Don't be intimidated by VR wires or the cost. It's totally worth it.

Don't be intimidated by VR wires or the cost. It's totally worth it.

The price you pay for your mobile phone and service plan (the device that gives you rapid access to the world's information is not free.

At the end of 2 year phone plan. look at what you paid for that phone and service. It is easily double the cost of a simple VR setup like Sony's Playstation VR.

A device that gives you access to EXPERIENCE.

PSVR It's a simple plug and play, click x to start system that gives you instant access to Experience. Any Experience. You see, VR isn't just for video games, you can watch 360videos on them , including YouTubeVR. That's a very trivialized yet highly overlooked feature.

A moment in time captured with a 360 camera, preferably in 3d and at least in 4k resolution, is a moment that can be shared with another or relived at a future date. You can be immersed in recorded video experience (or even a live one!) that even let's you Pause and Rewind!.

The bandwidth consumption is high, I won't deny it, but the ability to experience nearly anything, anywhere (google streetview/earth is awesome) means the younger generation will grow up having both information and global travel and experience in their pockets and available at anytime. Need to learn how to do something?, take a quick VR workshop video class. It's like the Matrix. It's simple, Easy and very affordable. Don't let the wires intimidate you. It's worth it.


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