Don't play Victim.
We are often “inmates” in prisons of our own construction. We seek to defend our reasons for being there—ranting, raving, and begging for justice. We demand that someone set us free, failing to utilize the key that is resting within the grip of our hand.
How many times have you spoken with someone who hates their job? They despise it with great passion and vitriol. They can easily produce a litany of their reasons for remaining (if you dare ask), but they refuse to accept that they have any choice in the matter. They refuse to surrender the victimization that is an integral part of their story. This mentality is pervasive and something that many of us are guilty of indulging at least momentarily. It is easy for us to rationalize our (very good) reasons for being miserable. Taking responsibility for the creation of something new is much more challenging and less desirable. Sometimes, it is simply more enjoyable to complain (and it is much easier to find camaraderie in victimhood).
Today, examine your interactions with others. Where are you still playing with the “victim card”? In the end, is this role continuing to serve you? If not, how will you shift this area of your life so that you are the manager rather than the managed?
Success or sabotage? Have you become so accustomed to self-sabotage that you have forgotten to entertain the possibility of another way?
Is this going to be an incredible day? If it is your desire, what is standing in your way?