Don’t Miss these Tips for Sales Day
Maximising Your Bull & Ram Sale Success: A Guide for Stud Stock Breeders
As a stud stock breeder, your bull sale is a crucial event that can significantly impact your business. At Ramage Rural, we understand the intricacies of the ram and bull breeding industry in Australia and New Zealand, and we're here to help you optimise your sales process. Here's a comprehensive guide to ensure your bull sale is a resounding success:
Before the Sale
Preparation is key to a successful bull or ram sale. Start by updating your website with all relevant sale details, including date, time, and contact information. Embed a Google Map on your "Contact Us" page to make it easy for potential buyers to find your location. Update your website's security settings to improve your Google search ranking and visibility.
Create compelling content to attract potential buyers. Use video to showcase your stock, as it can significantly boost your online presence and appeal to visually oriented farmers. Consider including articles from veterinarians, geneticists, or nutritionists in your sales catalogue to provide added value and keep your catalogue in circulation longer.
During the Sale
On sale day, be prepared for all scenarios. Develop a detailed run sheet that covers everything from start to finish, including contingency plans for weather, attendance fluctuations, and potential emergencies.
Implement a system to collect customer contact details. Use health and safety protocols as an opportunity to have visitors sign in, ensuring you capture their email and phone numbers for your database.
Enhance the buyer experience by offering refreshments and considering unique touches that make the day memorable. Provide take-home items that serve as reminders of the event.
After the Sale
Follow up with attendees to thank them for their participation and seek feedback on how you can improve. Implement a bi-monthly email newsletter to maintain regular communication with your clients and prospects.
Create high-quality, newsworthy content for your newsletters. Focus on educating your clients about topics like weaning techniques or the benefits of recording for improved results. Remember, consistency is key in building trust and preference among your customers.
Additional Tips for Success
1. Encourage on-site visits: Invite farmers to view your bulls in person, allowing them to see the animals in their natural environment and understand the commercial conditions they've been raised in.
2. Leverage video content: If in-person visits aren't possible, create and share videos of your stock online. This not only helps potential buyers see the animals but also improves your website's search engine ranking.
3. Enhance your sales catalogue: Make your catalogue stand out by including expert articles that provide valuable insights to your readers.
4. Plan for all scenarios: Develop comprehensive run sheets and rehearse your sale day plans to ensure a smooth, professional event.
5. Maintain ongoing communication: Continue engaging with your clients post-sale through consistent, valuable content that educates and builds trust.
By implementing these strategies, you'll be well-positioned to turn a good bull sale into a great one, attracting new customers and solidifying relationships with existing ones. Remember, in the stud stock breeding business, what you get out is directly proportional to what you put in.
At Ramage Rural, we're committed to helping you achieve success through our tailored coaching, consulting, and digital marketing services. Let us help you take your bull breeding business to the next level.