Don’t let year-end fatigue get you down

Don’t let year-end fatigue get you down

As each year draws to a close, many people begin to wish it was already over, because so much has gone down and they feel overwhelmed by work and their career, family matters and their social commitments over the festive season.?

What are physical and mental fatigue?

It is important to understand that there are two types of fatigue: physical fatigue and mental fatigue. A person with physical fatigue may find it physically hard to do the things they usually do, such as keeping up their exercise regimen. Suffering from mental fatigue, they may find it more difficult to concentrate on things and stay focused at work. Year-end fatigue can be caused by one or both, and when physical and mental fatigue happen simultaneously, it can be utterly exhausting. Such fatigue can make it hard to get out of bed in the morning to fulfil one’s daily commitments . Prolonged? physical exhaustion can lead to mental fatigue over time.

The symptoms of fatigue may be physical, mental, or emotional

Common symptoms associated with fatigue can include:

  • aching or sore muscles
  • apathy and a lack of motivation
  • daytime drowsiness
  • difficulty concentrating or learning new tasks
  • gastrointestinal problems, such as bloating, abdominal pain, constipation, or diarrhoea
  • headaches
  • irritability or moodiness
  • slowed response time
  • vision problems, such as blurriness

Symptoms can tend to get worse after exertion. They may appear a few hours after activity or exercise, or even the next day.


Tips for feeling less fatigued at year-end

  • Practice good self-care: We know it can be difficult to make time for yourself when you feel as though you're being pulled in different directions to keep your life and relationships afloat. However, scheduling time for yourself is crucial in combating mental and physical fatigue.
  • Support a healthy body: Exercising, a healthy diet, getting plenty of sleep and staying hydrated can all help improve a person’s physical resilience. This can ease symptoms of physical and mental exhaustion or prevent their onset.
  • Support your mental health: Mindfulness practices, such as meditation, help a person become more aware and in control of their emotions. This can make it easier to manage mental fatigue that can lead to burnout or depression.

Although the year might have had its challenges, it is always beneficial to look back and reflect on the year’s highs and lows. It is productive to take stock of these learnings as you set your goals for the following year.

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