Don’t Let False Beliefs Stop You
LuRae Lumpkin Inc.
Inspiring You to Transition From Your 9-5 to Regain Your Quality of Life & Time : Founder & Fractional CEO : Startup Advisor : Former NYC Ad Agency Exec
Our beliefs determine what we think and believe is possible for ourselves.
Are you where you're meant to be, pursuing what you're meant to pursue in your life?
It’s important to stop and ask ourselves key questions throughout life to ensure we’re headed in the right direction:
1.???? Is this what I wanted to do with my life? Or am I following someone else’s vision for my life?
2.???? When I was a kid, what did I envision for myself as a grown-up?
3.???? What steps can I take to get in closer alignment with my ideal vision for my life?
How do you think your beliefs shaped your answers to those questions?
Many limiting beliefs hold us back from pursuing our goals, dreams, and reaching our full potential.
How many of the following common limiting beliefs do you relate with?
?"I'm too old/young to start something new."
"I don't have enough experience."
"I'm not smart enough."
"I don't have the right education or qualifications."
"I don't have enough time."
"I'm not creative enough."
"I'm not disciplined enough."
"I don't have the right connections."
"I'm not a risk-taker."
"I'm not cut out for entrepreneurship."
"I'm not tech-savvy enough." (the list can go on and on)
These limiting beliefs often stem from fear, self-doubt, false beliefs, and past experiences.
Remember, these beliefs are not facts. You hold the power to overcome them.
By replacing these disempowering thoughts with positive, empowering beliefs, you can pursue anything you want with confidence.
The word ‘Impossible’ says: I M Possible.
Whether you're in your 20s and feel like you're already behind, or in your 40s, 50s, or beyond and think it's too late to start something new, the truth is that it's never too late to pursue something new, fulfill a dream, or course correct in life.
In a world that often glorifies youth and early success, it's easy to feel like you've missed your chance if you haven't achieved your goals by a certain age.
Chronological age exists, yet as Einstein said, “Time is an illusion.â€
Social media and pop culture often celebrate and promote young entrepreneurs, artists, and innovators who seem to have it all figured out.
This can create immense pressure on individuals in their 20s who feel like they should have already achieved significant milestones, and make those in their 30s and beyond feel like they missed the boat.
We must remember that everyone's journey is unique, and there is no set timeline for success.
Many successful people, such as Julia Child, who published her first cookbook at 50, and Samuel L. Jackson, who got his big break in acting at 43, prove that age is just a number when it comes to pursuing your passions.
As we enter our 30s and 40s, it's common to fall into the trap of thinking "I should have done this thing or that thing by now," whether personally or professionally.
Instead of dwelling on what you think you should have done, shift your perspective to what you can do now.
It's never too late to start a new career, new business, learn a new skill, or chase a dream.
When I graduated from college with an advertising degree, I was swayed by my family not to move to New York City to work for an ad agency. I wound up taking a different path initially, but still fulfilled that dream.
I moved to New York City and took my first executive role with a large ad agency in my late 40s.
I had thought I wanted to become a therapist when I was in college, but friends of mine said ‘everyone’s a psych major,’ so I pursued consumer behavior and advertising instead.
However, while working as a Managing Director in New York City, I pursued training and became a Certified Professional Coach in the evening and on weekends.
After leaving NYC in 2016, I went to a networking event in LA and wound up on Season 2 of Entrepreneur Magazine’s Elevator Pitch. I secured $250k in funding for a blockchain startup with co-founders based in Poland.
It is never too late to pursue anything that is on your heart or that you feel called to pursue.
One of the keys to shifting course or starting something new at any stage in life is adopting a growth mindset.
Never stop learning, growing, and trying new things.
The most difficult part of starting something new is often taking the first step. It's easy to get caught up in fear, self-doubt, or be influenced by others.
However, remember that every journey begins with a single step. Whether it's enrolling in a class, starting a side hustle, or pursuing a long-held passion, taking that first step is where it all begins.
Don't wait for the perfect moment or until the moon and stars align.
Just. Get. Started.
Remember, there’s no ‘place’ called “Someday Isle.â€
Get started and build momentum as you go.
To pursue something new takes courage.
Others may not understand your decision or choice to go in a new direction or pursue a novel course for yourself.
Be cautious in the beginning who you share your vision and dream with. Don’t look to others for ‘approval’ or ‘confirmation’ of your decision.
Surround yourself with a supportive network of family, friends, and mentors who believe in you and your goals.
Seek out communities of like-minded individuals and don't be afraid to ask for help or guidance when you need it. Remember, you don't have to go it alone.
No matter your age or stage in life, it's never too late to start something new.
Whether you're in your 20s and feel like you're behind, or in your 50s and think you've missed your chance, remember that your journey is your own, and there is no expiration date on pursuing your dreams or course correcting your path.
By overcoming the pressure of early success or thinking it’s too late, embracing a growth mindset, taking the first step, and surrounding yourself with support, you can start a new chapter in your life and achieve things you never thought possible.
So go ahead – start that business, learn that new skill, or pursue that passion.
For more inspiration to live your best and most authentic life, visit You Can Be Free Now on YouTube. To get this You Can Be Free letter straight into your inbox with bonus inspiration each week, go here.
Your best and most rewarding experiences are right on the other side of you taking that first step.
Go ahead - do it. I believe in You!