Don't Play Small: Embrace Risk and Empower Growth
As business leaders, it's easy to fall into the trap of playing it safe. We are often afraid of failure, which keeps us from fully committing to our goals and dreams.
But, as Joseph Kenney, founder, and CEO of 316 Strategy Group in Omaha says, "If we're not failing, we're staying too safe. And you won't grow unless you are constantly making yourself uncomfortable."
In today's competitive business landscape, it's more important than ever to dare to take a stand and embrace risk. As Kenney points out, "Making the commitment and taking the leap is critical to achieving success and reaching our full potential."
Studies have shown that entrepreneurs who are willing to take risks are more likely to succeed in the long run. In fact, a recent survey conducted by the Kauffman Foundation found that nearly half of all new businesses that survive for five years or more were started by entrepreneurs who had previously failed in business.
"Embracing failure is a crucial step towards success," says Kenney, "You have to be willing to take calculated risks and not be afraid to fall down in order to stand back up stronger."
Don't Be Afraid To Go All In
So, don't be afraid to go all in when the time is right. Trust your instincts, be confident in your abilities, and don't let the fear of failure hold you back. As Kenney reminds us, "When you do things your own way and start with a blank page, it's going to be a lonely journey. You have to trust yourself and be careful about the advice that you take."
Don't play small. Embrace risk and empower growth.
Taking risks and embracing failure is critical for business growth and success. As Kenney encourages, "Don't play small. Embrace risk and empower growth."
About the Author:
Joseph Kenney is the founder and CEO of 316 Strategy Group in Omaha. He has a passion for helping businesses succeed and reach their full potential. With a background in strategy and business development, Kenney brings a wealth of experience and expertise to his clients. He is dedicated to helping businesses of all sizes and stages succeed and grow.