Food close to home


Right now, as I work out of my house in Los Angeles, I have found it’s an ideal moment to contemplate how this disaster has presented real challenges to business as usual. Although the fundamentals of urbanism are clear and strong as a preference for lifestyle and investment for many, the issue that people in close proximity increases the chance of the virus spreading should give us all pause. There has been a rush by many in the design and planning disciplines to justify urban density de facto, however while ordered to shelter in place, some deeper critical thinking is appropriate with respect to how well suited cities are to a post COVID-19 world; how prepared are we to handle a health crisis in the future? How can we use what we have learned to improve the quality of life in cities?

Planners and government officials have dealt with health crises of significant impact before. Some examples are eerily similar to our COVID situation now. For example, in the 1870s a worldwide Cholera outbreak killed more than 600,000 people over the span of about 10 years. The key to the solution was data. Planners were able to prove that overcrowded living conditions, substandard sanitation, and rapid movement of contaminated goods had to be tracked and addressed to eliminate the spread of the disease. Political leaders showed incredible commitment in forcing reforms that ultimately saved lives and improved the quality of life in rural hamlets, port towns, and urban centers. All kinds of modern reforms from how development is planned to how buildings are built came from this disaster. Granted, our current situation is more complex. Our speed in mobility and global access has exposed real weaknesses in our health care system, our food supply, the supply chain, mobility patterns, information systems, open space networks, air quality, the sharing economy, and more.

So, in the light of the moment, I offer a few provocations for planners and urbanists to contemplate toward real societal benefit.

  1. Old School ‘Edibles’: in WWII, private victory gardens built and maintained next to people’s homes produced 40% of all the fruits and vegetables consumed by US citizens. Just when it appears that more Americans are going back to growing more of their own food, our leaders are encouraging us to order more drive-thru fast food. With 4 in 10 Americans considered obese already, is this the right message? As we rely to a greater degree every day on the global supply chain for seemingly everything, what can be done to improve our food insecurity? In addition, by 2050, US farmers will have to produce 70% more in order to accommodate the 2.2 billion more people in the world.  Has the time come for us as a nation to get serious about vertical farming, food coops, and community supported agriculture? There are huge opportunities. Because of LA’s notorious sprawl, a staggering 14%, more than 70 square miles, of LA’s land area is dedicated to surface parking. With car ownership less and less a priority for urbanites, can at least some of this parking be used for food production? In a recession, urban farming might be a great way to keep people working until the nation gets back on its feet.
  2. Breathe Easy: Urbanist Jan Gehl talks eloquently about the importance of the human scale to the vitality of cities. His points have less to do with the height of buildings, and much to do with how humans use buildings. Much of his thinking focusses on human needs; their ability to interact with the street, have access to light, air, and views. But often important points are missed in his arguments; 1) people need to collaborate to get work done effectively; 2) different people collaborate differently; and cities accommodate that difference better than any other built form.  With our current situation, some will thrive in a virtual environment, others will still need some amount of in-person interaction. Perhaps the future will combine some percentage of both, with office buildings acting as collaborative hubs and WFH being a place for focused singular tasks. Still the office building has significant challenges moving forward. for example elevator cabs (push buttons for floors) will need to be rethought. Studies link air quality to worker productivity; increasing access to fresh air can improve performance. Integrating green walls both improves air quality and the psychology of workers. There also seem to be regional differences that might a have a fundamental impact to development in the future. Many West Coast tech companies especially are seeing and predicting precipitous declines in office use employing aggressive WFH policies. Perhaps neighborhood based collaborative spaces will pop up for use by private companies on an as needed basis.
  3. Community Connection: in the 1920s, Clarence Perry and Clarence Stein did ground breaking work showing how the neighborhood unit could be designed to provide all the essentials of urban life within a five minute walking distance; a place to live, essential shopping, recreation, community and educational services. Today, almost 80% of Americans shop online, at retailers such as Amazon and even stores such as Target and Walmart. However, people are currently waiting for staples such as toilet paper, bleach, hand sanitizer, and even masks to be delivered on back order. What happened to the neighborhood convenience store? Issues are typically linked to the prohibitive cost of real estate along commercial corridors, and free market dynamics, where the perceived convenience of online shopping is strong. However in a pandemic when everyone has the same idea to shop online, is it really more convenient? Studies have shown that local retailers are important to maintaining social cohesion and a sense of local community. To their credit, some industrious restaurants are converting their dining rooms into bodega style markets providing staples in addition to take out food. I think we will see a resurgence in this type of local neighborhood market as more people are choosing to WFH. What other elements will we need to think about as people are looking to their local neighborhoods to provide entertainment, community connection, and a place for self-expression? Areas such as Hayes Valley in San Francisco and Abbott Kinney in Venice glimpses of what a local and authentic community oriented public space might look like. One thing is clear in these areas; parking is not a primary concern to their success. People either walk, ride bikes, park on the street or at a friends house. The anchor draw is primarily community connection - the desire to be part of a 'tribe'.  
  4. A Park Outside your Door: When the Olmsted firm designed a bold open space plan for Los Angeles  in the 1930s; our large regional park network was established preserving large natural land features (Santa Monica Mountains, Griffith Park, and beaches) as public open spaces in perpetuity. In fact, LA has more open space than many comparable large cities . However, our open space network is mostly large clumps of area causing people to overpopulate regional parks especially on evenings and weekends. In response, our Mayor closed down all LA regional parks last week because too many people where not practicing social distancing. This can be explained when we look at the combination of open space and public streets together as a percentage of overall land area in cities. When comparing the composite percentage to other major cities, LA actually ranks quite low. By contrast, cities like New York hover nearer to the ideal percentage of between 45 and 50%. Smaller blocks with wider sidewalks make public spaces more numerous, safer and easier to access. The pandemic has exposed just how over designed our streets are for single use cars. Many Angelenos have rekindled their love of biking through the CicLAvia events put on during the weekends throughout the year, which shut down key streets for bike traffic only. Perhaps it’s time to rethink our street network in LA for at least portions of the week as ‘shared use’ parkways that encourage a variety of modes and activities (peds, bikes, soccer games, etc.). Making certain streets car free at least for portions of the day is an idea New York is instituting through a pilot program for daytime use as linear parks. It would have the multiple benefits of providing active alternatives to using regional parks for recreation, while providing viable alternatives to automotive mobility.
  5. Cleaner Air and Healthy Commutes (for good): Studies show that poor air quality is a major contributor to the spread of the virus, especially to those with compromised respiratory systems. In 19 of the last 20 years, the American Lung Association has listed Los Angeles as the smoggiest city in the United States. However because of Shelter in Place, LA will see to see the third straight week of clean air on Monday. Already, many are seeing less cars on the road as having real health benefits; but this is not the way we want to get to cleaner air. The shutdown has caused an economic crisis that will prove to be our first recession in twelve years, causing massive unemployment, and untold emotional and financial stress to our communities. However, with a get it done mayor  like ours, I see it as an opportunity to reposition LA and change its perception as a smoggy and expensive city to a post-recession investment hub with unique opportunities for start ups and families. To that end, I think there is a real opportunity to invest now in cycling infrastructure as an alternative form of mobility in the City. I say this for a few reasons; first, our social / physical geographies; our decentralized land use patterns and flatness of the basin make LA a natural. Second, our people; with so many now working from home, many will want to incorporate more physical activities into their daily routines. Third- the near perfect weather we enjoy all year round promotes it. The primary barrier is safety. A robust cycling infrastructure would provide a viable alternative to major shared use mobility corridors such as Venice Boulevard which are notoriously unsafe except in pockets where Pilot projects  like the Great Streets Initiative have proven to increase safety and add real estate value. Granted, much needs to be done to improve our waterways as public amenities, but they can certainly be put into service in the short term as-is as mobility corridors for bikes and scooters. In fact, portions of the LA River and Ballona Creek are already being used that way. For long haul commuters, biking in LA can be time consuming. To that end, Copenhagen has incorporated a green wave system that coordinates traffic lights for cyclists and allows them to keep moving without stopping while maintaining a moderate speed 12 mph clip all the way into the center city. These bike - friendly strategies would well position LA in the post-recession economy to attract progressive and smart companies looking to relocate or expand (by the way it will improve the quality of life for locals already here as well).


Of course, all of these issues are interconnected. If it wasn't clear that urban planning is significantly about the design of systems, it should be to all of us now. Those systems can either promote, or hurt, health and wellness in our communities. For a variety of reasons, we have created an urban fabric and a system of behaviors that are worthy of reconsideration and perhaps redefinition. The one thing that planners cannot do is absolve themselves from taking responsibility for proposing some workable and common-sense solutions. What kind of future city do we want? Let’s not let this disaster go to waste.



西南大学地理科学学院 - 讲师,博士,注册城市规划师

4 年

Hi,Dr. Cherry. I am Xinyi Xiang from Southwest university,Chongqing,China. I wrote a letter to you via the website of Urban-rx about 10 days ago. Hope you receive it, and I am looking forward to your reply.

Ryan Sickman, P.E.

Global Director of Sports; Principal at Gensler

4 年

Solid article Nate!

Brian Cornell

Supervisor of Campus Development and Planning, The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory

4 年

Nate: Great narrative. Your thoughts provide a proactive approach forward, with or without a Covid complicated world. Regards, Brian

Kieron Hunt

Planning Studio Lead - FBM, Board Member of Council for Canadian Urbanism and North End Business Association and

4 年

Brilliant and eloquent as always Nate. I can always count on you to provide true value and articulate ideas that are relevant in Canada too. Stay healthy my friend

Cody Clark

Principal /Office Director at RSM Design: LA

4 年

Thoughtful and insightful read... as always. Thanks Nate



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