Don't misread the signs of God

Chandu was a very lazy man who always looked for an easier way to feed himself. One day while he was searching for something to eat, he saw a mango farm. He looked around and didn’t see anyone guarding the fruits on the tree, so he quickly decided to steal some mangoes. But as soon as Chandu walked into the farm and started to climb the tree, he saw a farm guard coming at him with a stick, he got afraid and ran towards the forest nearby and went inside it to hide.

After some time he started to move on from the forest and while passing through, he saw the wonderful scene. There was a fox. It had only two legs and still was crawling on them happily. The lazy man thought, how can this fox stay alive in such condition?! The fox can’t run how he must be able to feed himself or stay alive from the threat of other animals.

Suddenly, he saw a lion coming with a big piece of meat in his mouth. All the animals ran away and Chandu climbed up on the tree to save himself, but the fox stayed there only, he didn’t have the ability to run on two legs. But what happened next surprised Chandu. The lion left the piece of meat which was in his mouth for the fox!

Chandu felt happy seeing god’s play. He thought the God who is the creator of all, always has a plan set to take care of what he created. He felt that god must have something planned for him too. So, he left that place and sat somewhere away alone waiting for someone to feed him too. As time started to pass, he kept looking at the road, waiting for his food. He waited there for the whole day without any food! Finally, he couldn’t bear the hunger and started to walk.

He soon met an old man on the way. Chandu told everything that happened to the old man. The old man first gave him some food and water. After having it, Chandu asked him, “oh wise one, the God had shown his mercy on the crippled fox, but why the God was so cruel to me?”

The old man with a smile said, “True that the creator has a plan for everyone. You are obviously a part of God's plan. However Son, You took his sign in the wrong way. He didn’t want you to be like the fox. He wanted you to be like the Lion”.

Learning: Often we misread the signs. God has given everyone the strength and ability to do their part. Learn to see things in a positive way and see yourself in a strong position to help the ones who need it. Don’t go for the easy choice. Be self-aware and improve your self-regulation. Be emotionally intelligent


Dr Shanker Viswanath, Doctor of Letters (D. Litt) (Honoris Causa)的更多文章

