Don’t Look at the Shiny Object ….Look at This!!
Dr. Robert S.
New Century Wellness & Talent Performance.....Next Generation in Human Capital Learning Technology
Reports of My Death Have Been Greatly Exaggerated
Mark Twain in 1897 was Deeply in Debt…..
….traveling in England to do a speaking tour to raise funds, he came across a reporter who asked him to comment about rumors that he is dead!
This genius of country spun American Humor in the most laconic fashion spouted out this ditty
…..that been quoted often by many of us who have been told we’re all done.
Yet the human spirit possesses a divine spark and I’ve seen those even on their death bed tenaciously with stubborn diligence holding on to the last embers of their vitality.
Sometimes as I say the prayer ….I whisper in their ear release and let the Good Spirit carry them to paradise ….joining our amazing ancestors that await them.
…but other times when it looks like there is more of a spark than many in the room have the ability to see
My advice is to “Fight”
… Parable of the Paralytic ….you will take up your pallet and walk again ?
Been doing this for decades and have scores of stories of people in Hospice that got up out of that supposed death bed and lived many more years
Yet the American Society we have produced is a disposable culture …fast, cheap, valueless which no longer has the spiritual aptitude to perceive the immaterial energy not easily visible
I would not quite yet count out Gov. DeSantis in being a factor that impacts this GOP Primary Race.
The Chatter Class, Legacy Media, Establishment Political Class are cloistered in their bubble along with their poor values, immutable psychosocial disorders, self-medication that limits their perceptional awareness.
The Old Testament Prophet prescribed…..
Not by power..Not by might but by My Spirit
We may very well get to see that next Monday Night in Iowa which will have an impact on the next Tuesday’s vote in New Hampshire
I’ve been to Iowa and know several Iowans well
?….I’ll have to disagree with the nearly establishment coronated Haley who in one of her more “astonishing” pronouncements related how each state had a certain persona.!?
I guess to elite folks like Nikki “cloistered” in her mansion on Kiawah Island where you don’t rub elbows with “regular people”
….your perception of people is formed by
…in her case a limited intellect that carries the burden of even more truncated imagination.
Haley’s thinks like the Bi-coastal Elites who do not understand Rural America
My guess is that I could sit down in a place like Decorah Iowa at a diner ..strike up a conversation about the local UCC Church and quite literally take it from there
Rural America surely has some slight regional variations, but the underlying psychosocial foundation is an Eidetic Match
In fact ….Rural America is the most emotional healthy segment of our society and their children after being further educated at university are eagerly sought out by Fortune 500 Corps. ?
It’s the relational values that have been layer by layer infused into them…it is an automatic involuntary stimulus response.
This Loyal Factor is the most valuable capital in America …..
Next Monday in the bitter cold of an Iowa night we are going to observe this in action. While I can make no predictions and do not of course know the critical ground game of the candidates
…the relational chatter of the “common folks” are the political capital that elite savants like Haley and the state establishment GOP in New Hampshire that are disrupting the very brief amount of my cable time with one obnoxious ad after another.
My brilliant wife actually has the TV programed to mute when there is another Haley ad
….in fact when it comes to our sacrosanct nightly “ Jeopardy”
….it is recorded and edited so that Nikki… your image won’t ruin our enjoyment
We eagerly await Jan 24th so that Nikki will become an ever-decreasing speck in our rearview mirror.
You are this “Shiny Object” that is being force fed to fiercely independent yet modest people that dislike all forms of extravagance, vanity or excess.
?I watched the one-on-one DeSantis -Haley Debate and of course the Establishment Machine pumped out into the Ethersphere... that Haley did so well
Yet ….to Granite Staters and our rural compatriots in the Great Corn State we know a fake when we see it …..and we appreciate intelligence more than the Bi-Coastals have the discernment to understand.
DeSantis shined Wednesday night…for it was a moment not to bask in the Cult of the Persona …which “Wooden Ron” does poorly but to showcase this Old School Ivy League Experienced Public Manager
After the first hour jabberwocky ….Ron substantively articulated his philosophy with practical depth and reason……impressive vision
All I felt……. what a shame that this talented individual who obviously has some “trust issues” with people that led to his dismal campaign operation
….this candidate could not be on the stage one-on-one with Donald or even in a general election with Scranton Joe……no contest – Ron’s the brightest Light bulb
What DeSantis does in the next two weeks will have a critical impact on the early trajectory of the race.
As I tell my children all the time
….God does not give us every gift
…Some gifts are instilled the day you are born
…others gifts must be enliven and then vigorously polished
Ron’s lack of personal warmth hampers a gifted intellect soundly established on a firm ethical foundation
…able to project a Moral Clarity which is absent in the Leadership Class of America
So …..the reports of your death Ron are very premature
Pour it on Governor...!!
……for it will be your dedication and not your abdication like the recent candidate that folded his large tent ..that people will remember
…no one likes a quitter
Stand Tall …Enjoy your Moment
…the next two weeks Governor is Your Prime Time
Good Luck!!