Don't let dyslexia discourage your child!
Fin Mosengo
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I was 8 years old when I was diagnosed as being Dyslexic. I am grateful for how lucky I am to have had really support. Now I speak 4 languages, I wrote a book in French and I am a public speaker in different fields.
What does it mean? Having dyslexia can be your superpower!
For the last couple of years, I have been talking with different parents who have dyslexic kids. Some of them have been worry about the future of their children. Why ? Having a child with dyslexia requires a lot of support, especially at the beginning.
How can we help kids with dyslexia?
The first step to unlocking dyslexic potential is understanding it.
Then, the attitude of parents and their teacher is very important. Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference.
Having dyslexia doesn't mean to have lower expectations in life. Whether dyslexic children think they can do or whether they think they can't, they are probably right.
One of the keys to helping a dyslexic student, its to realize that each dyslexic students are different.
Schools and teachers need to be trained. Dyslexia is the most common learning difference affecting 10 - 20% of kids, which is a sizeable cohort in every class. Most teachers aren't trained in how to spot it or how to support it.
I can remember some my first teachers saying to my dad: " I need to work more, I am lazy"
I wasn't, I was the student working the most in the class.
For the last couple of years, I worked with kids and adults who have dyslexia by helping them to learn French, English, and how to be confident.
Dyslexia is not a disability but my Super Power.