DON'T be lazy
Email graphic from @Ticketmaster

DON'T be lazy

So today I received an email from @ticketmaster with the subject line: Exclusive Chippendales presale offer!

So I’ve never bought tickets to the Chippendales show.

I am on the list for tickets purchased to shows at the Ameristar Casino, so I understand how a lazy marketer could pull the list of ‘everyone who purchased a ticket for an event at Ameristar’.

But with a tiny/small/minuscule amount of effort, the marketer could have asked a couple of questions:

  • Should we segment our list by age? 
  • By gender? 
  • Maybe by the types of shows previously purchased?
  • Or most importantly, is now, in the midst of the biggest global health event in our lifetime, when we send this? 

Now is not the time to put your brains to sleep. It’s not the time to take advantage of the situation.

Maybe I'm cynical, but I’m surprised I’ve not gotten the 19% off everything for a promotional tie-in to Covid-19…

The bottom line, we are communication professionals. Yes, our lives are affected by the current global pandemic, but this is when we need to not go into just do it mode.

Regardless of the client or agency side, we need to ask ourselves what do our customers need to know? What can we do to help? Do we have a plan that we can share on how our business will react/change/respond?

We have clients who are not experiencing business interruptions, but others are fearing the worst and pulling back. So there isn't an easy solution, we simply need to be the professional communicators and solution providers we are.

Be safe out there.



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