Don't make this mistake in your practice...
Gerda Muller
Allied Health Private Practice Business Consultant. I help you build a Self-Running Practice, giving your more time and financial freedom, as you help more people in better and more effective ways.
One of the biggest mistakes that I see many a hard-working private practice owner make is to look at what other practice owners are doing and then thinking “I should be doing THAT!”.
Because they look so successful.
Because they are exactly where I want to be.
Because they look like they know exactly what they are doing, which is so alluring to my own inner imposter voice.
And then one of two things usually happens…
One, you decided to implement all the things they are doing… just to end up feeling totally overwhelmed, out of your debt, like your wheels keep spinning and ultimately you feel even more like an imposter.
Two, you decide to implement all the things they are doing… and you actually get it done, but the results isn’t the same and you start to wonder why…
Is it you?... is it your practice?....why does it not work for you?.... and cue an even deeper sense of failure.
The thing is… different things work at different levels of your private practice development. This is true for any type of business. The strategies that take an average small business from Start-Up (Stage 1) to Growth (Stage 2) will be different to those that take you from Growth (Stage 2) to Maturity (Stage 3). Sometimes you might use similar strategies but it has to be implemented differently due to the stage of business.
The same holds true for us in the allied health industry.
The focus areas and strategies required to grow your practice from Level 1 (Start-Up) to Level 2 (Step-Up) will be very different to those you need to focus on and implement to move you from Level 2 (Step-Up) to Level 3 (Expanding). Similarly moving from Level 4 (Demanding) to Level 5 (Ultimate) will again be different.
So when you are at Level 2 and you are looking at practice owners who have a practice at Level 4 and you are trying to emulate what they are doing, you are setting yourself up for failure, disappointment and an unnecessary detour towards reaching your very own Level 4 practice.
You absolutely must look at where YOU and YOUR practice is at and select the focus areas and strategies that will move the needle of progress for YOUR practice.
Yes, I know it is inspiring to look at what the Level 4 and Level 5 practice owners are doing but take it as that… Inspiration…. And then direct that inspiration towards implementing what will grow YOUR practice.
Remember, each of us are on our own path. Each of us have got different time, energy, financial and human resources to our disposal as we work on growing our practices. That being said though, by focussing on YOUR Level of Private Practice DevelopmentTM you are way more likely to reach your own defined level of success much sooner.
So the bottom line is this: Focus on you and your practice.
Now, if you have no idea WHAT to focus on when it comes to your own private practice or you just want to take some time-out to reflect and ensure you are on the right track, then please consider joining me at the Private Practice Success Assessment Session this Friday, 12 March 2021 at 11am QLD time (yes, it will be RECORDED).
During this time I will take you through the Private Practice Success ModelTM which will allow you to identify where you are falling behind, what area of your practice you might be neglecting and what priority areas to focus on for the immediate future. For a mere $97 this could totally change the trajectory of your practice, so do not miss this. You can sign up here:
Here’s to building a private practice you can’t stop smiling about,
After starting her PhD on the topic of "Psychologists as Practice Owners: Current Challenges, Coping & Success Predictors", Gerda was appalled at the lack of support for Allied Health Professionals going into Private Practice and decided to do something about it. This was the start of Private Practice Success Australia.
E: [email protected] | W:
WINNER: National Allied Health Private Practice Excellence Award
WINNER: Queensland MENTAL HEALTH Achievement Award for Best Small Business
WINNER: Logan Business Distinction Award