Don't pressure kids to get the best marks!
Students, parents and teachers put unnecessary pressure on students to get the very best marks. Unfortunately as with any situation we do not perform at our best when we are under pressure, as the brain moves into survival mode mode and cannot study.. So the more stress the less is achieved.
As a student the best thing you can do is to set up a study timetable as this will take off the worry and enable you to get the maximum study done in the minimum time.
There are also things you can do to get the subconscious mind working for you so you can achieve as both hemispheres will be working with you...
First make sure you take an afternoon break between formal education at school or University and when you start study.
Now to get your subconscious send working at maximum capacity do the following:
If you have to study a text book - you divide the number of chapters of each book into the number of weeks you have before the exams e.g.
I find that students who have not put the effort in are the most stressed because they know they only have themselves to blame and so the guilt makes them blame everything else for their worries.
Sometimes students who study hard still fail - and this may be your mind telling you that the career you were studying for is not really what you want to do but rather what you think you are expected to do.
Our mind always works for us - you may find that your subconscious mind has given you an out through failure so that you can pursue something that would suit you better.
For instance, I had a client who was very upset that although she had studied really hard she didn't get into medicine, her next option was to study physiotherapy, which she did and loved it and was a great physiotherapist. She said had she not failed medicine she would not have found her true vocation and talent.
If you really do what you love you will be fulfilling your life purpose and happy too - and if you love what you do, you will always succeed.
Good luck and happy studying!