Dave Clare
I help leaders and business owners evolve the world of work. Is your organisation ready to evolve? Are you?
Our business exists to evolve leaders and businesses to stay relevant.
In this issue of the #INNERCIRCLE, we are going to be looking at the most recent collapse and what you can do to avoid a similar fate.
No matter which way you say it, BlackBerry has been Blockbustered.
Another major company with all the resources, talent, money couldn't stop itself from growing out of business. Perhaps it was arrogance or a lack of innovation or fear of cannibalizing their existing cash cow? Whatever it was, BlackBerry's inability to disrupt the market, let alone keep up with it has seen it pull the plug on all its operations.
A focus on doing more of the same for more of the same saw a lack of increasing capabilities, lack of innovation, and lack of anticipating its client's future needs and the ultimate demise of the business. It became irrelevant to its customers.
GROWTH: Being more (of what you are for more)
EVOLUTION: Become more (progressively increasing your capabilities and capacity for greatness)
If you don't want to become irrelevant, fade off into obscurity or grow out of business, then be open to reimagining your business. If you want to evolve and stay relevant in the hearts and minds of the people you choose to serve, you must anticipate the future needs of your clients (and perhaps who your future clients will be). Not only do you need to reimagine your strategy in 2022, but we urge you to reimagine how you think about strategy first, then reimagine a new strategy for your business.
"Are you waiting for another business to come along and rub your nose in a future you were destined to own?
- a Clarism
Business is a series of evolutions...what's the next evolution of your business?
In case you missed it, we ran our FREE training on how to get 2022 off to a #fast start. The live session had some technical difficulties, so we have re-recorded the session. You can watch the recording here:
Type #FAST in the comments and we'll make sure you get the workbook too!
“You may say I’m a dreamer…”
… and if evolution is steady, progressive improvement of capabilities increasing our capacity for greatness, then when does investing time in an environment/with people that allow us to expand and DREAM become a super important precursor to all strategy, all business, all results-focussed behaviour?
Phew, that was a big sentence.
What if space to think, be, feel, IMAGINE – that glorious place on the golf course, in nature noticing the intricacies of life, swimming, singing, dancing, running, cooking, whatever that is to YOU…
… is the key to RE-discovering our purpose, RE-membering who the heck we are?
Could this actually be the most effective and aligned vibration in which to then, and only then, move more-ward with RE-imagining our strategies?
And is it possible that we knew the path all along?
Made clear not by another thing ‘to do’, rather the space to… be?
Written by Leadership Coach - Lisa Ferguson
ReImagine Strategy For The Next Normal
If 2020 didn't teach us anything, then 2021 should have. We won't be going back to "normal", there won't be a "new normal", there will just be the NEXT NORMAL.
Are you prepared for that?
Ideally, this #newsletter is for you. Yeah, we might share the odd humble brag, but its intent is to add value and inspire more purpose-driven leadership around the world. If you have a question on a relevant leadership, culture, or strategy topic, please ask and we will provide our insights.
Attorney At Law at CIVIL COURT CASES
2 年??????
Indigenous Led Economic Development - Regional & Remote Western Australia
2 年#FAST It was only last year that I stopped thinking about 'changing a strategy' as a sign of weakness. Reimagining how a team can move towards it's vision has me excited for the future. #Teams who consistently question why they are doing what they are doing will develop a collective resilience. Whereas those who don't, may build robust and efficient systems, but will find it more difficult to bounce back when they are struck by a shock to the system.
Director at Jasmine Health Care
2 年#FAST thank you
Build an Outstanding Leader Experience and Legacy | Succession Ready | Leadership, Culture & Performance Harmonised | Highly Engaged Teams | Using a LeaderToolkit | AI Adoption | Sustaining People - Planet - Profit |
2 年#Fast Excellent presentation Dave Clare. Great to see your FAST execution in action.
DER BUNTE VOGEL ?? Internationaler Wissenstransfer - Influencerin bei Corporate Influencer Club | Wirtschaftswissenschaften
2 年Thank you Dave Clare - welcome ????