Don't Give Up!
Sonya Janisse
Holistic Health Coach From Overwhelmed to Unstoppable: Holistic Coaching for Women Who Want it All. Ready to Feel Like Yourself Again? Let's Connect.
Dear friends,
Don’t give up
I know you might be sick of constantly saying "no" to all of the foods you actually like and instead, force-feeding yourself the good-for-you foods that you can eat a bucket load of and still want that carton of french fries. You may want to quit and ceremoniously burn your workout and food logs.
You may feel like you're working so hard but left feeling sore, sweaty, and exhausted…and still not at your goal weight or fitness level. It just doesn’t feel worth it anymore.
I get that love-hate relationship with the scale. Loving it one minute when it shows you have lost two-tenths of a pound and then wanting to throw it out the window the next when it tells you, after a day of celery sticks and endless squats, that you gained a pound (even after going to the bathroom and taking off every item of clothing, right down to your hair tie)!
It is so incredibly frustrating to put so much time and effort into this healthy lifestyle stuff and not see the results. I know you are tempted to just throw in the towel altogether. If it’s not even working, what’s the point of putting yourself through the misery?
From someone who has witnessed hundreds of Fresh Approach Fitness members losing weight and getting fit time and time again, I am here to tell you…
Don’t give up. I’m not going to lie to you... the hard days are probably not over. Some days will be fantastic! You will crush every goal and feel like you can conquer the world! And some days you will spend curled up on the couch binge-watching TV shows in your baggiest pair of sweatpants feeling irreparably fat with a carton of ice cream and a bag of chips in your lap.
When you give in to temptation and eat all the chocolate to feed your cravings, still don’t give up. I don’t care how much you ate of the bad stuff yesterday— you can get back on track today. Yesterday did not undo all of your efforts until now. Don’t feel like it was all for nothing because it wasn’t.
Everything counts.
Every time you’ve chosen veggies over french fries, every time you’ve decided to get out and walk when you wanted to stay parked on the couch watching Netflix, every time you’ve opted for water instead of soda…every single one of those moments matter. And those moments add up in ways that you can’t always see. Your weight alone doesn’t tell you how your cholesterol has improved, your muscle mass has increased, or how many more stairs you can walk up now without getting out of breath. It doesn’t celebrate the fact that you can blow dry your hair without your arm getting tired anymore or lift that huge bag of dog food with ease that you used to have to drag onto your cart.
Celebrate every single one of those victories…and don’t give up. (((Check out my new FB group Celebrate Everything)))
Don’t let the scale define your worth or dictate your mood anymore. You get to feel good about yourself, even when that number stays in place or increases. You are more than your weight. No matter what number is glaring at you on the scale today, it does not get to dictate your future. Whether you are 18 or 88, you still have the power to change the direction of your life and your health, starting (again) today and continuing into our next month’s challenge which is starting in just a few days.
As much as I wish I could tell you that eating and exercising perfectly today will make you lose weight by tomorrow, that’s just not the way this works. It’s not an overnight fix. It’s a journey and a learning process. It takes time and patience and consistency, but it will happen.
If you haven’t found what works for you just yet, don’t stop looking. Don’t stop trying new things. Don’t stop exercising and eating your vegetables, even when you don’t see your body changing on the outside. Just don’t stop.
Have a rest day, let yourself make mistakes, but don’t you dare give up on yourself. Show yourself as much grace and compassion you offer to everyone else. You can do this and you will do this if you just keep going. You are capable of so much more than you think you are.
Don’t give up yet. Don’t give up ever. You’ve got this.
"Don't give up. Often it's just when you're ready to give up that your miracle arrives!"
~ Sonya xo
PS – It’s time to get started on your journey. Stay connected, motivated and inspired every step of the way
From Mindset -> Movement, take CONTROL of your nutrition, eat according to your goals and stretch yourself to the limit. Whether you want to get in shape for that beach vacation, train for that marathon, build muscle or simply avoid the dreaded weight gain!
You’ll learn how to actually eat according to your goals; there are no arbitrary foods that are "OFF LIMITS!"
And the best part, your Smiling Reflection!!! Happiness is so worth it!
Here is my 3 part Getting Started Guide.
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