Don't get lost in Strategy
Jason Drees
Executive Performance Coach | Mindset Master | Business Leadership Mentor | Author | Entrepreneur | Podcaster | Professional Development Thought Leader
Yes, getting the result you want requires the right strategy. But what happens when no matter what you do, you can’t find the right strategy? You need to look beyond strategy. Because the winning strategy might lie beyond your comfort zone and what you believe to be possible. Tony Robbins puts it best “You need 3 things to create any result in life: State, Story, Strategy.
Do you have the emotional juice in your gas tank to take the action you must take? Do you have the power to make it happen right now?
Your belief structure determines everything about you. It’s a lens on your entire world. What you think, what you do, what action you will consider. Everything you do is controlled (or limited or empowered) by your beliefs. Did you know that beliefs are responsible for the negative emotion you feel on a day to day basis? Do you know that’s possible (and easy) to change them?
Most people spend most of their time focused here. What strategy do I need to take? What is the new idea I must take? I see this constantly in coaching. The problem with strategy alone is that the winning strategy might lie beyond what you believe is possible.
So, what’s next:
- Do not settle for limits in your psychology.
- Commit to owning your State, Story & Strategy.
- Put focus & intention on uncovering your limiting stories. Releasing one will have an immediate, permanent impact.
- Do not accept recurring negative emotion on a day to day basis.
- Identify the source of the negative emotion, trace it to the belief.
- Change the belief in question and replace it with a more powerful belief.
- Let me know if you need help.
Signs of a limiting belief:
- Procrastination
- Distraction
- Apathy (not caring)
- Lowering your standard (settling for a lower goal)