Don’t Gamble with Quality: Schedule an MHR Staffing Assessment To Keep You NCQA Survey-Ready
Managed Healthcare Resources, Inc.
Partnering, guiding and mentoring organizations to achieve successful NCQA accreditation.
By Nancy Ross Bell, RN
Estimated time to read: 3 minutes?
A new calendar year is right around the corner. For many organizations, it also starts a new fiscal year.? As organizations face budgetary constraints, be sure not to short-cut staffing needed to maintain healthcare quality!??
Unless you look at your NCQA survey results, CAHPS scores, or HEDIS measures, quality can sometimes feel invisible in some organizations until it’s time for STARS bonuses or value-based payments to providers where quality hits the bottom line.????
However, quality does not come without the expertise and effort of qualified individuals who are well-trained in NCQA standards.? Before the new calendar year rolls around and you put the final touches on your budget, plan your dollars wisely to ensure you can handle what is needed for your NCQA survey.??
Our advice? Schedule an objective Staffing Assessment to reveal your readiness to meet NCQA requirements.??
Why Staffing Assessments Matter for NCQA?
One unfortunate commonality that MHR sees when consulting is that leaders responsible for NCQA quality accreditation do not have the experience to really know what they need. So what happens? Sometimes, nothing, leading to IT systems not up to par, untrained staff, poor reporting, missed deadlines, mass frustration, corrective action plans, and low survey scores!??
Whether you are preparing for your first NCQA accreditation or a renewal survey, your organization’s success hinges on having the following:??
Is Your Organization Considering Any of the Following??
If yes, then chances are, your staffing will be impacted.???
Where Should You Start???
Barriers to Proper Staffing for NCQA?
Organizations often face three primary challenges:?
Let’s Cut to the Chase??
As a senior leader, you are responsible for ensuring resources are available to do the job.? Don’t put your SMEs in compromised positions because of the lack of planning on your part!??
Put us in touch with your senior leaders who can provide the information; then, we will do the rest.??
MHR Consultants have developed a comprehensive Staffing Assessment process that accompanies our consultation, which aligns organization resources with NCQA requirements.??
Along with MHR’s Consultation, you receive:?
What Are Your Risks of Doing Nothing???
Without? proper staffing for your NCQA survey, organizations risk:?
Call to Action:?
MHR follows a quality review process for all blogs. This blog was written with insights from Kim Carpenter Petit. Please read more about Kim and MHR’s other Independent Consultants at Our Consultants.???
MHR: Driving healthcare quality one NCQA accreditation at a time?