Don’t Lose Heart!
Prophet Adrian Ddungu wwwsupernaturalkingdomministriesorg
A Word by Aretha Cross
I hear you when you ask, “How much longer, Lord? When will You move on my behalf?” Don’t lose heart My child. I am the God Who answers. I am the One Whose right hand has shattered the enemy. Your destiny is not lost. My promises to you are not forgotten. My answers will burst forth like a rocket being launched into space. You will see a sudden acceleration of My power in your life. There will be an explosion of breakthroughs, and those around you will be astounded. I will breakthrough like fire, like a hammer that breaks a rock in pieces. My thundering voice will rout the enemy from before you, and there will be no more stagnation. I am Jehovah Nissi, the Lord your Banner. I am the One guaranteeing your triumphant outcome. I am the One propelling you into your destiny. I am the Author of your life, so put on your new running shoes for the next chapter in your life, because you’re about to tread on new territory which I have allotted for you. My fire will guide you by day, My glory cloud will guide you by night. My Spirit will be your GPS as you skip and hop with ease on the road I have paved for you to walk on. You will dance and rejoice as the angels surround you. You will rejoice and sense that I am the wall of fire around you, and the glory in your midst. So, don’t lose heart My child, because I am working all things for your good. The gavel of heaven’s courtroom has pounded in your favor!