Don't let the sun set on Customer Care
I’ve seen a few posts lately regarding the decline in customer service - and it’s true. We are being molded into a transactional society where everyone is empowered to "do it yourself." The problem with this approach is that people are forgetting how to help others, what it's like to receive help, and how to create a culture of care and thoughtfulness.
The topic reminded me of a recent experience that caught my attention and I thought it was worth sharing.
My family is fortunate enough to take an annual summer trip (now known as our pilgrimage) to South Padre Island for some “Vitamin Sea.”?This year we took a sunset dolphin watch tour.?It’s a simple activity - load 100'ish people on a boat, drive out into the bay, look for dolphins.?There are lots of options when choosing your boat operator and nature pretty much does the rest, BUT how do you differentiate the experience and get people to not only talk about you but perhaps leave a nice tip and review at the end of your adventure??Honestly, it isn't too hard as the bar is quite low these days (as are our expectations), but hats off to the gentlemen running our boat because they had it nailed down.
None of these items cost the company anything more than time and effort.?The activity would have been just fine without them, but with them it was truly a joyful experience.?These aren’t fancy, luxurious boats and our time together was brief, but in the end, everyone was smiling, we all left with great memories and pictures of our excursion, and the tip jar, sitting unattended at the exit, was filled.
It reminded me to take a step back and look at the little things we can do at BL.INK that lift up the experience for our own customers to bring an unexpected smile.?In the world of automation and endless data points, it is easy to overlook the importance of the human interaction, but when someone has that exchange that is out of the ordinary, (perhaps even extraordinary), that is what they tend to talk about and use as a filter for the future.
If you have any little nuggets of service you weave into your own organization (or have experienced elsewhere), I’d love to hear about them in the comments. ?If you know of someone who offers an incredible customer experience, please tag them so I can follow them as well.
Special thanks to The Original Dolphin Watch in S. Padre for the reminder of the criticality of customer care in the world.