Don’t look back on 2022, look back at your life!
Eddy Smits
Revolutionizing the way you approach leadership | 10,000+ Lives Touched | Redefining public speaking
Many people look back now that the end of the year is in sight. I have the tendency to look back upon my life each year. It’s not that I want to brag about it, but I noticed that I accomplished quite a few of my dreams. It reminded me too that it wasn’t all rainbows and sunshine, but I wouldn’t change my journey for any amount of money.
I can’t imagine a life without dreams. It’s something we all have. My dreams always pushed me forward and I owe a big part of my happiness to them. But the opposite is also true. Not living up to your dreams can make you unhappy, but there is nothing worse than not trying. One of the biggest regrets people have on their deathbed is not doing certain things. Don’t let it come that far. Act now.
If there is one important lesson life taught me is that our mind is the strongest part of our body but it’s also the most complicated. The things we do nowadays, and the technology is mind-blowing, but scientists are only scratching the surface of how our mind works. Nevertheless, there is proof that we can control our minds and that it’s rather easy to do it.
Dreams aren’t something you experience only at night. It’s something to strive for during the day.
If you want your dream to come true, don’t sleep. -Yiddish proverb-
The beauty of it all is that we don’t need to understand our minds to lead a fulfilling and happy life. We also don’t need to know in advance how to accomplish our dream. Our mind will take care of it as long as we believe in ourselves.
The trick however is not to stay stuck in our minds. Nothing good comes from overthinking. It will only lead to unhappiness and wondering why everyone else is doing what you would love to do.
?When I was younger, I was constantly living in my head and life passed me by. If there is any regret, then it is that I didn’t learn about this sooner. Being in my head too much lead me to be unhappy. I was a victim of my own thinking and played that role for a long time.
?I learned to control my thinking. Instead of letting my mind be the driver I made it the co-pilot.?This way it serves me instead of holding me back and you can do the same.
It sounds contradictory because a dream exists in your mind but when you look at it, it perfectly makes sense. A dream starts in your mind and the sooner you get it out into the real world, the chances of you realizing that dream increases drastically. It all starts by telling people about it.
?The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do.-Steve Jobs-
?I can only conclude that when you have a dream, the only thing that stops you from getting it, is you. Maybe that is the most valuable insight I can give you, but what I wish for you the most is that you start realizing your dream and that you don’t wait until 2023. Don’t overthink. Just do the first thing that will get you into action and start whatever it is. I always felt that a dream gave me an emotional purpose and that everything started to shift the moment I started working on that dream.
Dreams don’t work until you do. -John C Maxwell-
?Start dreaming your life, and life becomes the dream.
-Eddy Smits-