Don't go dark in Holiday Media, Charlie Brown!
Jenn Barbee
Tourism Alchemist ? I rewire travel and hospitality brands for the Age of Transformation—and sneak in wellness and anti-burnout magic so your team doesn’t lose its collective mind.
The natural inclination for many brands, both consumer product and tourism is to reign back media and social interaction during the holiday season. Consumer brands have staff time-off issues, and destinations tend to pull back on media buys, feeling it's shoulder season and visitor attention is pulled elsewhere. But, statistics show that with holiday time (yes, even on Thanksgiving and Christmas), visitor usage spikes! You know, you've heard Uncle John's "raccoon attack" story 17 Thanksgivings in a you pop on Facebook and see what's going on, or you try to crush your candy crush score (in app ads!).
Here's how you can realign your buying power and gain market-share when your neighbor poo-poos this tactic.
- Hyper Social Engagement. It's no fun talking to yourself on Social Media, brand banter opportunities to win fan affection is at an all time high. If your SM staff has time off, use a contractor who understands the nuance of your brand to effectively engage with your audience. It's also a good time to test new voices. With in-house SM teams, it's easy to just push the brand's priorities; an outside player can help tease out and understand your audience's wants! Remember your 80/20 rule.
- Buy media you normally could't afford. There's no secret that the CPM is rising daily with online media, because it's effective and now everyone has joined the party(Ask me how hard it was to convince brands to buy into online media 20 years ago when first to market really mattered!). Because there are less buyers, costs realign and buying opportunities abound.
- Test unique creative you don't want to waste in high season. When your competitors are outspending you for summer vacation attention, every image and story is critical to the click. During brand awareness campaigns in Holiday time, it's a perfect story opportunity to try that pop culture campaign you love.
- Gain market-share. We know internet usage doesn't wane during this time, but your competition isn't convinced. Time to do a lil' gauntlet throwing and steal their boyfriend...err, visitor. This is a perfect opportunity to get aggressive in fun messaging and convert the competition's buyer to you!
- Last minute Holiday Travel is a thing. This advice specifically for my destination friends. It may historically be your shoulder season, but what unique assets can you market for the people who don't take vacation time, but have holiday days-off and an itchy wanderlust? If you tell me, November and December are always running 60% occupancy...I'm going to challenge you and ask - "How do you know it couldn't be 75%?"
I urge you to ramp up when others are ignoring their audience, challenge yourself to change history. Remember, it's question popping season too; get those brides-to-be to drool over you while they are planning wedding and honeymoon like their life depends on it. Trust me, every girl engaged has their whole new married life planned faster than you can say Pinterest!
I'd love to know how your brand is taking advantage of the Holiday season, drop me a note and I might feature it in my upcoming blog site!
Good luck to all, it's an Internet jungle out there!