Don't Forget to Show Appreciation
No matter what language you speak, or what part of the world you come from, there is something so incredibly simple you can do that will make you and everyone around you feel incredibly warm and respected.
Say: “Thank you.”
I watch people all the time – it is a hobby of mine. I have lost track of how many people I see that do not thank someone else that has done something for them. Try it yourself. Next time you are in a restaurant, watch and see how many people do not say thank you when their server brings them something, or simply refills their water glass. You will see the server just ‘go through the motions.’
When you see someone who actually shows someone else appreciation, you will see that person’s eyes light up. And the best thing... That energy then spreads everywhere.
This is why one of my leadership tips and reminders, is to always be the bigger person and show everyone in your life how much you appreciate them by simply saying Thank You.
Robert Murray is a Vancouver, BC based?Business Strategy Consultant,?#1 Best Selling Author, and?International Keynote Speaker.