Don't Let Anyone Dim Your Light
Nothing can dim the light that shines within us. But that doesn’t mean people won’t try. Today let’s give some thought to the people in our lives and the effects each person has on our mood. Some people never fail to lift our spirits. Energy is contagious, and when we see loved ones we feel our spirits soar. Just the thought of certain people will bring a smile to our face. But there are certain other people who have the opposite effect. Seeing them tends to bring us down. They are a drag to our spirits and mood.
Take an inventory of your circle of friends. It might be time to tighten your circle. Looking back on our lives, we see that we outgrew certain people. We no longer had enough mutual interests, or maybe our dreams just took us in another direction. That’s all right. We are not here to please others and they’re not here to please us. But we’d be foolish to continue hanging with people or in places that drag our spirit down. Disconnect from negative people and watch how your life improves. You will feel better and achieve more once you shed the weight of negativity. Life is too short to stress over people who don’t deserve to be part of your life. A positive life is a process. Part of that process is moving away from people who dull our shine. Are you surrounded by people who make you feel good?
You don’t have to be who anybody else wants you to be. You are free to be whomever you want to be. Move forward with your encouragers, and ditch the toxic discouragers.