Don't Panic, You Know Things
Elon Musk’s company, SpaceX had the first successful launch of its Falcon Heavy space vehicle that carried Elon Musk’s red Tesla roadster into space. As I write, Elon’s car orbits the earth with a space-suited dummy at the wheel. On the dashboard of the orbiting car is a sign with the message, Don’t Panic.
“Don’t panic” is probably the best-known catchphrase from Douglas Adam’s 1979 book, The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy (one of my favorite books). “Don’t panic” on an orbiting automobile is amusing, but I think it also is a message to the people of the world. Don’t panic, you have knowledge and skills that can help you accomplish anything you can imagine that is physically possible.
Of course, what is physically possible depends upon our level of knowledge of the world around us. We are creatures who, by our nature, are curious about the world around us and have developed methods to determine what is real using the “scientific method.” This involves experimentation as well as abstraction of experimental information to create theories that allow us to make accurate predictions, including the ability to create advanced economical space-craft that will bring mankind to new homes and create new wealth.
We are also social creatures and thus we like to have others around us who support our dreams and aspirations, but who will also challenge us to think our ideas out and make sure the technology in our dreams can be translated into reality. A professional society, like the IEEE can provide this sort of support for those to dream of the future and want to change the world. IEEE can provide you with lifelong learning, opportunities to work with other people developing advanced technologies like 5G, human to brain interfaces, the internet of things, artificial intelligence and even advanced spacecraft control. IEEE can also provide you with networking and contacts to help you find others with similar ambitions. IEEE can help you “know where one’s towel is,” another phrase from the Hitchhiker’s Guide.
Knowledge and insights enable us to accomplish our wildest dreams, so don’t panic, you know things!