Don’t let debt collectors or anyone trying to collect money from you harass you.
Paul Schumann
we help developers build tracts of homes in record time and under budget. We can also build high-rise apartments and office buildings. We can settle your debts and bring in new money from private money sources.
There are laws against it. What law is it that protects consumers? The fair debt collections practices act set the rules for debt collectors and creditors how they must interact with you. Violating these laws can get them In deep trouble.
So, what are they not allowed to do that can cause you trouble and distress. Debt is a private matter and they cannot tell anyone else who they are and why they are calling unless it is the debtor themselves. No, they cannot talk to your boss or your neighbors or anyone else in that matter. They cannot even embarrass you through the mail by putting debt collector or any information on the outside of the letter or postcard. It is forbidden. They cannot use anything that shows they are a debt collector to harass you into paying because the idea of embarrassment. It is forbidden and do not let them get away with it. They can be sued, and you can collect against them. They have specific times when they can call you and violation can get them in trouble and the hours are between 8 am and 9pm.
So how do you get them to stop calling you? Part of the law is how to stop calls. You can write them a letter and request never to be contacted again by phone only in writing and always request the debt be validated. This needs to be done when they first call. Again, in writing. They can only call you one more time to inform you that you will not be called again. Now this is not true of the original creditor, they can call many more times. This is only for debt collectors.
Now, this is of critical importance. At no time do you ever say this is my debt or yes that is correct anything that ties you to that debt. Why something called the statute of limitations which can be used against them to stop them dead in their tracks. In California, it is 4 years from the date of the last payment. This is important because they will try and trick you into paying them even $10 to keep from taking action. A total lie. It restarts the time clock back to zero. And never admit to anything as it can also restart the clock.
If you have further questions and you are being harassed or just need guidance call me at 760 726 4228