Don’t Get Stung! Remember the Media Be’s!
Needless to say I’ve had a lot of recent reminders from friends and colleagues that I’ve been doing the whole public affairs and communications “thing” for quite a while. I guess time, like gravity catches up with you but it also offers some great lessons too.?
Recently I had a friend ask me about “lessons learned” when engaging news media and what advice I would offer to someone getting ready for a media interview.? That got me to be thinking (which can fun and dangerous depending on the day ??).? There are certainly lots of worthy courses and training sessions someone should consider if they really want to be successful with media interviews but for me there are five “Media Be’s” to keep in mind so you don’t get stung.
Be yourself – Never be something you aren’t. Fake will always be found out.? Pretending to be an expert in something you’re not, just to get your name in print, or “out there” is never going to pay off.
Be prepared – Know your stuff. Do the homework; read up on the subject and have content depth to whatever it is you that you talk to reporters about. That type of effort earns and demonstrates respect for reporters and readers. And it makes you and your point that much more credible.
Be aware / on guard – Listen to the entire question. There’s a difference between what a reporter asks, and what you thought was being asked about. This is where the voice of your Mom, or that never forgotten elementary school teacher saying, “Pay attention!” should be heard loud and clear. In listening to the question, it can help you stop from going down a path you don’t want to travel or are not comfortable responding. And only you as the interviewee can make that choice.
Be succinct – Get to the point and don’t waste your time or the reporter’s. Long rambling answers don’t help you in representing yourself or the thought you want to convey. Stem winding answers belong with good story telling, not media interviews.
Be quotable – Think about the line you want to stand out in your conversation.? What is the “A ha!” line that you want to resonate on the topic you are discussing with the media? You should have an idea what that is before you go into an interview. Reporters are looking for that takeaway point that elevates their story – here’s your chance to deliver it.? And if you don’t deliver it, they will find someone else who will.
So what are some of your hints for being ready for media interviews?