Don't let a wealth transfer plan fail!
For over 30 years I've been an advisor/agent in the life insurance field. Trained by the best of the best adopting the great language and styles of icons like John Savage, Ben Feldman, Woody Woodson, and more. I've read many industry books on selling and marketing life insurance and other financial services. I've sat through countless sessions and hours throughout the career at industry platforms and carrier training sessions. I've recruited, trained, and motivated many agents and have been favored by seeing a number of them succeed even greater than my level, of which I am pleased.
What we do is supply money! When needed most... throughout a lifetime or post-death. We work with other family advisors to help be sure our client's lives are protected and not impacted by financial loss and other strains that are placed upon the surviving family.
We focus on helping in the accumulation stage of life, the distribution stage, the tax planning stages, and other meaningful times of lives where we show people what to do to grow wealth, protect wealth, and even work with them on ways to transfer wealth. But I can truthfully say that to my knowledge no one, no insurance company, no wealth manager, insurance agent, family fiduciary, RIA, or anyone else has set out to make a point of protecting assets (today we need to be as concerned or more concerned about digital assets and one's footprint that is exposed to fraud and theft than just sheltering assets) that live on beyond a person's lifetime.
Nearly $60 Billion in overall assets are unpaid, missing, unclaimed, not accounted for, and not passed to the beneficiary and estates. Additionally, the FTC reports over 250,000 cases of personal information identification theft in 2017 alone.
The question is, what are you doing to protect clients' money and wealth after you have set them up to receive large payouts from life insurance for example? Are you compounding the lost asset problem by not providing a locked back door that prevents misplaced assets from being stolen, protects against fraudsters impersonating your client, and depleting the estate of the decedent? I say yes. Unless we create a mission to change the way we help families manage their finances, supply money to their estate, and include digital and tangible asset identification, security, and notifications to heirs and fiduciaries not only during life but at the most prone time for financial victimization, at death, then we are really not fully doing what we must and we are only doing part of our job, getting money into their hands while alive but nothing more.
At Legacy Concierge we are on a crusade to change the way financial and estate planning is delivered to people. With our technology and expertise, we solve for those elusive missing assets and provide the estate the maximum financial benefit of securing not just a portion of a life's hard work manifested while people are living but are the only company with the tools to protect, secure and help facilitate the transfer for as much of that person's assets to their heirs and estate as is possible.
Our company assists professionals with services for their clients to locate and protect [digital and tangible] assets [property] that remain in electronic files / on computers after a person passes away. Each person has on average 160 digital footprints exposed and unprotected creating a large payday for fraudsters and fiduciary impersonators.
Shouldn't you be exploring ways to advocate for clients' best financial interest both during life and at the time of death?
Sal Sofia - Legacy Concierge (561)459-0222 [email protected]