Don't Let Governance and Leadership Disfunction Prevent Success

Don't Let Governance and Leadership Disfunction Prevent Success

The myriad of challenges that today face colleges and universities make it more difficult than ever before to move ahead successfully. Very often, the key to optimizing outcomes is the existence of a finely tuned and effective functional relationship between the Board of Trustees and the President. Conversely, many failed institutions got that way because of faulty Governance-Leadership routines. While Trustees and CEOs all have the best interests of the institution in mind, there are many protocols that create more disfunction than solution.

The Board Governance and Leadership team of Registry Advisory Services (RAS) is comprised of a notably distinguished group of veteran college and university presidents who have logged decades of success because of well synchronized management and governance routines. They are available to assess your standard operating practices and advise on protocols that can improve ways in which Trustees can better help Presidents succeed and how Presidents can best draw on the commitment and wherewithal of Trustees.

RAS Board Governance and Leadership team members will assess the configuration of Trustee committees, including their functions, routines and advisability. They will also study the way in which the President and other senior officers work with Trustees to ensure that lines of authority and accountability are in place that prevent counterproductive confusion or duplication of effort.

When Presidents and Trustees are “in sync” and advocating each other’s effectiveness, the institution has the best chance of success. RAS can help toward that very necessary outcome.

Contact us today. Let’s start a conversation.

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