Don't Quit
Stress. Time. Uncomfortable.
These are three of the main reasons individuals quit, giving up and completely cutting ties with what they were previously pursuing.
There's an unfortunate perception that's been cast down upon millennials for lacking loyalty with their job hopping ways. Yet, the argument should be made that changing directions is far different than quitting.
Changing directions means having the ability to pivot and yet still pursue the same higher overall goal. Whereas quitting, means to completely cut off the pursuit and abandon the current goal. While organizations take it personally when employees leave their organization, it's no different than eliminating a product line or pivoting the business to ensure the overall goals of profitability are intact. So long as the same end goal is being pursued, then that individual has not quit, they have merely changed direction.
Changing directions is far different than quitting.
One could argue that socially, we're more accepting of those that quit because of our willingness to give second, third and even fourth chances at times. It's even more acceptable if the situation is detrimental to your personal or family's well-being. Often times, these are the things that are most important for us to quit, yet are the most challenging. Whereas, things that are the least important are the easiest to quit.
Here's an outside opinion on the detriment we cause by quitting:
- How To Quit Being A Quitter by Next Avenue
Here's also a devil's advocate opinion on the positivity that comes from quitting:
- 5 Valid Reasons to Be a Quitter by Joanne Clark
Here's two ways to reduce your chance of quitting:
1: Challenge The Social / Societal Pressures
You are in control of your own domain. Regardless of what anyone says, you make the your own choices and decisions. Be yourself, take your time and test and vet everything you can to make the best decision you possibly can.
2: Learn to communicate
One of the biggest reasons people quit is an inability to be heard and feel as though they have a voice. Being able to not only listen but being able to communicate your feelings and opinions will decrease the levels of animosity for all parties. Get beyond the emotions of the situation, and effectively communicate to limit the tension.
To learn more about reducing your likelihood to quit you can visit Pause. Think. Consider. and download or listen to today's episode on Do Not Quit.
About The Author
Jesse Liebman is the creator of the podcast project Pause. Think. Consider. You can connect with him on Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube and Instagram.