never really been good for important conversations, because we humans need the emotional subtext in those conversations in order to assess how we are doing with this or that person. What is our relationship like? What is the level of trust? An emoticon can never express those real human feelings you can physically observe when in the presence of those persons displaying them.

Emoticons and texts often lead to quick conflicts because multiple studies have concluded that when our brains perceive a mismatch between what the words are saying and how they're being said, our brains trust the nonverbal messages more than the words. The bottom line is that anyone can be fooled by a text message leading them into assumptions. We actually start to fill in the missing components to that message with made-up stuff that we conjured up based on our mood at the moment, our past experiences with this person, what we've experienced with someone else who has sent us a similar emoticon or text message and a whole host of other assumptions.

In face-to-face communication, we're looking at a person's facial expressions as they're giving us their message. Are they making eye contact, or are they averting their eyes? Are their brows furrowed? Are they smiling? Are they frowning? The emoticons could be smiling with big red hearts but their smirks and frowns you cannot see. Additionally, what is their situation in terms of their shoulders, feet position, their physical body, their arm motions, and their proximity to us? All those things are important components of the message in face-to-face conversations and our brains know how to read them.

Listening is a learned skill of practitioners who are taught how to listen. Mediators are the clinicians of listening, if they can maintain their professional neutrality throughout the entire process. This rare skill set can take numerous years to learn with direct access to a practicum. The human assumption is that because we are equipped with ears we know how to listen. In my reading of "Master the Mind Monkey" it says listening in someways is a form of acceptance "in that we did not have the ears to listen because we were preoccupied with the justification of our Concepts, the minds noise." Here is an interesting aphorism - Resistance causes persistence of conflicts and acceptance causes disappearance of almost every conflict imaginable. The skill of listening requires comprehension which first requires comprehending skills. And, the knowledge of vocabulary used in a particular language. Retaining is the second step in the listening process. Human behavior itself can make listening altogether a very difficult concept. To make matters worse, we have over 7,099 languages spoken in the world today. The languages spoken here in the United States is 311. Those languages indigenous to the United States is 162. Those that are immigrant languages are 149. There are14 million households in the United States where English is not the primary language. Languages themselves are in flux. I guess we could say that, "it is much easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle" than for us to really listen to someone's point of view.

Ask yourself the following questions: What is the difference between listening and hearing? Why do we need to listen? What is the result of not listening? Sadly, the aspects and dimensions of not listening are 1) no respect, 2) no attention and 3) absolutely no interest in the subject or context. And, because of our many human complexities which cause prejudices, various biases and barriers to active listening we often misinterpret remarks because we took what someone was saying totally out of context. Sometimes it's a miracle that any kind of human relationship survives due to our misconceptions about listening. By doing the listening, instead of focusing on defending our positional interest, we can take the responsibility for our behaviors in our quality worlds. We can put much more inference on the set of circumstances that surround a particular event, situation, court matter and change our behavior.

I will be the first to admit that I sometimes need a reality check! Because most of our ordinary social life is organized in cyclical changes. We must be prepared for those cyclic changes of the day, the week, and the year. We must not get distracted by the noise. Conflicts exists when we're simply not ready for any particular change. We must learn different positive approaches to dealing with various changes. We must also learn to accept change. A cyclic change keeps the universe moving forward. Therefore, a person can always improve their listening skills through the cyclical changes of life and their approach to conflict.

There might be worse people out there in the world but we surely don't have to make circumstances of conflict worst. We should challenge ourselves to master the art of self-creative destruction. I mean to say, we are capable of overthinking problems, to the point of making them much worse and coming up with no real time solutions. This is self-defeating and the worse case issue of "self-sabotage." When we blatantly refuse to learn any new information about ourselves from others, or listen to feedback given to us about our own behaviors, it is just really problematic for everyone involved, including ourselves. We cannot stop the the cyclical changes of life.

Something's certainly lack and something's have not. Some think that life is an audience sport, something to be observed and watched on television. It does not do to day dream and forget to live. We can't play the make believe game for existence talk. The person you're in conflict with obviously is real. Why surely you can easily give anyone the silence treatment, and semantic pretense behind their existence. The silent treatment has a long history of doing absolutely nothing for both the victims and offenders of this bad behavior. Leaders must continue to be students of change. We cannot profess to know it all. Everyone still has some room for professional growth.

In fact, all success stories and problems will come directly from having any kind of human relationships. Which are in my humble opinion unavoidable, and just part of our dynamic complex human survival. If you're experiencing pain in any kind of dyad that is a strong signal to immediately improve your personal behavior, and to not continue down the same old paths of this bad behavior. For this matter, how would like to be on the receiving end of your very bad relationships? Success has more to do with your brilliance to accept others' judgement upon you, and to quickly learn from your behavior. Learning to improve something observed from someone else about yourself will enable you to connect better with people. Without conversations the possibilities to improve your bad relationships are thrown out the window before they have a chance.

Yet, it is not impossible to expand our perception of situations, events and behaviors by changing our perspective and sometimes somethings about ourselves. Having critical conversations often produce successful relationships. The wrong thing to do is to be anti-social and quiet about a conflict. Being quiet doesn't help anyone understand your personal behavior. Overriding that strong signal of pain in your brain will certainly cause you much more stress, fatigue, and illness. Furthermore, it's not healthy for anyone to be in pain simply because they refuse to balance their own emotions. We must remember resistance causes persistence of conflicts and acceptance causes disappearance of them.

Additionally, because people are born free to judge you. The humility to accept the most critical forms of anyone's judgement should lead to a behavior transformation. A change in your personal behavior. Therefore, either way you look at it, feedback can serve us well. But we must be open to changing our own behavior. We certainly can't avoid having human relationships. Human relationships are part of the fabric and the cyclical changes of life. And, it is the good behavior that is the cause for good relationships. Bad human behavior is the cause for 1) Difference, 2) Dispute, 3) Contention, 4) Limited War and 5) All out War. Our human survival on earth is interdependent on the good human behavior.

I often try to remind myself and the parties themselves participating in the mediation process that we must break out of the mindless cycles of blaming. For that matter, decide to change your behavior first. Forget what you think you already know about a person, and get to know them all over again and again and again - even if it's your best friend, mother, father, brother, spouse, partner, child or people you work with. Ask them questions about why they are upset and what they think you could do to address their concerns. Be open to their suggestions and set aside your pride. Resist the temptation to throw blame back at them, and make the decision to work on yourself instead. To ultimately change your own behavior. It's up to them to change their behavior. You don't have to tell them to do so. It's a choice for them to make. Because they know already that they're behaving badly.

Silent treatment speaks volumes about the bad state of our relationships too. It can spell instant disaster for the future. I am not saying we should all try to be perfect either. That's quite fraudulently impossible to do. Everything isn't a Picasso. Because perfection itself is an illusion. It's existence is somewhere above the clouds. But the lessons in life will continue to be taught when we are open to lifelong learning and the efforts thereafter. However, we must be willing to learn from each other, and to stop the self-sabotaging of ourselves. To find out more about human imperfections research the 'Pygmalion effect'.

On the other hand, people process information to make judgements on incomplete and such ambiguous data and information that it is frightful. But some conflicts can also bring humans closer to human kindness and mutual understandings. It also presents a strong case for change in a person's thinking, acting, feeling and physiology. The resolution of conflicts can produce a total change in a person's behavior too.

At my family reunion I attended a church sermon, where the minister himself, with the utmost humility spoke about "taking off the old and putting on the new." The message was clear and right on time for me. In my humble opinion, it is extremely impossible to put on the new, if we aren't willing to change our perspectives. To end conflicts you must take off the old you and put him in the closet. We need to move towards acceptance. To essentially put on the new perspective willingly. The reality check in itself is to see things much differently than how you want them to appear and through a different lens. To resolve the conflict we are trying to see the other sides point of view.

Have you ever thought about how much of your thinking is validated. We must force ourselves to pay closer attention to every human observer, because often they can provide vital insights on what we might be missing. What about an observers false assumptions about you. Absolutely nothing happens without thought, and or a reason. We can use our Reticular Activating System (RAS) to get exactly what we wish. However, we can also fool ourselves into believing an assumption which can self-sabotage our wishes and dreams. This is why life seems to be so ridiculously highly complex. Life is complicated because our problems and relationships are intertwined throughout life. No relationships, no problems, but that is quite impossible. Social media has proven that already. We can't even put our phones down to go on a date, or to the bathroom! Let's face it we need to be constantly connected to other people in the world. Getting pass acceptance is the biggest issue for us all. Someone must hold our hands.

It is estimated that the human brain processes roughly 12,000 to 50,000 thoughts per day. Some negative thoughts, and others transitioning into positive. Whatever the matter, everything we do in our daily lives was first conceived by a set of given priorities within the make up of our brains. It's call programming whether you're doing the programming or not. Have you ever left a good movie or vacation spot feeling gloriously victorious, and then directly afterwards the reality set in? The reality of basic assumptions can be defeating.

Additionally, this is called mind programming. The mind is always buzzing about something, someplace real or imaginary, or that special someone. It's highly realistic to program the mind to do just about anything you wish. To think anything into it's own existence without being real at all. Unchecked thoughts can be feral. With this said, albeit more arguments come from fictional beliefs and things made up than anything close to being real. The world and people around us can leave us with too many assumptions, that is why we should have conversations to frequently clarify what was said. This can prevent the release of feral thoughts.

In fact, it is difficult to disprove assumptions because they are, by definition, things that do not require any proof. What about nurture? Does it really explain why we turn out the way we do? The word nurture is not neutral. It carries too much weight or baggage to be considered neutral language. It's literal meaning is "to take care of" or "rear." The origin of the word comes from the same Latin root that gave us nourish and nurse. It is a basic assumption in my humble opinion in the use of nurture as a synonym for environment. And, it is based on the assumption that how a person turns out apart from anything else positive, is the way their parents bring them up? With that said, it is far too many cases in the world to support that nurturing has anything to do with our current state of mind. Especially, when in a conflict.

The Reticular Activating System (RAS) is either your friend or your foe. Sometimes it can catch you off guard during the height of a stressful day, and unfortunately dictate the next unfolding events in your life. It can keep you from ever reaching your goals. It can make accomplishing anything too far of a stretch. In addition, when confronted with a situation or tasks the (RAS) can put you directly in conflict with other people, or tasks being assigned to you. Because the Reticular Activating System is the area of the brain where it is the coordinating point for all information in the central nervous system. It controls your likes and dislikes of people and various things. It can be the cause of your inner conflict. Having you zoom around in an emotional induced virtual reality of past and future, usually without any conversations to validate your feelings.

We need to first understand how our own psyche works to overcome unconscious programming that produces conflict, suffering and self-defeat. Oftentimes we think we can control our health and feelings about our responsive actions. It's the thoughts rather than people's actions that cause the initial conflict. For that reason, it is vital that we attempt to understand our thoughts much better before taking any kinds of unnecessary actions. We need to make logical decisions based on knowledge rather than assumptions. The programmed thoughts you think could also be the reasons for why you might dislike your current job and other people around you. Mike Cardwell (Dictionary of Psychology) speaks more clearly of this 'in a reference to the state of readiness' in which an organism is "prepared for a fight."

When a person says, "I want a break to clear my head and to think about things," they are really saying I need time to sort through my thoughts to reason. "They could be going nuts." Even though we wish to hold them accountable at that exact moment as hostages to our demands and wants. I've discovered that it is much wiser to give people the space to reconsider their thoughts, because they can take the wrong responsive actions that could be detrimental to the health of their personal relationships and organizations when pushed. We have too many alternatives to base our lives purely on anything else but sound assumptions. Therefore, I think it's true that we all should have frequent reality checks before freely speaking our minds.

The first step towards mutual understanding with others is to understand the parts of thinking, or elements of reasoning. These elements are 1) purpose, 2) question, 3) information, 4) inference, 5) assumption, 6) point of view, 7) concepts, and 8) implications. These elements are always present in the mind whenever we reason.

To communicate our thinking, we need to formulate both our purpose and the question at issue clearly. We need to use information in our thinking that is both relevant to the question we are dealing with, and accurate. We need to make logical inferences based on sound assumptions. We need to know the differences between an "inference" and "assumption" before we can stop the deconstruction of our relationships and organizations. We can also imagine that the tools used for construction of a building are the same tools for deconstruction.

For that matter, before we sabotage our ourselves and our relationships, we need to talk. We need to speak our minds clearly. But before we do so, we must understand clearly our own point of view and fully be prepared to consider and have discussions about the other person's viewpoints. This is called having an effective dialogue. This is where the Reticular Activating System (RAS) comes directly into play.

As I mentioned, learning to distinguish inferences from assumptions is an important first step forward towards communication. An inference is a step of the mind, an intellectual act by which one concludes that something is true in light of something else being true. If you come towards me in a dark parking lot, I might infer that you mean to do me harm. We humans naturally and often use our beliefs as assumptions and make these kinds of inferences based on those assumptions.

An assumption is something we take for granted or presuppose. If our belief is a sound one, our assumption is sound. However, if our belief is not sound, our assumption is not sound. Beliefs, and hence assumptions, can be unjustified or justified, depending upon whether we do or do not have good reasons for them. Something taken for granted or accepted as true without proof and a supposition is a valid assumption. Consider this example: I drive a long commute every single day. On my drive to work, people ignore me, give me the ugly finger, cut me off without ever signaling a lane change and yell at me. I remember thinking at the time during my commute all the cars I was annoyed with, that I assumed were just obnoxious terrible people driving with no care for human life. Was this an inference leading me to an assumption? While I am not sure if all of them were following the speed limits or obeying traffic rules, but I'm also not sure how many were running late getting to their jobs, were afraid of loosing their jobs, going to a job interview, or just trying to get to work. Our assumptions can make us feel much bigger than anyone else, and also make a big issue of the smallest thing. Aren't we all in this thing together. I should be cheering these people on who are apart of our infrastructure. Whatever their doing has some benefit to us all.

The point to make here is that when it comes to the behaviors of others, remember that you truly do not know what's going on in their brains. If you're assuming something about someone in your life, at least give him or her the courtesy of checking out your assumptions. The worst thing that can happen is that they tell you that you're right - in which case it is no longer an assumption, but a fact. It is important to listen.

The Reticular Activating System (RAS) will use all of our senses, sight, and sound, touch, taste and smell, and gather this information and send this information directly to our brains. Our brains receive thousands of such tiny bits and pieces of information every millisecond of every single day that must be sorted and appropriately organized. Essentially your Reticular Activating System (RAS) is a small group of cells at the base of your brain. With the main function to act like a sorting office, evaluating the incoming information and prioritizing that incoming information in the form of messages that will need addressing.

Your Reticular Activating System (RAS) can often be the differences between War and Peace with a person. In this case, we sometimes never hear the person speaking to us and instead unfortunately hear what we want to hear anyway, when they've often said different words to us entirely. We instead chose to not hear their feedback, and quickly opted for the toxic drink of self-sabotage. Because unresolved conflicts sound much better?

This could be the reason why so many conflicts are just unavoidable. But understanding the Reticular Activating System (RAS) can help towards the resolution of many personal problems. The Reticular Activating System (RAS) filters the incoming information and affects what you pay attention to, how aroused you are, and what is not going to get access to your brain. It is the only way we can deal with everyday life and of the millions of bits of information crowding our brains.

With so much information flooding into our brains awareness and demanding our immediate attention, I think it is somewhat difficult to avoid a conflict, especially when we do not connect with others as human beings. And, if we had to deal with all of this information at once without any mental reflection, all of the messages flooding in, we would not be able to function at all. It would be a quagmire of a world with no place to land or for any good possibilities to take flight. I can imagine that assumptions would eventually extinguish mankind. Our survival depends upon mutual understanding and listening.

Why did I end that good relationship, or give up a good job? If we can imagine for a mere moment of having no filter, it clearly becomes obvious that our human existence anywhere in the world, work, home, courtrooms and etcetera has to do more with our inner thoughts. How our brains process information. It is also more apparent that conflicts exist as an awareness mechanism to our own unvalidated thoughts. In fact, it is highly possible to think anything into existence and at the same time also out of it. Bye bye to hate. Just say goodbye to the negative thoughts. I think if something negative is really bothering you, you can give it no subconscious mind. Negativity itself has no life to breathe out without thoughts to back it up. Negativity just needs an audience to give it some air to breathe its destructive path to violence.

Frequent reality checks to our thoughts can control our behaviors and outcomes. It is the same reasons why we have so many frequent work meetings. The reasons we're supposed to have gatherings, events, dance and music. It is to share the thoughts we're thinking before those thoughts get out of control. The meeting of the minds itself is a reality check. It is the reason we must learn effective communication skills. Which can ultimately keep our egos in check with our shared reality. In the same regards, if we do not experience some commonality with others, we are left unchecked and completely unbalanced. Thus, the sharing of information can serve as an example of the creation of a shared reality in interpersonal communication.

The tricks of the mind (RAS or Edusemiotics):

Edusemiotics, this phrase sounds really odd. But the word is meant to capture statements which turned out not to be knowledge, which is the understanding of truth. On the other hand, edusemiotics are also powerful tools for transforming any information into knowledge but they can be used to trick or mislead.

In a nutshell, RAS has two important roles in our goal achievement. The most important allies you can have are a) goal setting and b) your imagination, however, avoid the edusemiotics unless you plan on tricks of the mind. To resolve conflicts we must have proof of the other.

  1. By writing down your goals on paper you will engage all of your senses. The auditory sense is also engaged when you write because when you write you are speaking the words to yourself.
  2. Most importantly to note is that your RAS cannot tell the difference between fiction and nonfiction. It tends to just believe everything, and all of your bad and good messages (Edusemiotics). For example, if you see a sock under your bed in the half light and are convinced it's a white mouse, then a mouse you will see. The person who is frightened of bugs will also see them in every small corner, even if they do not exist (Edusemiotics). The person walking in the dark alley coming towards you can cause you extreme fear (Edusemiotics) and sleeping in the dark can cause you to sleep with the lights on, verses off, etc. The healthy mind is such a powerful tool when kept in balance.

To avoid edusemiotics you must have set goals. When you have set goals it will be much easier to focus your mind. For that matter, by taking the time to journal on what you are grateful for each day, you will increase your mental strength and build your mental reflection to the negative things around you.

Lastly, your RAS is a great leadership tool. It can be your radar detector to alert you to many work issues, as long as you don't get caught up with your own personal issues. It is also highly important to keep your belief system totally free of discouraging thoughts that can increase limitations on you.

The number of thoughts and the incredible power of the subconscious mind can make one wonder if humans are ever really in control of their thoughts. The point and objective here, is not that you can ever control your thoughts. Because it is highly impossible to do so. But it's also quite possible to decipher them and create a mental gate so negativity, or ego-driven thoughts don't continue to creep into your subconscious mind causing conflict. We can study the internal failures. Which are usually based on previous conflicts and past experiences. Finally, whether good or bad, our thoughts have tremendous keeping power if we believe in them.

Prejudice, hate, negativity, crime and bias has a lot more to do with a person's thoughts that have creeped their way into the subconscious mind. A self-reality check can undue them all. Lastly, being perfect is like chasing a mirage in the desert. But this doesn't mean to give up on chasing perfection! Because there is always room to improve something about ourselves. Therefore, the human race will always make dramatic gains when we finally accept that we can seek to improve something about ourselves, and that we can be outdone by others who are much better in the same pursuit for perfection.

"There is no guarantee that life is fair. The only guarantee is that you are the only person whom you know you can change. Complaining may feel good for a short time, but it is completely ineffective behavior. If complaining were effective, there would be a lot more happy people in the world (Glasser, 1998)." The word "Behavior" may be associated with the word "naughty" or "bad" because we may talk about behavior when one person in a relationship is having a problem getting along with another. However, this is usually when one person is trying to gain control of the other. This type of mind RAS will eventually lead to relationship and organizational Morse code because maybe it's a trick of the mind altogether to think someone really wishes to control you. In contrast to the immediate sense data of such confusion of the surrounding world, the intelligent human brain uses mediation and interpretation when, within experience, it crosses what philosopher Alfred North Whitehead referred to as the semiotic threshold.

Maybe this speaks to choice theory, such as being disconnected which is the source of most human conflicts. It also speaks to reality therapy. This is why reality testing is done with parties ex-ante rather than ex-post. We must connect to others, social network, find some commonality, or otherwise there will be no alternative solutions. It boils down to the only person whose behavior we can truly control is our very own (Dr. William Glasser).

The Ten Axioms of Choice Theory

  1. The only person whose behavior we can control is our own.
  2. All we can give another person is information.
  3. Long-lasting psychological problems are relationship problems.
  4. The problem relationship is always part of our present life.
  5. What happened in the past affects who we are today, but we can only satisfy our needs right now and plan to continue satisfying them in the future.
  6. We can only satisfy our needs by satisfying the pictures in our Quality World.
  7. All we do is behave.
  8. All behavior is Total Behavior and is made up of four components: acting, thinking, feeling and physiology.
  9. Total Behavior is chosen; we have direct control over the acting and thinking components. We control our feeling and physiology indirectly through how we choose to act and think.
  10. Total Behavior is designated by verbs and named by the part that is most recognizable.

As I mentioned before, there is no guarantee that life will ever be fair. Chaos is so much a part of life, you have dreams for your life without conflict, yet it can feel impossible to make them real with so many barriers in your way. You might know what to do and even how to do it, but resolving conflict takes courage, the ability to withstand fear, humiliation, and discomfort. It can also be very comfortable to stay right there where you are in conflict, putting you to sleep to the obvious patterns you're walking towards deteriorating decay and death, especially when you fear change and a fresh start.

Eight Barriers that will always lead to Conflicts

  1. Physical
  2. Perceptual
  3. Emotional
  4. Cultural
  5. Language
  6. Gender
  7. Interpersonal
  8. Generational

The history of our world itself has always been a part of various family, tribal and cultural conflicts but through its cycles we humans have evolved, increasingly improving in matters of knowledge, science, lifestyle, freedoms and etc. In fact, just around 100,000 years ago, humans were just emerging from Africa to populate the world. However, most of what we know about them is real guesswork because the only clues that remain are sharp stone tools and a handful of fossils. This is proof that the best libraries and museums can be undone by a single human conflict, and it is amply illustrated by the fate of the library of Alexandria.

What about complaining? I sometimes wish I too, could just complain like my seven year old child and cry, and get exactly what I want, without any efforts on my part. Overall complaining is lessor than progress, in that complaining doesn't allow a smooth transition of a forward step, and fluid motion in time. Complaining in my opinion is ineffective behavior, simply because we can expect human stuff to happen over time. It is part of our of evolution to evolve through some form of chaos and dynamic change for the betterment. I am not sure myself sometimes whether to call it progress, but history definitely moves us forward. But we must make an attempt to master the art of the philosophy interpretant, in a way to understand better, this human conflict. We must not fear the resolution of conflicts, or for that matter attempt to avoid them.

However, we are all ultimately responsible for what we chose to do, and that in itself is the 'reality testing'. Coming up with an alternative resolution to our own conflicts is better than turning away from it and having someone else decide the next steps down our destructive learning patterns. Conflicts will also exist long after we are all dust and forgotten from this planet. However, conflicts can serve as tools of/for human knowledge, learning, and development. Which means we cannot blame others for our own actions. We can change our behaviors.

Virtuality in my humble opinion is being in the past, present and future all at the same time. But what does this have to do with conflicts? Everything! Television and media tropes have both villains and heroes. Why? The psychology of conflict is highly complex in our world, because you must first travel down its wide path to learn and change your behavior. To put it simply, it's you verses yourself, no one else can learn from your personal experiences, but you. We can read about them, or be told about your life experiences, however, it is nothing like having that real life time experience itself as your teacher. The present you, the past you and the inner conflicts with the future you! We even hire people for their experiences verse just the colleges they came from. There is even an index for TV tropes about our human internal conflict. From crime to drama to romances on lifetime TV. The television set in front us, is all about us and our human internal conflict.

Fortunately, we can have conversations about our own actions and why those particular actions we chose lead us into the conflict. The impact of conflicts can have an affect and effect on everyone on the outside, no matter the distance from the conflict. Because you will eventually hear the gossip of their story, sooner or later. Stories are part of the learning process, and can be very much part of the solution. School textbooks and news commentaries are filled with them. The various human conflicts themselves are inevitable. If you don't have conflict, you don't have a true authentic story. The story becomes history which all humans can either decide to learn from, or completely ignore, or simply try at repeating. Past, present, and future lies the conflict of us all. From office villains to heroes.

In summation, today's world might be one of evolving chaos and complexity impacting our modern day lives at this very moment. A wife may no longer understand her husband. A husband may no longer understand his wife. A daughter may distance herself from her father. And, a son may leave home too early for his mother and start his own family becoming much closer to his mother-in-law. Microwaves and dishwashers have taken over the household chores of the kitchen in our spousal accords of alternative resolutions to be more productive earnest earners. Those who are unfamiliar may not understand gender neutrality. And, many others may not understand all the fussing about social equity, human rights and injustices. If people will stop for a mere second and put themselves in another person's position, it will help them modify their own behavior. This does require a bit of empathy to wear another person's shoes.

From the 1960's to we're here already, to America's first black president, Barack Obama, and the first lady. The world including our human relationships are always in some constant form of chaotic change. "You verses yourself." We must learn to modify our behaviors. Choose empathy and accept change. Conflict can be defined as not accepting change. Refusing it, altogether. It is an issue of acceptance. We must painfully accept ourselves before we come to any clear resolution of conflict. Secondly, the many conversations that one has overtime in connection with others will give that individual these two key leadership character traits, 1) substance and 2) stature.

Lastly, empathy is more valuable than anything else you could've ever imagined in this world today. For example, young people who show empathy are less likely to bully at school. In fact, we were supposed to learn empathy from our parents by the time we were 7 years old. Listening to songs about "what have you done for me lately" and "put a ring on it" will only keep you somewhere in the dark ages of the past. Spouses now earn more money earnestly than their professional husbands. I have several neighbors who are stay at home dads, with nursing and other college degrees, however, their professional wives desire them to stay at home because they don't make enough money to support the both of them. This is a true testament to their empathy and unity in marriage. Times have certainly changed and they've changed with it.

In addition, a Harvard Business Review, declared empathy "the most important thing they teach at the Harvard Business School." We cannot progress without seeing other people's points of view. There's other people in this world besides you and "you verses yourself." Every human being is needed in the fold to continue human progress. "Only the strongest survive" is no longer a true statement. It should read only people who have empathy survive. Others will not survive without it. We must all learn the ability to empathize. Empathy is now a cornerstone 21st century global competency.

However, empathy is not about being a softy. Sympathy is one thing and empathy is another. Sympathy is feeling compassion, sorrow, or pity for the hardships that another person encounters, while empathy is putting yourself in the shoes of another. It is the ability to understand and share the feelings of another. Mediation itself is all about empathy between parties. Mediators themselves don't perform the miracles. Opposing parties learn to see their conflict from the eyes of the opposition. Putting themselves in the shoes of the opposing party, and eventually reaching a mutual understanding. Empathy can be exercised with anyone, anywhere, and anytime.

"Leadership itself is about empathy! It is about having the ability to relate to and connect with people for the purpose of inspiring and empowering their lives - Oprah Winfrey." The easiest way to start practicing empathy is to put your phone away when taking someone out to eat, carpooling, ordering food and while watching your child on the playground. Empathy also isn't an easy thing to find in most of us self-occupied humans. The empathetic mindset takes extreme hard work, patience, and daily practice. It's a rare find in most human disputes. In fact, most parents in incidents never think of the impact on the children of the other person involved in the incident. We have a natural tendency to fight and win. We naturally think only of ourselves in most case scenarios, and later come to find out there where others who were, or will be impacted by our actions, to fight and win. I hear songs on the radio composed by several artist from almost every genre. Lyrics such as, win, win, win is all I think of. What are we winning? Has anyone ever thought about that. Again, what are we wining? Empathy can also be thought of as awareness management.

The use of any language itself is just pretense and coding, qualified in terms of how we use it. And, we're almost wrong about our perceptions of almost everything, including our awareness of our intentions of the utterances of the words spoken from our mouths. In fact, most adults use implied language in which they aren't aware of the coding origin of their vocabulary. Mutual understanding is equivalent to breathe. The receiver and giver of communication must know the unmentioned terms of the phrases or words used in their conversations in order to have effective dialogue. Actions are essential to making change. And, it's not an easy step to resolve the internal conflicts of humans. The first step for us all, is somehow acknowledging what's going on inside of our own brains, and why. How did those thoughts get there?

But do not give conflicts any easy fictitious labels either. Conflict is not black or white, an alien, or a cute little puppy or ugly green monster. The focus should always be centered directly on the resolution of the problem. The human problem will obviously take a human solution. It's a waste of time to label it. I think we can master the art of creative destruction by questioning our own inward motivations and various behaviors to achieve what we want. This creates human transformation and understanding of conflicts. It exposes the negative side of the behavior, lifts limitations, creates new possibilities, and changes behavior for good for all impacted by its destructive pattern.

Also, the knowledge within us is powerful. We can solve problems through human relationships with each other but not vice versa. Labels do nothing other than imply the wrong meaning to human relationships. If something is implied, it is understood to be true or to exist, although it is not stated directly or in a legal agreement. Thus, we must apply learning from our communication with each other before we make any kinds of conclusive presumptions about the resolution of a problem. To solve any difficult problem we need to evaluate and compare our experiences. No one really desires to live on some deserted island. Gilligan himself was never alone on his island. He had relationships on that island with others. We make noise when we desire for our knowledge to be heard by others. We wish to compare what we know! And, we can't do that by isolating ourselves.

Book writers need readers. Readers need writers to write books and etc. The human relationship creates the experience. Experience itself is future oriented. The dynamics of our human experiences never stops, it tells us multiple stories about feeling happy or feeling sad, making plans or breaking promises, wining and loosing, experiencing financial difficulties or laying foundations for a marriage, falling in love or getting out of an abusive relationship and starting a new venture or experiencing separation anxiety. The list is endless for human learning through experiences. However, it does take you understanding your own feelings to get a really good handle on how you really perceive learning from someone you're in opposition with. But the problem is not created until we have the human experience. Then the question now becomes, "what's going on inside of my amygdalae.

Before I end, and loose my breadth, the great thinkers of this world are philosophers and it takes this kind of thinking to solve the various complexity of problems. For that matter, philosophy is the highest duty calling of human thinking and resolution of conflicts, because philosophy governs every human action. In a nutshell, philosophy is a problem solvers sole preoccupation. The word philosophy comes from the Greek words for "love" and "wisdom" and generally refers to the pursuit of wisdom, moral discipline and knowledge through logic. No human brain processes information the same as another. This is the real conflict. If we want success at work we need to get to know how our colleagues brains work. How do they process information given?

It is also surpassingly logical for humans to have multiple conflicts to the breaking points. But resolving conflicts is decidedly logical. Scientist have also recently proved that it is impossible for anyone to travel backwards in time. So, the only place we can travel is from past to present. Therefore, the acceptance to change and move forward is the only real answer to any conflict. Lastly, Ben Franklin's famous quote reframed in my own words is this, if we don't learn to live together we will certainly suffer the consequences of the actions behind our most obvious bad behavior. And, scientist in theoretical physics, have just proven that it is impossible for us to travel backwards in time. Be present driven, future oriented and forget absolute everything in your past!

Undray Veranda Moore, The Mediator


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