Don't let this lie stop you

Don't let this lie stop you

There's a lie going around.

One that keeps people from their potent purpose and leaves those in need out of luck.

It's the one that puts out the light of would-be leaders.

Keeps people frozen, doubting, and confused about their gifts.

I aim to expose this lie. To shine the light of truth and help you remember who you are, and what actual leaders are.

In reality.

Not in movies. Not scripted out with neat little stories that always end well.

Real, raw, and not ready to lead.

With more hard-knocks than anyone should endure.

If you're waiting for the day when you finally feel good enough, qualified enough, ready... enough!

That day will never come.

Because true leaders lead THROUGH the muck and murky challenges of life, not above them.

The world needs authentic leaders that push ahead not because the path is obvious, but because they are forging a new way for others.

The world needs Warriors of Light who are still afraid but dig deep within themselves to find their bravery anyways.

If you've decided to commit to your goals and start or expand your Bliss Biz, you're invited to a free event inside my Assisting Frequencies Group:

It's called Deliver Your Magic.

It's time to end the excuses and start taking the steps you know you need to take in order to experience the thrill, satisfaction, honor, and deep fulfillment of being a Heartpreneur who is committed to improving the world. Your SUSTAINABLE Bliss Biz is within your reach... but you've got to take a leap. A dream without action is a whim... and your goals are not whims, now are they!?


