Dont Let Your Inner-self Die

In today's competitive world, we often become so focused on achieving success that we forget about our hobbies, passions, and extracurricular activities. It's essential to keep our inner selves alive by doing something that we truly enjoy. Whether it's travelling, taking an art class, joining a sports club, taking cooking classes, dancing, or pursuing any other activity that makes you happy, it does not matter what age and gender you are, the most important thing is to prioritise your inner self.

?For me, my passion is motorcycles. I've been a diehard biker since I was the age of 15, and despite people warning me that it's dangerous, I refuse to let my inner self die. I had people coming up to me saying “We know someone who died because of a bike” and my simple reply was “I know people who are already dead inside however their passion and love for bikes is keeping them alive and kicking. I believe that it's better to pursue our passions and feel alive than to give up something that brings us joy.

?So, I encourage everyone to take a break, explore your inner selves, and do what you love. And all the motorheads will agree and relate to me when I will say that "Everything that kills me makes me feel more alive." Don't let your inner self die because, in the end, you're the one who has to pick yourself up.??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????


