Don't Let The Outside In

Don't Let The Outside In

Friday Night is always a special night in our home. It’s “Date night” and we’ve always found simple ways to keep it sacred, fresh and special, even now. We used to go out more but now we stay in. It’s fine because it’s not where you are but who you’re with. Most other nights I’m stuck at home, same as you. We turn on the news and the message is clear; “Stay inside. Don’t go outside.”

I guess I’ve always been a little sensitive so I rarely watch the news. Trouble is, my husband works in news and he’s always coming home and giving me the latest. And let’s face it. It’s hard to hear all the time. It’s taking a tremendous toll on all of us at the same time. It really affects me at times and I start feeling anxious. John’s the opposite. He sees all the news we ever see before we ever see it and writes about it, most every day or night for the past 25 years or so. How can he possibly hear so much bad news every day and still stay upbeat and optimistic?

He says it’s simple. “Don’t let the outside in.”

Don’t let it into your marriage, your life or your family, your hopes or your dreams. There are always going to be outside challenges. Don’t let them inside your well-being. There’s a reason for the moat around the castle. We, too can choose to not let the outside in. 

Instead, my husband says he “Spocks” the news, like the famous “Star Trek” character who has no emotions, or so he thinks. It may not be perfect, but it’s probably a good idea right now to build some Teflon around ourselves...

-Minimize watching news 24/7.

-Focus on things you like to do such as hobbies, writing, painting, cooking, parenting, gardening, playing an instrument or in my case yoga.

Put the focus back on you rather than the mind-numbing tragedy caused by this awful pandemic. Take your power back. Take your life back by taking this time to focus on YOU. 

This is a great time to problem-solve and create a new work model.

As we transition to outside again let’s think outside-the-box.

Would you rather be in survival or creation? Get creative now. The time is now.

Don’t let the outside inside you. Keep it outside and go inside yourself. That’s where all the answers are. Inside not outside. Inside you.

To find out more about Susan Foxley and her TV shows, books and blogs visit


