Don't Go Out of Your Way
If not for the coronavirus I never would have contemplated a return to Golden Corral. One of the more famous "One and done" restaurants; a lesser experience made me not want to return. After Covid I have a strange desire to assist restaurants still in business.
My lone visit was on a Sunday night. It was too crowded and far from relaxing. Since this was long ago the staff would be different and hopefully the experience would improve.
Think again. It worked to my advantage not to have to pay before eating. I was supposed to seat myself and a server would take my drink order. As I waited there were many tables with cash strewn across them waiting to be cleaned.
It's nice someone left a seven dollar tip. Shouldn't they have folded it and placed it under a plate instead of acting like they were making it rain? The atmosphere was unappetizing. Staffing might be a factor. I don't want to open my meal staring at dirty dishes.
It's like checking into a hotel with an unmade bed. By the time a server spotted me, longer than expected to wait, I checked out the buffet. Nothing looked good. The chicken seemed alright. Everything else looked as unappetizing as the dining area.
I did not visit the bathroom. A classic rule of thumb is the kitchen is as clean as the bathroom. If one is neglected the other probably is as well. As unsightly as the dining area was and with food that looked undercooked: two colleagues who were not together came down with food poisoning this week.
Not wanting to be the third I exited without dirtying a plate. There were more than enough dirty plates in plain view. I exited feeling better because there are options at home that are better.
When a restaurant inspires you to cook it is not a good situation. The fact I drove a little out of the way to visit this establishment reminded me that not every restaurant deserves your business. If they cannot clean up for the next patrons they probably do not care about your business, either.