Don't Forget the Love: Building a Fulfilling Life Beyond Business Goals
Katrina Sawa - Speaker, Business Coach for Entrepreneurs
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I wanted to share this because I'm very passionate about helping women entrepreneurs especially, but you men could need this also.... have love-filled lives along with successful moneymaking businesses!
When I was married to my "starter husband", I thought it was forever, just like many of you may have thought or still think. The problem was that I only had the 'training' for relationships from what I saw growing up. People in my family didn't communicate well, they avoided conflict, and then took jabs at each other after pent-up frustration.
So, in that relationship, I did a lot of things wrong. So did he, because we didn't know what we didn't know. We ended up growing apart and wanting different things.
Rather than forcing ourselves to stay in an unhappy and loveless relationship, we decided to split up and go after what we each then wanted after 8.5 years.
It was the BEST decision I made!
We didn't have kids, but I got the dog and he got the cat. ??
Soon after, I mustered up the strength, lost a few pounds LOL, and started dating again....
When I did, I reverted to some old habits. I met a guy who I thought would be "the one" but we weren't right for each other, I didn't handle that one well though... he broke my heart on my 40th birthday!
After a few unsuccessful relationships I decided that maybe I needed to get some support around this? I mean, I hire business coaches to help me grow my business and personal trainers to get in shape at the gym... why not look into some help in the love department!
I had heard about these workshops from some friends over the years in my entrepreneurial circles... called Understand Men with Allison Armstrong. I signed up for my first one which was in LA so I had to travel, get a hotel, do all the things I would happily invest in for my business, but had never invested in for myself and my relationships....
Men, keep reading because this is for you too!
To say I was FLOORED with what I discovered at this workshop is an understatement!!!
I told every woman I knew back then, they had to go to this... there are now a lot more programs for men with Allison's programs.
It changed the way I was thinking about men, relationships, how I was "BEING" in them, what to do differently to get what I wanted but still appreciate them in the way they needed. It was amazing... I signed up for a second course a few months later and then a third one.
What I learned over the course of about 18 months was what led me to my current "Keeper Husband", Jason, today.
My message for you today is a simple one. Everyone needs to hone their relationship skills and work on themselves... in order to create your happiest life ever, even with a successful business too. LOVE helps.
Either you are too accommodating and letting yourself down, being walked on (or doing the walking), or you're not trusting that you deserve more, or you're emasculating your partner like I was or ?? fill in the blank. No matter which sex your partner is or preference is, this is for you.
If you're in a great relationship, awesome. I can guarantee you will still learn a LOT to make it longer lasting and more meaningful.
If you're not or you WANT a great love relationship to enjoy for the rest of your life, then please go check Allison's programs, courses and workshops out. Trust me, it WILL help you in your business too.
When YOU are happier, you will ATTRACT more ideal clients.
When YOU are cherished and loved more, YOU will be your best, you won't procrastinate those things you are now, you won't care who says no to you because you'll believe the yeses will come.
Doing so is NOT helping your business or your life.
I believe to my core that we are all better off with more love in our lives, just as we are with more money in our businesses.
I know this newsletter was a bit "off-topic" today but it's a beautiful day today and as I sit around with my family thinking "I've got it all", I want this for you too, so badly.