Don't Intentionally Mess Up Any Generation!
This sniped image below is hilariously very funny and makes a light moment of a precarious situation if it becomes widely true.
The reality of this above scenario eventuating is scary. A dysfunctional generation is created who will eventually serve the teacher and current politicians in our retirements (and perhaps the next two generations after us).
Imagine going to the hospital and putting your trust in one of the known 'stupid' pupils to treat us in their capacity as the doctor. Will we have faith in the system that produced that doctor?
Imagining the consequences in this vicious cycle of what-goes-around-comes-around is scary.
We pay now (the teachers' their dues) or we will all pay later but many times over.
Now on a much serious note let's consider the generation of PNGns that have been messed up by having tempered with our education system from Standard Based Education (SBE) to Outcome Based Education (OBE) and now trying to go back to SBE system. Refer to the 30th May 2018 article below from PNG Loop by Cedric Patjole where the GoPNG of PMPO was taking steps to revert back to the SBE system.
So we are reverting back to the SBE system after unsuccessfully trialing the OBE system. I think it will take another generation to recover but the damage is done and we will have to live with it. Decision makers should now realise that when making decisions, there will always be consequential effects costs. We pay then or we pay now but many times over either directly or indirectly.
Why did we wanted to fix something that wasn't broke? Are we now paying the price of that past decision?
Also we keep making fun of our current university students and especially on their writing and comprehension skills and their inability to express and articulate themselves well. The sad and scary reality is that the future of this country belongs to them (i.e. the present university students as well as all current students in schools in PNG today) and we will be part of their future in our old age. I think we did not pay then (i. e. say no to OBE) so we are paying now but many times over.
We have messed up a generation who will mess us all up in our old age. This is the price we will have to now pay for lack of foresightedness in introducing the OBE system and messing up a generation of PNGns.