Don't have what to write about? FREE IDEAS!

Don't have what to write about? FREE IDEAS!

Professionals know that they need to spend some time writing to get their message out. Especially with technology these days, it is so easy to write up a message and post it on the internet. You can get people to find you on search engines and social media and further your goals and get the exposure you need to succeed.

Its easy to write about an idea when you are super excited about it.

The problem people face is that they are stuck, they don't have what to write about. Its easy to write about an idea when you are super excited about it. When you sit down to write, you might find that you are not excited about the process of writing.

Guess what, you are a normal person, it's not exciting to write for most people, just like its not exciting to be an outbound telemarketer for most people.

I recently read about someone who described writing as bleeding, you need to bleed on to the page in order to be able to write. No one likes to bleed and those pesky mosquitoes that suck your blood and leave a mark are not fun either.

James and Joe talk about why its so hard to write.. 


Writing is hard work but once you pass the first mile, which means actually making the time to sit there and write, you will feel better pumping out some content. Its kind of like running, the first mile always sucks, it’s hard to get over that hump. Once you pass the first mile it usually gets easier. As a matter of fact, when you pass mile three, that is when it really starts to get easy but you will be sweating buckets at that point and feeling amazing. Most people quit after half a mile thinking that they can't do it, it's too hard.

Writing great content will make you sweat buckets and most people do not know that secret.

Writing great content will make you sweat buckets and most people do not know that secret. I have heard that over and over again from the people who put out best selling books. You need sweat, blood, tears and you need to be vulnerable. Blah content is just blah and it's not exciting. Not for the person writing it and not for the person reading it. Do you want to be just blah or do you want to be amazing?

Here are 5 tips to find exciting to write about so you can get writing today!

  1. What questions do you constantly get asked. About your life, about your business, about your hobbies. Think about the last time someone asked you a question, write that down. If you are not sure ask the people around to to ask you a questions and write them down. You might be excited to answer some of those questions and that is where you can start.
  2. What questions do you have for yourself? Yes, I told me kids that is perfectly normal to speak to yourself and to even speak to God. The problem begins when you hear God speaking back to you. Then you need to get yourself checked out. Speak to yourself, ask yourself ten questions before you begin writing and the one that makes you excited is the one you should write about.
  3. Read and look for things that excite you, that throw you off a bit, that make you angry. There is always something in the news that makes me upset. Find those things that create emotions, that might be a calling to write about those topics or something connected to that in the area that you want to write about. Sometimes I look at quotes from famous authors and celebrities and find the ones that stand out to me. Othertimes I look at advertisements and see the ones that speak to me. You need to get inspired and the way to do that is to search for inspirational things and allow yourself to feel it, then remember to document it.
  4. Create a freestyle video of yourself speaking. Do not edit the video, do not prepare for the video. Just speak to the video for 5 minutes straight. Can you speak for 5 minutes to the wall about your business, family, personal, hobbies, things you need to do, things you wish you did, the things you would tell yourself if you can speak to your 23 year old self. After you create the video, watch it. Yeah, I know how painful that sounds but its not as painful as not having ideas to write about. Its not as painful as looking at an empty document and stabbing yourself with a fork because you just have writers block.
  5. Go for a really long walk. I am talking two hour or more. Walking puts you in a state of meditation that actually induces ideas. Walk alone and think about your problems, think about the problems of others. Think about the future and about the past. Think about the mark you want to leave in this world. Think about the message you want to send to others. Think, think and think and something will pop into your mind which will energize you. When that happens text someone, leave yourself a voice note or take a photo that reminds you about what got you excited. That will get you some great ideas to help you write things that excite you and other people.

If you did all those things and you still don't have one thing to write about, go see a therapist. They can help you work out your issues. Go with an open mind and see what emotional issues are not allowing you to create and give back to the world. Let me warn you, not all therapists were created equal, follow your gut. If they ask you how that makes you feel every time you say anything, leave! Find someone who can have a normal conversation with you and is adding value to your life. Find someone who you can call a coach instead of a therapist. I personally have a writing coach and she really helps open my mind.

Now its your turn, what are some things that you can do to get writing? Comment in the box below and let know your tips, tricks, questions.

Here is a challenge for you. Write down in the comments what you will be writing about now that you have these tips, send me the article once you write it, I would love to read it!

BIO: Joe Apfelbaum is the CEO and co-founder of digital marketing agency Ajax Union. He is a public speaker, certified Google Trainer, and published business author. Joe enjoys speaking and writing about a broad range of business topics in his seminars, webinars and articles. Joe is a member of the Board of Directors of the Entrepreneurs Organization in Brooklyn, a group with over 11,000 CEO’s and a contributing member of the INC Business Owners Council, a community of the fastest growing companies in the United States. Joe is proud of all his accomplishments, but most of all he is proud of his successful foodie wife and beautiful four kids.


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