Don't get so busy making a living, that you forget to make a life...
Bryan Wilson
Co-Founder of StaffUpApp | Private-Labeled Mobile Staffing Platform (SPaaS) to Dominate Your Market
A.K.A. - The best life advice is found written on cabin walls...
Its important to always remember WHY you are working so hard, each and every day.??
Building a business is freaking hard work.?It demands SO much of your time and attention, each and every day.?It demands many nights and weekends as well.?But its necessary to build something great.??Anyone who tells you otherwise is either lying or delusional.??
The little sacrifices you tend to make to get a deal across the line.?The "small" things you might miss here and there in the name of building your business or hitting your goals...??
Its all necessary, because "Doing the work" is the only way to build the thing you're trying to build.??
Yet if you're anything like me, sometimes you get so caught up in the work part, that you forget WHY you wanted to build this thing in the first place!?Especially if you love what you do, and the people you're doing it with.??
If you can't enjoy the "other" part of your life as much as the work part, you've probably forgot the point of it all.?You might wake up one day and realize you've hit all your financial and business goals, but you've been working so damn hard, you forgot what its like to NOT work!?Worse than that, you might not have the friends or family to enjoy the rewards with.??
The funny thing about building a life, and not just a business, is that life also demands careful planning and consistent effort.?Its not something you should just put off until "later", or for "after you've hit your goals."?Life needs to be actively lived, and actively pursued just as rigorous as your revenue goals at work.??Even if it feels "hard" to make that happen.??
Two years ago, while starting two different software businesses at the same time (don't ask!), my wife and I decided we needed to make some bold moves.?Professionally, what I was starting, along with my business partners Rick Richard & Chris Richard , was so incredibly exciting and needed in the world of Staffing.?It was something that I absolutely HAD to do, and we knew it was going to take an incredible amount of my time.??
At the same time in my personal life, my son was being home schooled, and we get so much joy and fulfillment out of traveling and being on the open road.?Seeing new things, being in nature, and just switching things up.???
So instead of deferring one for the other, we found a way to do both!??We sold our home, built out a van, got Starlink, and started traveling full time.??
Is building businesses while traveling easy??Definitely not.??Is it worth the hassle???Absolutely!??
We traveled for about 6 months last summer, and I loved every second of it.??As winter approached, we settled back down into a normal house which we still have, and where I'm writing this post from now.??
But from the picture that accompanies this post, you can see that the sense of adventure is creeping back in, and the mountains are yet again calling my name.??
We've hit a new level with our businesses, and its demanding even more of my time than before.?I'm loving every second of it, even though it kicks my ass most days!??
But I'm really happy that despite the insane hours I might work to build something great, I always remember WHY I'm working so hard.??
Even if I end up failing in business (unlikely!), I won't look back 10 years from now, wishing I wouldn't have deferred my life until later.??
The time to build that thing is now.?The time to live your life is ALSO now.??You CAN do both.??Whatever that looks like to you.??
Human Resource Professional
5 个月Beautifully said!
I build partner ecosystems that drive revenue and enterprise value | Stanford MBA
5 个月Both. And. - great advice and a needed perspective. Thanks Bryan Wilson for living your best life and sharing it with us all. I need to spend more time reading cabin walls…..
Senior Director of Product (B2B SaaS, AI & Intelligence Amplification)
5 个月Well said Bryan! Not sure I'd quite be able to persuade the wife and family to do similar mind...that said in wholehearted agreement with the sentiment here ??
Simplifying Candidate Communication | Ex-Recruiter | Co-Founder @ Keeyora
5 个月So cool Brian! Where are you planning on travelling to this summer?