Don't let your heart be the servant to your mind...
Tracey Burns
Heartled Transformational coach for women; Mastering Emotional Leadership to powerfully hold yourself, your family and your relationships from strength and ease.
Our mind is a powerful tool, but too often we become enslaved by it, not understanding that when we are in our minds, we are in fear, we are operating from the conditioning of our past. (and that is an outdated program that was created before the age of 8)
If you have constant thoughts of
I'm not doing enough
I always make mistakes
I'll never change
Im not good enough, or that no matter what you do, its never enough.
The inner voice is critical, judgemental and harsh.
Then everything you are doing right now is're in your head. Thinking isn't going to get you to where you want to go.
Thinking isn't going to allow you to navigate your relationships.
Thinking won't allow you to build the deep connections with your children.
When we truly get that we are only ever living out a pattern - an addictive way of thinking, feeling and believing about ourselves based on our past experiences , we have the power to change it. There is power in awareness, in recognising the ways in which you navigate through life. But there’s another layer to this journey, a deeper truth waiting to be uncovered.
Being so grounded in your knowing, in your truth, that you can begin to untangle the threads of conditioning that have shaped your existence. As women, we encounter pivotal moments (none greater than being a mum) that offer us the chance to break free from our unconscious patterns, to heal our own wounds, and to reclaim our authentic selves.
If you want to understand what your wounds are, then ask yourself: How much did you feel truly seen, heard, and understood by your parents? How much attention did you receive? Were you able to express yourself fully? Who did you have to be and what did you have to do in order to feel your parents love? This will provide you with some key insights.
For many of us, even though our parents loved us, they lacked the emotional capacity to meet our needs fully. Raised in a generation where children were meant to be seen and not heard, where compliance trumped authenticity, where external validation overshadowed inner knowing, we absorbed these distorted views of love and success.
But these patterns are not set in stone. They are not our destiny. They are learned behaviours passed down through generations, waiting to be disrupted by our courage and our commitment to change.
I know my patterns intimately—the people-pleasing, the self-doubt, the perfectionism, the emotional suppression. I understand where they originated from, but understanding alone is not enough. Breaking free from these patterns requires a willingness to journey inward, to confront the wounds that lie beneath the surface.
As children, we lacked the agency to rewrite our stories. But as adults, as parents, we have the opportunity to heal not only ourselves but also the generations that came before us and those that will come after. Parenthood, with all its challenges and complexities, serves as a mirror, reflecting back to us the areas of ourselves that are in need of healing.
So, it always comes back to healing- with open hearts and open minds, knowing that true liberation awaits us on the other side. Reclaiming our power, our truth, and our authenticity, one courageous step at a time.