Don't Like Mondays? Follow Your Bliss

Don't Like Mondays? Follow Your Bliss

"If you follow your bliss, you put yourself on a kind of track that has been there all the while, waiting for you, and the life that you ought to be living is the one you are living. Wherever you are- if you are following your bliss, you are enjoying that refreshment, that life within you, all the time." –Joseph Campbell

Many people have dissatisfaction with or hate their jobs. Some people dislike their scheduled hours or days, others dislike their co-workers. You can also hate the duties assigned to you, the clients you have to deal with, or your supervisor. Workplace satisfaction has a major impact on our overall happiness and sense of well-being. Many surveys on worker satisfaction indicate that more half of us are unhappy with our jobs. The reasons range from autocratic bosses, toxic co-workers, unpleasant work environments, and excessive demands to alienating or tedious job responsibilities.

Nothing is work unless you'd rather be doing something else  –George Halas

Do Monday mornings hold a particular stress value for you? Picture this... the morning alarm that wakes you like a jail house on wheels. The grey trudge across the car park. The avalanche of emails that starts to arrive at 8.00am. The colleague who mutters darkly behind you, expletives occasionally audible. The slow tick of the second hand, as you fill your hours with pointless paperwork.

So, let’s talk about why you keep doing work you hate. Maybe you know the terrifying statistic that over 80% of people don’t enjoy their work and nearly 75% don’t know their passion. These two numbers kill me and maybe they are killing you. We have all had jobs we hated. It’s a rite of passage, and not just for creatives. But you have a secret weapon. Your skills can get you out of this situation. But, and here’s the bad news, it won’t just 'happen' - you have to make it happen. You have to take control of your situation and do something productive with it.

Work is love made visible. And if you cannot work with love but only with distaste, it is better that you should leave your work and sit at the gate of the temple and take alms of those who work with joy –Kahlil Gibran

You see it’s both scary and crazy to think that so many people are willing continue to act in a way that doesn’t make them happy. Trust me, by now I feel like I’ve seen it all…yet I continue to be surprised. Since I started doing this amazing work, I’ve had the chance to literally hear from hundreds and hundreds of people – many of them in terrible pain due to the work they keep doing that they can’t stand. Thankfully for them and many others, who used to hate their work, but have since successfully made the transition to something better. Doing what they are passionate about, every day. It moves mountains, smashes barriers and I apply it to myself, every day.

So why don’t more people (including you) do something about their situation? The fascinating thing is most people have the same beliefs, reasons and ‘stories’. They all seem to act and repeat the same drama. I’ve heard every reason under the sun for why their situation is different. Why they are unable to break the chains and do something that actually excites them. I have made a list and the vast majority come back to the same few reasons.

Passion will move men beyond themselves, beyond their shortcomings, beyond their failures –Joseph Campbell

As I share these reasons, you may see how similar these things are that are holding you back. After all, the first step is identifying the problem. The next step is doing something about it. Believe me, I know making the transition can be unbelievably challenging. There are examples everywhere of people in worse situations than you, who still manage to find their way. I know because I hear about them all the time and I have collected a list. Do any of these 'reasons' sound familiar ? I have not edited them - indeed I use them for all my new clients as a check list:

1.   Help me Tim, I don’t really know I’m passionate about – what is my why?

2.   I don’t really know how to make money from my passion – can I make money from it?

3.   The people around me will think I’m crazy. My friends, family and colleagues tell me all the time it won't work.

4.   I don’t have anyone to go to for advice, support or encouragement. It is impossible to do this by myself.

5.   Work is just a part of life. It’s not something meant to be enjoyed. I am doing my best.

6.   It’s not possible to do what you love and make a living from it. That is just a dream.

7.   I can’t find the courage or energy to start. It is easier to keep on keeping on.

8.   What if I fail? I don’t want to be seen as a failure.

9.   Nobody around me enjoys their job. It is a fact of life.

10.I have a family, mortgage and obligations to be responsible for – I am responsible for others.

11.My passion is not the kind of thing you can make money from; it’s just a hobby and that is not a job.

12.I’m not qualified enough. There are plenty of experts in my field with more experience than me. What do I know?

13.Between my current job, my family, trying to stay healthy and all the other things I have to do, I don’t have any time to work on my passion. It is all too much to even think about.

14.I can’t find a job that allows me to leverage my natural strengths. Anyway what strengths do I have?

15.It’s too risky. In this economy I need to keep any job security I can find. It is just easier not to rock the boat.

16.I have too many passions and interests. There’s no way I could choose just one. And if I did, what if I realize it’s the wrong choice in six or 12 months?

17.I can’t find the initiative, the energy and purpose. Please help me.

18.I have a terrible time following through – I am so not a completer finisher.

19.I’ve never heard of someone who’s been able to make a living off my specific passion – it cant work.

20.There’s too much competition and I am a small fish.

21.I’m too old and waited too long. I wish I had thought about this 10 years ago. It is too late to change.

22.I spent years studying something in university that I can’t stand doing now. But it would be way too much of a waste to switch. I am committed to something I hate.

23.I have to be really savvy with the Internet and I don’t know a lot of the modern tools and technology.

24.I’m not creative enough and not sure I am any good.

25.Finding and keeping a job is hard enough, let alone finding one I love doing – so why bother?

So I’ll ask you again – do any of these sound familiar?

Take another minute and look back through them. Mark the ones you know you’ve played in your head over and over.

The big question is why do you believe these to be true?

This is crucial: every one of the above ‘reasons’ is nothing more than an excuse.

All are these excuses are based on false assumptions. I have tested them and proven them wrong over and over again. I am proud to have done that. Who told you that you can’t? The right stories are everywhere if you want to see them. The inches you need are all round you. Start by reading my Be Amazing Every Day Card and see what jumps out for you.

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I invite you to think about the following -

1.   What were the words that jumped out for you from the BAED card?

2.   What is your why? If you don’t know read The Hardest Question.

3.   Identify your real values and learn what you’re good at and don’t ever take a step back.

4.   Be prepared to get lost in your passion and work harder than you have ever done.

5.   Every day, without fail go further. 

6.   Discipline wins.

7.   There are no easy ways but there are right ways.

8.   Start believing in your self - totally and utterly.

9.   Lower the hurdle – Make a list of the things that actually make you happy (and the things most people assume will) – you’ll find you probably don’t need as much money or as many things as you think.

10.Help someone with something – and start to charge them for it – we will use this a template.

11.Doing Work You Love Is The Right Thing. Always.

12.If you do that, you can start to move mountains. 

It was hearing these excuses (and many more), played on endless repeat from readers, friends, clients and nearly every person I seemed to meet, that finally caused me to create the life you deserve – to be amazing everyday, right now. You actually desperately need a roadmap and the tools to take you from a list of reason you shouldn’t, to every reason why you MUST (why you absolutely must) – and the step-by-step process to go with it.

That’s why I have spent hundreds of hours (a lifetime to be an overnight success – one drop of wisdom) by compiling / reading / researching and applying. I could not be happier – right here, right now. No regrets about the past, no fears of the future. Totally and utterly present.I chop wood. I fetch water. Simple. And I know I am only just getting started.

Excuses are not fact. They are not set in stone. They’re anything but. They are a figment of your imagination. Just thoughts – nothing more. But they are the most dangerous thoughts in the world. Believing them can kill a dream in a heartbeat. But disproving them is what changes the world. Living a life of purpose and passion (BAED) is just that - a way of life. Those who wake up excited aren’t just the lucky ones, they condition themselves to experience and deserve it.

So, I’ll ask you one last time…which of these excuses have you been telling yourself?

Let’s see if we can do something about it. You and I both know you can do better. So, would do you need to do now?

  • Read this again.
  • Make notes.
  • Ask questions.
  • Stop making excuses.

I won’t or can’t tell you the answers as it where it will end up – but I do know it all starts with a decision. I or any great coach, can only help you get the success you deserve when you decide that is what you want. 

No more excuses.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------So, You Want to be Amazing Every Day? Well, it all starts with a decision right now...

Are you ready? By investing in the BAED Training and Coaching Course (Be Amazing Every Day), I would guide you through the process of physiological and mindset control, charting your growth and development and more. It will help give you clarity, improved confidence and capacity to make better decisions - and be the best version of yourself you can be. I currently coach and mentor 9 people (3 are long term and many are repeats) as well as the various training programmes that organisations require. I currently have 3 places available and if you are interested please get in touch as soon as possible and you can have a special discount if book asap!

I have been doing this BAED coaching and training for the last 9 years and do not advertise it particularly - all the work is word of mouth and referrals. The coaching is derived from the highly successful Be Amazing Every Day (BAED) course (for individuals, groups, organisations, corporate, restaurants, business, hotels, chains and teams) and contains the latest in Neuroscience, NLP, Physiology, Leadership, Authenticity, EA (Excellence, always), Mediation and Conflict Resolution, the Perfect Pitch, the Neuroscience of Why, the Emotional Signature, Meditation, Breathing, Excellent Memory Skills, Body Language (NVC), RRR (Risk, Redemption, Rapport), and the Physiology of Business. The coaching process (and it is a process rather than just sequential meetings) takes over roughly 8 hours (a double 2.25 hour session starts it off) and usually takes place over a 3 month period and is bespoke to each clients needs (determined during the first session). It is a very powerful course and designed to help you make powerful changes to inspire you to become amazing every day. The glowing testimonials (see more on Linkedin) are evidence to this and it is having massive success amongst a wide variety of people in different professions. It definitely helps with better choices and life decisions. It will give you the clarity to develop your life / business that excites you (your passion) and provides a real basis for a sustainable business model. One of the most powerful elements of BAED, is moving from a belief system where conditions determine your destiny (environmental, financial, emotional, relationships - the past) to one where better decisions shape your destiny. It improves confidence, gives you clarity on your pitches and guides you on the success pathway.

My favourite Maya Angelou quote reflects this absolutely: 

My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humour, and some style.

If you have any more questions, please ask (email me [email protected]) If you are ready to experience this exciting process, just say yes and I will give you the details on how to book.

The question is are you ready and do you want to make a profound change?


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