Rajiv Seharawat
?????????? ?????????????? ?????????????? ???????? ??????????????, Global Goodwill Ambassadors (GGA) INDIA, CEO & Co-Founder Diet Clinic?, CEO Integrated Wellness?
Don't be nice!
Nice is boring.
Nice is fake.
It doesn't work.
Be real instead.
Nice is a mask
which covers up your anger, irritation,
frustration, disappointment
(beautiful energies you learned to smother when you were young).
Nice will suffocate you
and everyone else around you.
Nice keeps others
from ever really knowing you.
Take the risk of not being nice!
Take the risk of showing yourself.
Be prepared for others to dislike you.
To think you're selfish, cold, mean,
or even worse: "Nonspiritual".
Say what you mean!
Say Yes when you mean yes.
Say No when you mean no.
Take the risk
of looking after yourself!
Be prepared to feel alive again.
To feel your heart pounding.
To sweat. To shake.
To wonder if you have the right...
To finally feel your guilt and shame
instead of running away from them.
Be prepared for your 'nice' world to crumble.
Be prepared to lose your
carefully crafted image.
Be prepared to feel
the rush of newness!
Nice was an adaptation
designed to win you love.
You're a Good Soul!